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Posts posted by rjw

  1. So far as I know I am the only one who has tried and tested my Albatros D.Va FM.  That is why you don't see more comments.  People are afraid to be the first?


    Here are the changes you should look for:


    1. loaded weight reduced to 914.5kg

    2. reduced roll rate

    3. no more hockey-skid yaw behavior

    4. sensitive elevator to match descriptions of replicas

    5. more roll adverse yaw


    To sum it up, it is more of a hands-on stick and rudder plane than default.  The goal was to make it feel more like a real aircraft, not to make it fly like a toy similar to the WOFF SE5a.

    Ok. I will jump in and see if I can avoid having my ass shot off so to speak!!

    One last question. Should I expect the same behavior in QC and Campaign or will things be different?


    Best Regards;

  2. Folks;


    I have just downloaded both mods identified Bucksnort and Elephant in earlier threads here.


    I'm about to try them out but was wondering if anyone else has done so. I have looked at all the threads here and I don't see any comments on them.

    I have the time to test them but I will await a response.


    Best Regards;

  3. The Camel was easy to recognise in the skies of WWI because it had a 'tapered gap' between the wings.  Theory of the time was that the gap should always be the same and about the same as the wing chord.  But the designer of the Camel wanted to make the top wing in one piece with no dihedral.  So they just doubled the dihedral of the bottom wing :biggrin:


    And even when they started to make the top wing in three pieces they left the arrangement as it was. 


    (Useless information department)


    Say Jim,...I have a tapered gap too!! Will that make me fly better!!! :biggrin:

  4. Hi Folks;

    Ok, I have gone back to the stock xfm for the DV and recorded a video of a combat with 2 Pups in QC.

    For the sake of comparison I am posting the original video of the same scenario that I took in QC using the modified xfm for the DV, followed by the video of a combat session in QC with the stock xfm.

    My impression is that there is little difference and if there is, it is very marginal. I am now inclined to lean in favour of Polovski's comment that my first impression "Could be a placebo.. our new XFM uses setting intelligently. What is in a text file is not the whole story. RexH says "both calculations are based on propRPM times propMOI. So there is no need to adjust for inline engine differences."

    I am no expert flyer of the DV but I can say that my approach to handling it is consistent across both video's. What does stand out (but is not evident in the videos) is that during the course of learning this craft I discovered that forward speed is everything and that when trying to turn when the speed is low caused bad things to happen. Keep the speed up well from stall and make those turns with gentle progression. quick snappy moves makes the DV unhappy and you also.

    Video with Hellshade's modified xfm:




    video with stock WOFF xfm:




    Best Regards


  5. Hello Folks, May I chime in here.


    I have read all the threads here with interest as well as the one on simhq on the FM issue.


    I have tried Hellshades mod to the xfm and also the stock xfm from WOFF. I flew both in QC with the DV against 2 Pups and recorded video of the performance. The video of the Hellshade xfm is up on that site and the video of the stock xfm is currently uploading to YouTube and will be posted in that thread shortly. Once that upload completes I will log  back in here and post both of them here for your perusal. Keep in mind I am a newbie flyer of the DV so please don't look for Hellshade's quality.


    Keep up the investigative work, it can only add to our knowledge base and assessment of things as they are in WOFF. I would like to think that we all have the same POSITIVE interest at heart with respect to WOFF. It is a great sim and can only get better if we are all open minded.


    Best Regards to all

  6. Yes, I read the 'free' pages on amazon and it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know.  Does anybody know of a good book on the history of (especially) Immelmann, Boelke and Voss.  (MvR has been done to death IMHO).  Has to be in English unfortunately. 

    You might be interested in the book "Knight of Germany" by "professor Johannes Werner"  originally published in German in 1932. Currently published by Casemate.

    I purchased it through "The Book Depository" (thebookdepository.com) at the price of $18.85 for hard cover. It's suggested retail price is $29.95 US.

    I find the Book Depository usually has good prices for new books.

  7. Well, I know I've got to be close, but it's not quite working yet. First, I downloaded Hellshade's Screenshots. Then I downloaded JSGME and unzipped it directly into CFSWW1. Inside the JSGME folder, there is a jsgme.exe and a MODS folder. I dragged Hellshades Screenshots (folder and all) into the MODS folder. Then I launched JGSME. Hellshades Screenshots appears in the left-hand column (Available Mods) I highlighted it and clicked the arrow button and now it's in the right-hand column (Activated Mods) But when I open WOFF, I'm still seeing gloves, hand grenades, Lugers, etc.

    Corsaire's suggestion works for most of the mods. You just have to look at the mods people are creating to see if they are using the proper directory structure and if not, then make the necessary changes to their mods so that they are correctly using the directory structure like Corsaire has shown.


