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Posts posted by rjw

  1. Hi Folks;

    Over at SimHQ, the Woffers have a "Wish List" thread where we post all of our desirables for WOFF. Maybe someone would start one up here and have it as a "StickY' so all the good wishes go in the same pot and the devs at OBD know where to look for our interests!


    Best Regaards

    • Like 1

  2. 12 minutes ago, HarryH said:

    Check the readme files with the mods. They should clarify. I haven’t reinstalled them myself since PE but I think there is a step where it’s expected to overwrite some files. Can’t remember exactly.

    On 2021-04-13 at 5:59 PM, trotski00 said:


    Havrincourt and verdun can be installed together and it is ok with the overwrite when installing the airfields

  3. Guys, I'm looking into this further, but no promises!

    I will offer up, a link to an FM for the "Alb DIII early" which shows the FM changes I applied as an example. You can test fly it in the mod and then swap it out to compare with the stock FM. HERE IS THE LINK: Click link to download

    I will continue to see if there is a way to alter stick shake for other features.

    Of course you will have to decide which craft need what changes and then add them to the mod.

    • Thanks 1

  4. Hi folks;


    I think I can help here. There are so few of us still using the MSFFB2 sticks these days. I refuse to give mine up because there are no comparable sticks around for the price.

    I have noted the problem with lack of force on previous releases of WOFF and so I now modify the stock FM's and utilize them in a JSGME mod to override the stock FM's .If you need help on creating a mod just let me know and I will make a skeleton mod available for you to contain all your modified FM's.

    In essence what you need to do is replace the following line in the stock FM : <PlayerExperience FF_stall="y" FFB_ElevatorForce="0" FFB_AileronForce="-110"/>

    with something like this: <PlayerExperience FF_stall="y" FFB_ElevatorForce="70" FFB_AileronForce="-70"/>

    The major problem lies with the "FFB_ElevatorForce" being set to "0".

    You will have to increase the numbers to increase the force so you will need to adjust for each aircraft's historical response.


    Best Regards




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    • Thanks 1

  5. 15 hours ago, trotski00 said:

    I do have one question though, does the 1914,1917.1918 differing mods just affect the static aircraft parked on the airfield, or is it everything ( not just the trees of course that bit is self explanatory ) hangars building etc. 

    Hi Trotski00;


    In essence, the individual date mods allow for the airfields to reflect historical changes to their look over time, such as additional buildings, trees, etc, etc. Currently their is limited changes applied. It is generally suggested that you swap in the correct period for the missions you are flying.

  6. The "Consolidated Custom Mods" suite is currently available on Sandbagger's Mods Web site for your downloading

    All of the mods have been renamed to simplify their intention, and all of them have "ReadMe" files that explain the inter-relationship of the mods.

    If you already use any of these mods, please remove them from "Active" duty in your JSGME panel before installing the new ones.

    The new mods are labelled as follows and unless explicitly marked as "BH&HII, PE, or UE, will apply to all versions of WOFF from UE up to the present:

    WOFF - Consolidated Custom Mods Summary Readme
    WOFF 0 - Facilities Models by Panama Red
    WOFF 1 - 1914+ Custom Facilities - Full Trees Populated by Panama Red
    WOFF 1 - 1917+ Custom Facilities - Full Trees Populated by Panama Red
    WOFF 1 - 1917+ Custom Facilities - Reduced Trees Populated by Panama Red
    WOFF 1 - 1918+ Custom Facilities - Full Trees Populated by Panama Red
    WOFF 1 - 1918+ Custom Facilities - Reduced Trees Populated by Panama Red
    WOFF 2 BH&HII - Consolidated Periods and CampaignData Mod by RJW
    WOFF 2 PE - Consolidated Periods and CampaignData Mod by RJW
    WOFF 2 UE - Consolidated Periods and CampaignData Mod by RJW
    WOFF 3a - Consolidated Custom Facilities Havrincourt Wood Mod
    WOFF 3b - Consolidated Custom Facilities Verdun Forts Mod
    WOFF 4a - Consolidated Custom Airfields Mod

    Hope you enjoy the mods and if you have any questions leave a message in this thread.




    Best Regards

    • Thanks 1

  7. Been some time since I logged on to CA. Nice to see some old friends still active here. Since it is getting close to Christmas, let me extend best wishes to you all and all your families. May you all have some great social times with your families and friends.

    That said, I still actively fly WOFF UE and participate in the DiD campaigns over at SIMHQ. I am still active building facilites for the sim. My latest is a rebuild of Filescamp Farm which has occupied most of my free time for the past week.

    Special hello to Olham, Hauksbee, and Attril, HUmanDrone and Andy73.

    I wonder how many of you have the latest WOFF UE installed.


    Best Regards to all.

  8. Hauksbee;


    I have a question for you regarding GMAX. I am currently using SketchUP for modeling and then importing into GMAX for final rendering. That said, I have an issue with poly count (Who doesn't!!).

    I have a model of a tree which has high poly on the components (trunk and several leaf layers). I would like to lower the poly count globally on each layer instead of having to redraw each leaf and trunk part.

    Have you had any experience in this kind of thing or know if there is a GMAX feature to do this? 


    I really need to start creating low poly trees and so far have been experimenting with imported models but I need to find a way to propagate leaves quickly without having to draw each individually. Even copy and past of each leaf would be time consuming.


    If you have any experience with making trees I would appreciate some pointers in these specific areas.


    I am currently working with Lou and Olham on Boistrancourt and Roucourt. We have made fairly good progress with Roucourt but need the Chateau and cathedral built. We currently have a substitute WOFF cathedral which is far too big. I would also like to replace the stock WOFF trees which are rather poor when rendered in comparison to those auto generated in the sim. I sure would like to have access to the auto generated models.


    Best Regards;

  9. Widow, what a great photo that captures the moment! When I saw it, my mind began wondering with thoughts of what those two might have been thinking at that moment in time.To have been foes, friends and then back to foes again in such a short time. You can't help but wonder what that moment left in each mans soul as they departed back to their trenches. It's hard to fathom how that impacted them.


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