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Posts posted by rjw

  1. Wonderful work of art and spirit, Lou - I'll have to read it closely again

    tomorrow morning, with a freshly brewed coffee!

    (02:10 h now - time for switching the brain off)

    Likewise here, I've been deeply engrossed in downloading, installing and testing my new WOFF (pleasure before serious studies like the "BOC News"...u know how it is!)


    Oh damn!...I just couldn't leave this thread without reading the news!! It's top notch Lou, and damn Barmy!! :good:

  2. OFF was underpriced. $59.99 is standard for console and PC games with FAR less longevity than Flanders Fields. Think about the work>cost ratio here, and then also consider our community's smaller demographic than, say, the Call of Duty fanbase.


    Day 1 purchase for me and quite happy about it! Eternal gratitude to the Devs for slaving these last four years!

    Spot on Javito! IMHO there is nothing comparable to this sim and the support is impeccable!!

    And, it was my Birthday Yesterday..so the lovely Mrs Widowmaker has bought it for me!...downloading now. (quick question..Do i need to uninstall OFF first?)

    Hi Widow;


    OFF and WOFF can co-exist(great for us eh?).

    I agree that $60 is a lot of money these days for just about anyone... and believe me, as a broke grad student, I can sympathize! :biggrin:


    That said, there really aren't any flight sim developers left anymore - at least, not in the WWI arena. The ROF team has largely moved on to work on other projects, and the kickstarter funded resurrections of RB3D and Wings look great, but they're not going to be a hardcore, technically researched WWI sim that puts every squadron at their resepctive bases at the correct time of each month of the war... there's just no market for that outside of our merry band of Barmy OFF'ers!

    And you know what? I've known Pol since I was what... 17? I remember posting back and forth with half of the OFF team back when I was in High School and they were modding Red Baron 3D. I know it's biased, but they've been killing themselves now for going on four years and with - it seems - a lot less manpower than they once had. So really, even on food stamps, I'm willing to kick them 60 bucks for their troubles. Right now, it feels like the least I could do.


    And I agree with you on consoles! 60 bucks for a half-baked, over-hyped game that's going to force me to pay another 20 bucks here and there for DLC to finish a game that should have been done when they printed the thing? Yeah... not so much. At this stage, if I had to choose between as PS4 and a new gaming rig? WOFF would win me back to my keyboard and mouse - not to mention my ancient Microsoft Sidewinder Joystick!


    Cheers! :drunks:

    Amen to that! Well said Capt'n

  3. OvS is mostly busy last 2 or so years working hard in his main jobs Fireman etc, so not much WOFF.

    I am sure he will be along at some point to say hi.


    For the record WM started the original phase 1 of OFF many moons ago originally with David "Davo" Payne and then I think Rob "Capt Winters" Stevenson, and Paul "Nod" Norris.  Then I joined a few months after the start.

    I suggested to WM etc, if OvS could join us and help as I knew him and his work from "SWWISA" Red Baron modding group.  He has worked on mainly Fokker DVII skins and some Albs this time and squadron emblems.

    I can't remember if Shredward also joined at that time but likely.

    Thanks 4 the hitory lesson I always was curiou how it all came to be. I*m sure there is much more u could tell.

  4. Lou, I thought about that briefly but discarded it quickly, as the wall behind me is about 8 feet from the back of my head...a bit too far, I would think. Also, that side of the room has become the "looking for a more permanent home" pile.


    Olham, I just remembered the beginnings of my HDTV adventures, and another reason I bought the 32": it might be helpful. We bought two 37" sets, one for our bedroom and one for our son. Both were HD and both said 1080p on the box. I told Frau von Baur on the way home that ours was making a small detour to the computer when we got it home. I hooked it up and it was amazing...results like you described...seeing other planes from a much greater distance and basically eliminating the use of labels except for identifying specific individuals. And the effect when you're closing for the shot...absolutely awesome.


    Of course I wasn't about to leave it there. Our couch is comfy, but not that comfy. So I went back to the 19" 4x3 monitor and started counting down the days until our son left for the Army when I could appropriate his wink2.gif.pagespeed.ce.DG-_ZgrqXc.gif . When I did, I found that I couldn't get my computer to see it in anything higher than 720. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. After all, he'd been playing his X-Box and watching TV and DVD's in 1080 on it. After while I decided to look at the manual and when I did I found out it was 1080p capable but only 720 native and apparently that was controlling the way my video card saw it. That didn't bother me too much though, because I knew that once he got to a permanent station he'd get it back. So I started looking for a permanent replacement, keeping in mind to make sure it was a native 1080p. I found one, I bought it and we've flown happily ever after since.