    Unfortunately not everyone is following the same practice when creating mods so the ownus is on you to check it.

  8. Well, at least it is about "time warp" in a way... Mmuahahahahaaa!!! crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.b4aSfC0e_R.gif

    Hey Olham;


    as Dr Frank-N-Furter said::...Let's do the time warp again!!!


    IMHO, 16x timewarp and autopilot will get you there rather quickly and is a reasonable replacement for the old OFF Warp.


    Off was Great.. WOFF is Fabulous..But WOFF with SweetFX...and the new DX9 mod...is amazing!




    I can't get sweetfx to work on my system (AMD 7870).


    Here are the instructions I followed to a T




    and here is my results.




    Anybody have any ideas if this works with AMD 7870 or what I'm doing wrong.


    Thanks RJW.  Yes I had been running CFS3 and OFF successfully for several years.  Upon encountering problems with both of them (as detailed in other posts - OFF would go as far as 'Go to field' then crash, CFS3 would crash immedeately after the splash screen came up) I have tried reinstalling both but to no avail.  I have also specified run as administrator for both.

    I get the idea that 'access violation' in this case refers to a particular section of memory somewhere in the computer.

    I probably can't help you with this, but If you have made any hardware or software changes since it last ran successfully, you might want to look into that as the possible problem. It would help to identify anyghing of this nature for anyone who may be able to help you on this. Since you mention it may be memory related, try running a memory integrity check on your system


    In my continuing attempts to get my computer to run CFS3/OFF again, prior to installing WOFF (my DVD has arrived - oh, the frustration!) I have been led to the Event Log.

    Starting up CFS3 (I  am using CFS3 as the simplest way to run cfs3.exe) i have got the messages below on the log. I have tried deciphering some of them using the internet, and understand that exception code 0xc0000005 is an 'access violation', but I get no search results at all for the fault offset code.

    Also, I am not sure of the significance of dbghelp.dll.  it seems to be concerned with debugging, and I am not sure if it is a problem file, or just something that kicks in when there is a problem.


    Would anyone be able to deipher these messages and tell me if they explain a particular error?  Then I could try searching for a solution.







    Faulting application cfs3.exe, version, time stamp 0x3e3ebe85, faulting module dbghelp.dll_unloaded, version, time stamp 0x4791a665, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x7297bd45, process id 0xbe4, application start time 0x01cf094dbfdf9b20.


    Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">

    - <System>

      <Provider Name="Application Error" />

      <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>




      <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-01-04T13:06:21.000Z" />




      <Security />


    - <EventData>
















    Can you answer a few ?'s as I'm not clear about your message.


    I take it you were running CFS3/OFF before successfully, so did you do a re-install or something?


    Have you specified "Run as administrator" in the properties for CFS3? This might explain the access violation. (just a hunch).


    I want to remake the Albatros D.III skins.

    IMHO, they are not in the high standard the D.V-s are, mostly based on outdated data.

    I have done some retouching in small details to the excellent D.V-s as well,

    but for the D.III-s I'm afraid I have to work from scratch...


    Here is what I have done so far on the default D.V skin (by Arto)

    (after his given permission)


    1. Added missing bolts to the fuselage below cockpit.


    Very nice work elephant. You are doing us all a favour and it is appreciated.

    2. Removed from the starbord side the rigging instructions sheet.

    (could be on either side, most commonly port, but not in both)

    3. Changed the nose Idflieg and factory placards with proper Johannisthal ones

    (Arto was using OAW type) on the nose and added them on the wings as well.

    4. Added bases to the strut braces.

    5. Removed the wing root rigging loop base to it's proper position.

    (now corresponds to the actuall rigging of the 3d model as well)

    6. Removed the default "Nicht auftreten!" inscrtiption and replaced in proper position.

    7. Added the wing pulley inspection hatch on the upper wing and

    missing sets of bolts in the surrounding area.

    Also changed colour to the portrayed  Teves & Braun radiator

    (should be left bare metal instead of painted in primer colour).

    Few things still left to do, for example the upper wing cross on the right side is a bit misplaced

    (should be shifted a bit to the wingtip)... but it's kind of tricky to do now and no one will notice the difference.

    It would be great if we had basic layered templates to start from like in RoF.



    As the title says...and I am still waiting delivery of WOFF...I am basing this off screen shots and AA reports.


    I found in OFF quite a bit can be done with a simple text editor - which is good because that is about the limit to my skills.


    Anyway in this case I am going to look for the text file that handles the AI aces names and remove the HA (Historical Ace) from their names.


    Anyone got bigger plans in the works?


    Last I heard on the WOFF forum on simhq is that the devs have removed the "HA" in one of their patches.


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