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Everything posted by Badfrank

  1. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag

    Tja, jetzt hatts ihn auch erwischt... Alles gute!
  2. Happy Birthday 2

    Happy Birthday ravenclaw_007(50) + Hubertus(25) ! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
  3. Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday to Major Lee(43) and The Crunge(42) !
  4. Whats included in this "Mini Sound Pack"?
  5. 14 years whitout Ayrton Senna

    Definitive one of the greatest! We should also don´t forget Roland Ratzenberger. He died also in Imola, one Day before Ayrton Senna.
  6. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    Everyone i know here wines about the Gas prices... It would be interesting also to know the consumptation of your cars...
  7. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Sieht gut aus!
  8. This download works! Thank you, Mike!
  9. Flugzeugträger

    Kreelins Mission Editor
  10. Alpha-Jet Fragen!

  11. Mhhhh.... Video don´t work.... You should be carefull with too much nuke Power here. Some time ago a known member tested his weapons too much and the result was that CA was down for some days! :yes:
  12. Alpha-Jet Fragen!

  13. Russian Space Shuttle comes to German Museum http://www.technik-museum.de/uk/speyer/ Pics: http://www.museumspeyer.de/highlights/bura...-01-april-2008/ http://www.museumspeyer.de/highlights/bura...-02-april-2008/ http://www.museumspeyer.de/highlights/bura...-03-april-2008/ http://www.museumspeyer.de/highlights/bura...-04-april-2008/ http://www.museumspeyer.de/highlights/bura...-05-april-2008/ http://www.museumspeyer.de/highlights/bura...-06-april-2008/ more Pics sure in the next Days...
  14. Happy birthday to ya!

    Happy Birthday, Guys! :yes:
  15. MiG-29 G Pilot Skin

    Sieht gut aus! Bräuchtest nur noch ein Modell mit nem seitlichen Sauerstoffschlauch dafür...
  16. Nun auch in Deutsch

  17. Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday!<
  18. I know... If i select at the loadout screen no 105 the Plane ingame should wear also no 105. If it shows 205 something is wrong... I don´t want to make a big deal about it, i only want to report it...

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