    So anyone who's thinking about doing this just make sure whatever you buy says it's got a native resolution of 1080.

    Von Baur;


    I have to add that 4k resolution "UHD" TV's are now on the market, albeit somewhat more expensive but if you are looking for leading edge it would be worth looking at. Samsung has specs on their site.

  5. The herd isn't lost, it's at SimHQ. As of me typing these words right now, there are 9 viewers here. There are 12 viewers at the Sim HQ OFF forum and 65 viewers at the SimHQ WOFF forum. Clearly, it's a no-brainer where the devs need to focus.  Not to mention there's not even a WOFF forum at Combat Ace.

    Your data cannot be denied, but and that is a big "BUT", most of us would like to have a single amalgamated site to hang out in. Each of the current sites has valuable information that many of us need to refer to. I do however recognize that such a venture is highly unlikely so I have built shortcuts on my desktop to SIMHQ - WOFF, SIMHQ - OFF, CA, and wings over flanders fields official site. I need to see all of them and it is somewhat a pain but unavoidable it seems.


    True, we are the step-child now. But we have only to keep steady, and be what we have always been: the hub for discussing OFF-related subjects, a source of fascinating WWI minutiae, sparkling wit, and intellectual ferment, grace by the most collegiate atmosphere. Despite our reduced numbers, the lost lambs will come straggling back. Mark my word.

    Lambs!!, I just love lamb chops, with just a hint of mint sauce on the side, mmmmmm!




    Hold on a mo, my fourth pint'a has brought me to an apostrophe!  No need to consider a change of our official club name and for one very good, grammatical sound reason.  The devs have seen fit to officially title their latest mega effort, "WINGS: Over Flanders Fields", which means our beloved sim is still OFF, with it's latest incarnation entitled "WINGS". Thank the God of Punctuation for His most glorious colon!



    And another soundobservation! The new Dev's web site is "oveflandersfields", not "wingsoverflandersfields"! Right!!

  8. .


    Bakelite goblets?  Hmmm, so we'll be hearing  (tack ... tack ... tack)  during our toasts then, rather than the more robust  (clink ... clink ... clink).  Not so sure I'm a fan of that.  :dry:


    On an unrelated note, any ideas on how best to handle the transition of the club from being a bunch of barmy OFFers to becoming a bunch of barmy WOFFers?  T'would be nice to maintain the BOC moniker along with it's long and notorious ... err um ... illustrious heritage.   Thoughts?



    Well...we could change the logo to "BWOC" but the "W" could be interpreted as "Womens". Hmmm....might be some benefits to that one!! We couldn't possibly reject female members then could we!!, and I believe a couple of members seem to show some interest in the fair sex participating / partaking... Oh well, justg a suggestion and as we all know I am somewhat Barmy so I could be excused from having thought of this. oh and by the way the sound of "BWOC" phonetically might be in line with the utterance of the logo mascot!!

  9. Beanie;


    I hope at least, that all the WOFF related posts will be migrated to this new forum and that the OFF portions will remain in tack where they are.


    There is a formidable amount of downloadeable files and FAQ helps info that will undoubtedly apply to both forums so what happens to all that?

  10. Widow;


    I can see your points clearly. In fact I would say that WOFF as a sim with it's immersion is getting closer to being "a reality show" if you know what I mean. Flying with the same pilots through the many missions and observing the losses and claims is a very deep immersive experience that keeps drawing me back. If you were to add something like Lothar's "OFFice" layer to WOFF you would have it all wouldn't you say?

    • Like 1

  11. So you guys don't say "purse" to your money bags?

    I had looked it up in my online dictionary.

    Could it be, that you use "wallets" for men rather, and "purses" for women?

    (They could have mentioned that IMHO...)

    Yes, you have it correctly, although I must admit that the clothing and accessory trends these days are blurring the differences for gender.

  12. I shall let u all in on a little trick of mine which I have kept to myself all these years for fear that if others found out it might cut into my share!!


    I always wear a heavy woolen sweater for the ceremonial dunking because it holds a lot of excess beer which I wring into a stein after I have exited gracefully to the Loo!


    I knew a scots man who always put his shot glass under his armpit after downing a single malt! I asked him why he did this and his response was "I hate to give up the angels share which clings to the sides of the glass laddie!"


    Cheers Gentlemen (including those with purses!)


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