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Posts posted by rjw

  1. .


    Robert, you should ask Pol about the placement of the items and routes on the in-sim map.  If it is as simple as replacing one map with another, more detailed one of the same size I'd think that it would have been done for WOFF.  I fear it is far more complicated than this. 


    And yes, I most assuredly did get that drink.   :smile:


    Well with that elucidating reply I will take your advice and check it out with Pol. And now I will go pour myself two fingers of Aberfeldy 12 single malt with a splash of  crystal spring water and toast to you for all you have accomplished to date on that map! :good:






    Robert, you should ask Pol about the placement of the items and routes on the in-sim map.  If it is as simple as replacing one map with another, more detailed one of the same size I'd think that it would have been done for WOFF.  I fear it is far more complicated than this. 


    And yes, I most assuredly did get that drink.   :smile:


    Well with that elucidating reply I will take your advice and check it out with Pol. And now I will go pour myself two fingers of Aberfeldy 12 single malt with a splash of  crystal spring water and toast to you for all you have accomplished to date on that map! :good:




    Well with that elucidating reply I will take your advice and check it out with Pol. And now I will go pour myself two fingers of Aberfeldy 12 single malt with a splash of  crystal spring water and toast to you for all you have accomplished to date on that map! :good:



  2. .


    Robert, unless the maps are identical in both size and scale, I doubt the course would lay out properly.



    So, with that said Lou, would you say that your map could be scaled to match the ingame map or is there more to it than that, such as the placement of the structures on the map.

    Oh and by the way, I hope you got that drink at the canteen.


    Cheers Mate!

  3. .


    Was out flying a recce of the 15 miles east of Verdun so that I can keep building my map.  I just visited the thread over at SimHQ, the canteen will be my next stop but I thought I better check in here first.


    Robert, I answered your question about the fonts in your post over at SimHQ so you should be good to go.


    Hauksbee, the map is indeed the result of the first recce missions I flew, along with help from Google Earth and Google Map for proper placement of the towns and roads.


    Shiloh, I sketch in the mission routes right onto the map I have up on my second monitor and fly accordingly.  WOFF doesn't seem to care if you hit the way points or not, only that you loiter over your designated target area for the prescribed amount of time.


    OK then, time for some liquid refreshments.   :drinks:


    Later Gents!


    Hi Lou;


    I stated the following over at SimHQ but I will repeat it here for the sake of proper coverage.  I was wondering if we swap out the native WOFF map in favour of yours, will the map coordinates be the same values?. For instance will the mission routes be plotted in the correct place on your map as they would be on the original in game map. This of course is assuming we are working with a same size square map.


    I'm interested in your experiences on this before I start playing with things.


    Best Regards;




  4. Folks;


    I have been flying camel missions with no difficulty keeping up. I have auto mixture turned on.


    Shiloh, when you have this problem try turning auto pilot on to see if he can catch up. It is worth the experiment. try (Ctrl+Shift+A) to turn it on and off. Let us know your findings. That should identify whether or not it is an FM problem. I suspect it's not FM.



  5. Well, I had changed the key from "K" to "F12" - but it didn't work! No screens.

    Olham...I thought F12 was for centering your view with TrackIR!

    Here are some shots from a night fight over Paris as part of QC. The atmosphere was incredible with the full moon providing enough light to see what I was shooting at.



    Great shots of the night mission. You do have to wonder why they are sending flak bursts up at your SE5. Guess it's because it's dark and they can't decipher if you are friend or foe.

  6. Greetings from the Rocky Mountains where I am spending a lovely Christmas away! I just wanted to join in and wish everyone, especially the WOFF team, a very very Merry Christmas! Thank you for giving us WOFF in time for the holidays. I can't even imagine how much time, effort, and work went into WOFF. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there might be a super budget gaming computer under the tree this year so I can enjoy some flying time in WOFF. In the meantime I'm enjoying everyone's After Action Reports, screenshots, videos, and every review I can get a hold of. It looks absolutely fantastic... I think you have created the greatest single player flight sim ever made - in other words, everything I've wanted since I was a 12 year old kid playing Wings of Glory.

    So to Pol, Sandbagger, Winder, Shred, and the rest of the team, and to everyone here I know, Olham, Lou, Wodin, Robert, Hellshade, Shiloh, and everyone else... a very Merry Christmas!

