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Posts posted by rjw

  1. Hi foks;


    I have been following this thread with enthusiasm and have learned quite a bit from all of you


    I have also noticed a change in tone of the recent posts. I know that all of us share similar interest or we wouldn't be posting here.


    Differences of opinion are normal and generate very positive learning experiences if they are respected and kept cordial.

    Personal attacks bring things down a notch and risk future willingness to contribute and share opinion and knowledge.


    Sorry if I seem assumptive, but I value all of your combined input and friendship so please consider my thoughts here.


    Thanks for listening!


    Best Regards to all.

  2. Hi Olham / Erik;


    I too suffered some concern as well during the outage. I looked around some of the other boards in hopes their might be an explanation but none found. I also was surprised that there was nothing said about it after restoration.


    I can say that I was very happy when I was able to finally sign in again.


    Best regards folks;

  3. Yes, very bad, sinister ones!

    A deep shame overcomes me each time I hear of such atrocities done bei German troops.

    I wasn't even born then, but they are/were some of "my" people.

    Not barbaric Huns from Beyond-Mongolia. Not aliens from outer space - my own people.

    Thinking about it makes a thick knot in my throat - every time.

    Olham, there is good and bad in every nation.

    It just so happens that the one who loses the war pays for the atrocities.

    Such things happen on both sides.


    Hopefully our politicians learn from such events although history would prove me wrong!


    All the best mate!

  4. Thanks Olham, Very Nicely done! Your Graphics design background shows through!


    I agree with you that You did this before. I remember seeing it but can't seem to find it now.


    Do you happen to have the GPS coordinates of that sight? IF not I can spend the time to find it.


    Best regards;


  5. Olham;


    Regrding your ? to Shiloh on the number of re-enactors. Check out this official link: www.gettysburgreenactment.com/


    It pretty much defines everything relative to the event.


    I also spent many years as a Civil War buff and visited many of the battlefieds. Gettysburgh is impressive and you can't help feeling the aura of the place when you walk it. It's hallowed ground if you know what I mean.


  6. Erik;


    I for one just want to thank you for keeping the OFF forums up and running. The CA site is by far the best of the two and all my posts and file hosting will continue to be on CA. I consider it my home. That being said, my attention has  been brought to the point that I have been getting all this great service at no lost to me so far. I have always been an advocate of the saying "You get what you pay for in life". That often is more of an ideology than a fact these days, but in the case of CA forums I feel it is time I anti up and so I will be sending funds as contribution for my membership. I can't honestly justify my free ride for ever.


    Erik, from the moment it was announced I felt the move of the 'official' OFF website to SimHQ was a very, very, VERY bad idea.  Not only was it a direct insult to you and the excellent services you had been providing, (and still provide), but it divided an already dwindling community.  I voiced my opinions as an individual but with no results other than to be told this is how it was going to be.  After stopping by the OFF forum at SimHQ to make my presence known I stated that I would still look to these forums as the true OFF community gathering place regardless of what the Brass Hats did.  I don't really visit the 'official' forums at all since shortly after they opened, and truth be told I don't post here much anymore either as we don't appear to be any closer to seeing WOFF released then we were when the devs moved the forums.  The comedy/tragedy is that the reason the devs gave for moving said forums in the first place was because they couldn't afford a lapse of a week at a point when they were so close to releasing their latest project.  Hmmmmm ... how long ago was this brouhaha?  Proof yet again that Einstein was correct; time is relative.


    Two weeks everyone.  :grin:


    Oh, and HELLOOOOOOOOOO Siggi!  Nice to see you mate.  Noticed you've been recently frustrated, (again), by the other WWI combat flight sim whose name must n'er be spoken in these halls.  If we could just take the best both have to offer and meld them into one super sim ... well ... if wishes were fishes we'd all cast nets in the sea.







    Hi Lou;


    It's also good to see you are still here. It's been quie some time since I've seen your posts. Hope all is well with you and yours. Cheers mate!


    p.s. Do you thinks my suggestion re: petition is worth an effort or likely be ignored by OBD?

  8. As long as I've been flying OFF (2 years), I have never had the opportunity to down a 20+ victory ace. Well all that changed over the last few days. My Jasta 5 D.VII pilot, Leutnant Ansel Loebe downed two high-scoring aces in 2 days and almost downed a third.


    It all started with a scrap with RFC-74 and their SE5a Vipers. I fly without visual aids but will quickly turn on labels to see who I'm fighting. When I did I saw "L Grid Caldwell" and was able to down him after a 2 minute fight. He was a 25 victory ace. His boys roughed me up afterwards but I was able to crash-land at Bellevue.


    The next day we met up with some Camels and I latched on to "Cecil Frederick King" from RFC-43 and roughed him up pretty good until my wingman swept in and sawed one of his wings off. I was a bit upset at this since my hard work led to a non-victory but that's the way it goes I suppose. He was a 22 victory ace.


    But then I spotted "Henry Winslow Woollett". I found out later he once downed 6 aircraft in one day. He flew like the devil but I stayed with him and sent him down in flames before too long. I was thrilled to find out he was a 35 victory ace. Not a bad few days for young Ansel Loebe during his first week with Jasta 5.

