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About paulrkiii

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    VEAO Tester

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  1. Honestly I (and many members of the 476th vFG) haven't had near the issues that people are posting on the ED boards. We even had a MP session upwards of 6 hours the day after "release" with no crashes. Honestly, reading many of the "bug" reports on the ED boards come across to me as user error, trying to mod the beta by users who don't know what they're doing, or people just don't know what they're talking about. Is it perfect, no, but IMO not broken enough not to enjoy it.
  2. DCS: Spitfire Mk.IX

    No that's the current Georgia map in DCD World 2.0
  3. Same for me, we'll be using NTTR in the 476th vFG for all our training. One reason I'm hoping the correct (ie real world) nav aids are included so we can use the real world Nellis approach and departure charts. We're even standing by for when it's released to populated the actual ranges as they should be if ED doesn't have that included and will very likely share with the community a template mission with those items included.
  4. Although we haven't gotten a "tour" so to speak what we have seen of Creech and Nellis IMO look just as detailed. I for one am glad they decided to include McCarren, it's to large of a footprint to not have when flying over Las Vegas.
  5. Dojo, one of our recent training program graduates, has created a podcast specific to DCS. First two episodes are released, Number three should be released sometime this week. Thought you guys might like to check them out if you haven't already. http://www.podcastgarden.com/podcast/476podcast
  6. Do not compare Ells to Illya, Chris knows what he is doing.
  7. Combat Wedge Flying off Reb's wing after he took damage on the way back to Sukhumi. Gear damage assesment in picture 2, 3 the turn towards the active at Sukhumi and 4 of Reb touching down.
  8. Actually you're wrong, it is not going to be called "DCS: Su-27" but Su-27 for DCS World. Same thing they did for the individual F-15C and A-10A modules. But you're correct in ED watering down what people use to think "DCS: Whatever" meant.
  9. Thread title is missleading as it's not a DCS level aircraft but FC3 with PFM. That being said, and I'm reaching here, I hope the release is in conjunction with DCS World 2.0, 2014 is quickly approaching the end of the line and I'd like to at least have 2.0 released with Nevada soon after.
  10. That's the thought process VEAO is pursuing FC3 level (with clickable cockpit) then DCS level. Obviously the Hawk is a rather "simple" aircraft anyways so the only major difference that I can think of is the flight model. I do agree though, if ED clearly stated something along the lines of "For the F/A-18C we will initially release F/A-18C for DCS World. This will include SFM with simplified avionics and non clickable cockpit. We will continue to develop DCS F/A-18C, when completed it will include PFM (Professional Flight Model) and ASM (Advanced System Modeling). Those that purchase F/A-18C for DCS World will be able to upgrade to DCS: F/A-18C for $XX.XX when released." I honestly think most members of the community would be ok with this and understand it's a natural development cycle.
  11. I'm not a fan of FC3 level aircraft but all that means is I won't purchase them. I have nothing against them being developed and sold I just prefer the challenge of DCS level airframes.
  12. LOL, I'm a "little" more tactful than that :D
  13. Hell, I got banned today from the ED boards. 4 years as a tester, being a subject matter expect for the development for the A-10C, developing and sharing with the community countless documents, answering questions about the A-10C on their forums, and being the Commander of the 476th vFG and freely advertising DCS World for them and I get banned for asking why a post got deleted that did not break any forum rules. I can completely understand why people aren't happy with ED or how they manage their forums. It isn't moaning over nothing, if you express any opinion on the ED boards other than "everything ED does is perfect" you get attacked, your post(s) deleted with no notice and then when you ask you get banned. If people want to think I fall into the "Seems to be the same set of people tbh - moaning over nothing as usual" category so be it.

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