    Capt, n


    I wish u and your a very merry Xmas and a healthy, prosperous New Year.

    I sure hope you get WOFF up and running because it is amazing and so Immerive.

  7. Indeed what an undertaking!  And the first thing I've heard that is deficient in WOFF.  But aren't the same areas modeled as last time, or is it just so much more detailed?


    And speaking of Lothar, has he been around?  I feel he did so much to keep OFF alive, and was such a good chap, I hope the only reason we haven't seen him here because he's too busy flying WOFF!

    Last I heard, Lothar moved somewhere in Washington State on a new Job and is probably so busy he has no time for the forum I guess. Hopefully he will show up again.

  8. Lou;


    A rather massive undertaking so I hope it proves useful after all the effort. I rather think you are a glutton for punishment. Oh and don't forget to model those farm fences in it! :biggrin:




    I completely agree with you on your points. The in game map is esthetically the weakest link in WOFF. After using Lothars maps in OFF it is hard to adjust to such basic a map as WOFF has and it weakens the immersion.  I'm sure th Devs are aware of it and will likely replace it with a mod of fix some time soon. Cheers Mate

  9. Afraid it really is just you chap. WOFF is standard price for any sim/game of any kind these days. Completely, nothing to see here standard. OFF was the one that was underpriced at $30.


    WOFF is a niche product serving a niche community within a niche genre of computer games. It's not going to sell enough copies to compensate the Devs for their four years of labor.


    Frankly it's worth more. A tank sim I like to play, also a niche product serving a niche community, sells for well over $100. Independent developers need the support.


    Honestly, I'd strongly encourage you to reconsider your position on this one. Support the artists that keep our community alive, or there won't more WW1 sims, and there are already a terrifyingly few amount.

    Well articulated Javito, and might I add that you could easily burn a tank of gas for the cost of WOFF.

  10. Is it just me, but is WOFF overpriced? I, for one, shall be boycotting WOFF until the price is reduced by at least £10. The asking price is way overpriced IMHO and an insult to us WW1 aviation buffs.


    Just my 2 cents worth. I disagree. I have been using it since it's release and I think it is by far the best WWI stand alone sim yet. For me it was worth it

  11. .


    Great action shots there Robert, thanks for sharing.


    I have to post this one I just captured whilest flying Robert La Salle's most recent sortie.  Sunset over No Man's Land near Vignenlles les Hattonchatel, 3 February 1916:


    It's going to be very hard to beat WOFF when it comes to pure atmosphere and 'feel'.





    I just love those sunset shots. Would love to see more with shell bursts on the ground and flak in the air during sunset.

    Tnx 4 ur post m8

  12. I had another test flight with a group of Albatros D.III today.

    A patrol in friendly airspace.

    I was fighting with my settings andTrackIR view, so I was rather useless.

    But I had a sixth sense, when we were at cruising altitude, and soon I noticed just a few sparse Flak puffs low right.

    Just in time - a single Tommy again, in another silver Nieuport 17, tried to get behind me!

    I tossed nad turned my bird, but I was badly hampered by wrong TrackIR settings.

    He hit me with a few rounds, and I decided to dive for the deck.

    As I had hoped, he didn't follow, and I flew back towards our field.


    After some time the engine cut out - he had hit something.

    But I could make a glide landing and put the craft down intact.

    Still though, I had light injuries and spent 8 days in hospital.

    Olham, it will save you consierable frustration if you fly free flight in quick combat while you work out your Track IR and keyboard settings. Best of Luck!

  13. It's in my to do list, as soon as I find some time...


    I asked the same question in SimHQ:


    The terrain looks fantastic! thumbs_up.gif

    I wonder, souldn't the weat fields in spring be kind of light greenish?


    Answer by Polovski:


    Some of the finest flight sim scenery out there. One day we'll have the mouse in your tent, steam from you tea,

    and someone will say mmm "would cheap frontline WW1 tea really produce that much steam?" wink!.gif

    You are of course correct Pol, but you can't blame anyone for looking for more> It is precisely that motivation that forged the idea of WOFF in yours and the devs heads.   Right mate? :biggrin:


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