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Everything posted by rjw

  1. Hauksbee; I have a question for you regarding GMAX. I am currently using SketchUP for modeling and then importing into GMAX for final rendering. That said, I have an issue with poly count (Who doesn't!!). I have a model of a tree which has high poly on the components (trunk and several leaf layers). I would like to lower the poly count globally on each layer instead of having to redraw each leaf and trunk part. Have you had any experience in this kind of thing or know if there is a GMAX feature to do this? I really need to start creating low poly trees and so far have been experimenting with imported models but I need to find a way to propagate leaves quickly without having to draw each individually. Even copy and past of each leaf would be time consuming. If you have any experience with making trees I would appreciate some pointers in these specific areas. I am currently working with Lou and Olham on Boistrancourt and Roucourt. We have made fairly good progress with Roucourt but need the Chateau and cathedral built. We currently have a substitute WOFF cathedral which is far too big. I would also like to replace the stock WOFF trees which are rather poor when rendered in comparison to those auto generated in the sim. I sure would like to have access to the auto generated models. Best Regards;
  2. Now THAT'S a Veteran :)

    That's a new one for me Widow! Tnx
  3. Enemies can become friends

    Widow, what a great photo that captures the moment! When I saw it, my mind began wondering with thoughts of what those two might have been thinking at that moment in time.To have been foes, friends and then back to foes again in such a short time. You can't help but wonder what that moment left in each mans soul as they departed back to their trenches. It's hard to fathom how that impacted them.
  4. I too, have it and could make it available through Dropbox if Jim can't come through with it.
  5. Hauksbee; Congratulations on your progress! You are a better man than I sir! I took a run at the task and failed dismally. It seems I need some really formal training at minimum . Keep up the good fight! It seems you are getting there
  6. Widowmaker? You there?

    Widow shared a passion for the Camel that I also did. I have flown the snipe and although it is not as snappy in turns as the camel, it is a fine craft/
  7. Guess I should add my john henry here as well! Best Regards; John Henry
  8. Hello

    I love bananas too! I have one every day!!
  9. I'm late to this thread. I don't get over to CA much these days, but this thread is great so thanks Olham, Jim and Hauksbee for all the dialogue. I will be watching for the book release Jim.
  10. My thought are that any reference to WOFF shoulb be removed but that the OFF portion should remain. There are still some people flying OFF. I would recommend an entry that points all WOFFers to the new site. I don't think the OFF forum zhojld be taken down until there is no access activity on it or it's download files for 6 months, assuming it can be monitored for access. Just my humble thoughts
  11. File Name: William Barkers Camel B6313 (4 Personal Skins) File Submitter: rjw File Submitted: 15 January 2014 File Category: Aircraft Skins Historical skins for William Barkers Camel B6313 for use in OFF P3 Click here to download this file
  12. Dutch; The MSFFB 2 joystick works in WOFF with no problem. Are you saying it doesn't! It is supported because there is the option to turn it off or on in the Workshop screen. See bottom right corner of the image in the link below: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/57920149/workshop.JPG
  13. Caudron G4 model

    It would be an interesting craft to have in WOFF even for the twin engine capability. I wonder how it would handle in the event one engine failed.
  14. I believe, Generally speaking, I think it is always a mistake to attribute the foibles and characteristics of the few (leaders and decision makers of a nation) to the national character of a nation. It is often true that you are only as good as your leader and that in those times (WW1) most of the general populace were heavily influenced by the authorities that ran the countries. All humans possess the same characteristics and capabilities. It is only through learning/training/indoctrination set out by societal views (often determined by the powers that be in government) that values and beliefs are set in motion and tend to reflect in the characteristics of a nation. Example the city of Sparta and it's warrior culture, The city of Athens and its philosophical and artistic culture. Both attibutable to their laws and values set out by their governing bodies.
  15. bwoc And challenge medal

    From the album WWI Canadian Aces

    Barmy WOFF Officers Club pin and WOFF Challenge 1, 2, and 3 participation medal
  16. Challenge 1,2,3 medal

    From the album WWI Canadian Aces

    Medal for participation in WOFF Challenge 1, 2, and 3
  17. BWOC Badge

    From the album WWI Canadian Aces

    Barmy Officers Club badge
  18. O. T. Some good news

    Typhoon; Are you building this in the Hamilton area? The room looks familiar to me.
  19. Do "Ctrl+alt+del" to get to windows desktop and then launch the "Snipping tool" in the windows accessories folder. This is what I use
  20. Olham; For a man who is always lurking around on the CA or SIMHQ forum, you are conspicuous by your absence Sir! Hope it is some positive situation like making lots of WOFF skins or even better, building your own DVa in your garage. On a less likely alternative, enjoying some well overdue vacation in some sunny climate or out on your motor bike! Hope you are fine
  21. Welcome back. Hope you had a gr8 time
  22. Same wishes from me to Tony. I've seen way too much of the big "C" in my life time and it's way ovedue for some major advances in treatment and cure.
  23. Ordering WOFF soon

    Now the fun begins!!
  24. OFFice for WOFF?

    You can give it a try, but much has changed in WOFF since OFF. Lothar's OFFice was dependant on a lot of specific OFF files so I suspect it won't work. Lothar has not been online for a very long time and I suspect he no longer maintains contact with simhq. Best Regards

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