    First week with Jasta 5?? Me thinks Ansel has more than a few horse shoes protecting his ass!!

  9. I personally think you as "customers" under value your worth. I believe if there was a concise voice by the masses saying you want us we'll be over there --------------->   that's where the developers would go to post their news and keep their audience informed. The decision to follow the devs over there is noble but it's not going to do anything for those that follow. Will they get free copies of WOFF for following them over there? It's such a wishy washy reason to say well we're just going to follow because that's where we're going. The pilots I know chart their own course. Maybe I'm just brave, or stupid, enough to say something but if you want change it has to start somewhere.

    Your point is clear to me now if not to all the other readers and I thank you for that.

    Maybe what we need here is a form of Petition to OBD Software from the clients of their OFF software, in which it is made clear that the OFF community find better value with CA and intend to stay here. Just how successful such a leverage will be is unclear but it needs someone with authority to set it up on the forum in order to have a chance of success; and then it has to be brought to the powers that be in OBD for consideration. It is clear to me they wish to sell their software and maybe it is time for the mountain to listen to mohammed!


    I think all would agree that SIMHQ doesn't come close to providing anything near the effective features that CA does.


    Best Regards;

  10. Don't forget people can support Combat Ace by subscribing. CA certainly deserves it.



    That's a valued comment and I thank you for it, but It's not clear to me that this is the issue Erik is speaking of. Never the less if that is the issue, I for one have no problem honoring it.


    Best Regards;

  11. There won't be any slighting of the OFF community over a decision beyond their control. That was not the intent of my post this morning. The point is there's no loss to the OFF community because I haven't done anything. The forums and downloads are still here and we are still actively promoting OFF, but what is OFF doing for us? That is my entire point.


    To the mention of do unto others ... well that would mean I'd have to just turn it all off and walk away decision made.

    Hi Erik;


    I have been following this thread with interest. I have been a member on your site since 2009 with interest specifically related to OFF. I still rely heavily on your site and it is my primary posting site in matters related to OFF. Since the migration to SIMHQ I started a membership there in order to follow the OFF migration but after experiencing the quality of the SIMHQ site I found it wanting in many areas and I raised questions and suggestions for improvement but nothing has come of it. I still use SIMHQ to stay abreast of anything new that might not make it to the OFF forums on your site CA.


    All that being said, I appreciate your thoughts and the issues you have raised, but It is not clear to me just what exactly you would like to see happen to appease your concerns. Since most of the OFF community is not in a position to actually manifest any change or answer to your concerns, what would you propose as a constructive solution here? 


    Yours Respectfully;

  12. Fonck had the same attitude to air fighting as did McCudden, ie cause the greatest amount of damage to the enemy with the least risk to oneself. And, like McCudden, he deliberately and methodically targeted two-seater aircraft. Having been one himself (with 500 hours to his credit) he knew just how important the role of the two-seater reconnaissance was.


    Again, like McCudden, he often flew alone, high above the lines searching for two-seaters. He could, and often did, score against enemy fighters; but he saw his role as not just a fighter but more as thinker. And that meant depriving the enemy of knowledge. 72% (54 of 75) of his victories were two-seaters.


    As a comparison below are some other notable pilots victories against two-seaters.


    McCudden 45 of 57 - 78%

    Guynemer 37 of 53 - 69%

    von Richthofen 42 of 80 - 52%

    Voss 24 of 48 - 50%

    Nungesser 14 of 43 - 38%

    MacLaren 21 of 54 - 38% (of Winged Victory fame)

    Madon 14 of 41 - 34%

    Mannock 20 of 61 - 32%

    Udet 17 of 60 - 27%

    Collishaw 10 of 60 - 16%

    Beauchamp -Proctor 9 of 54 - 16%

    Thanks for the data PiP! Much appreciated.


    Taking out a two seater is not an easy task especially when they fly in groups of three and cover each other's ass so to speak as they learned to do as the war progressed. A lone two seater is a different story.

  13. It also depends on the Rate of Fire you are using. If you use my Rate of Fire-Mod, the German Spandau Machinegun will have a Rate of Fire of 360 Rounds from 1915 to March 1917, and then a constant Rate of Fire of 450 Rounds from March 1917 till the end of the War. This is historically accurate. Allied Planes had a Rate of Fire of 800 Rounds and above at the End of the War, so if you don't aim very good and fly close to your Opponent, you'll lose a lot of Ammo very quickly.

    The German Scouts had a load of Ammo of 1000 Rounds (and yes, the Albatros DVa had 1100), so with a Rate of Fire of 450 Rounds you'll have enough Firepower for some more kills in the Air...


    If you are playing without any Mods, the Rate of Fire in OFF for the German Spandau is 550 Rounds (9,17 Rounds x 60 Seconds) , for the Allied Vickers it is 500 (8,33 Rounds x 60 Seconds).



    Regards :biggrin:


    Thanks for the definitive Andy!


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