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About Phantom59

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    Gardner, Massachusetts
  • Interests
    Flying, computers, cars, motorcycle

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  1. Private Pilot's License

    Once I get my medical I'll have to do a biennial to get current again. I'm primarily checked out in Piper Cherokees, but have some time in C-172, 182, and Citabria. Phantom59
  2. Private Pilot's License

    Rico, I'm in the process of re-joining the Hanscom Aero Club as soon as I get my Class III medical done. You're right about the East Coast Aero Club, but the Hanscom Aero Club has cheaper rates on their aircraft. Phantom59
  3. Private Pilot's License

    If you're really serious you should go for it. I got my SEL rating back in the late 80's at the Air Force Aero Club at Hanscom AFB, MA. It was a lot cheaper back then and I only spent about $3500 total. I haven't flown since I retired from the Air Force over 9 years ago, but I think I'm going to get my medical done and schedule a check ride. Phantom59 (aka CowboyK)
  4. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=2702 File Name: A-7F StrikeFighterFile Submitter: Phantom59 File Submitted: 25 May 2006 File Updated: 6 Aug 2006 File Category: A-7 This modification is completely fictional and based on data that I was able to obtain on the web for the USAF A-7F Strikefighter program. The model is the A-7D done by ArmourDave who has given me permission to use it for this effort. Thanks again ArmourDave for all your great work and aircraft! The skins are modifications of Marcelo's and Bananimal's great A-7D skins. This mod includes the TV guided weapons mod from SP4 so you can use Mavericks and other optically guided weapons. It has internal chaff and flares but needs an external pod if you want ECM. Please don't give me any credit for this mod. This fantastic aircraft was developed by ArmourDave and the outstanding skins were created for the A-7D by Marcelo and Bananimal. The only thing I did was a little FM modification to the ini files. As a side note, any and all A-7D skins will work for this mod. Again, thanks to all the great modders and skinners in the Strike Fighters, Wings Over Vietnam and Wings over Europe community. You are the greatest Flightsim community on the web, bar none. And a special thanks to TK for his continueing efforts to make this sim better for all of us. Cheers!!!! CowboyK Click here to download this file
  5. File Name: F-105G 116 Low Vis Skin File Submitter: Phantom59 File Submitted: 24 Apr 2005 File Updated: 6 Dec 2006 File Category: SF Century Series Skins F-100/F-101/F-102/F-104/F-105/F-106 Spectre USA requested this skin, so I thought I'd post it for everyone. It's my Low Vis F-105G skin without the sharks mouth. Hope you enjoy. Phantom59 aka CowboyK Click here to download this file
  6. File Name: Operation Counter Strike File Submitter: Phantom59 File Submitted: 22 Apr 2005 File Category: SF Missions/Campaigns Operation Counter Strike (Modified MK2 Vietnam Tomcats campaign by CowboyK for use with SFP1 SP3) This campaign is a fictional event and the premise is as follows: Vietnam March 1975: After almost a 3 year lull in hostilities, North Vietnam has initiated an invasion of South Vietnam. South Vietnam's request for assistance is not denied by President Ford (as it was historically). Upon advisement from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, On March 5th the President launches "Operation Counter Strike". Carrier units stationed in the South China Sea and Air Force units from Korea, Okinawa, and Guam are deployed to assist the South Vietnamese in any way possible. Their primary mission is to maintain Air Superiority over South Vietnam and provide Close Air Support to South Vietnamese ground units near Hue and Da Nang. US Forces will also be used to effect the evacuation of US, South Vietnamese, and Third Country Nationals from South Vietnam. As in 1972, US Air Strikes are not enough to stop the advancement of North Vietnam. Before the fall of Saigon, the President initiates "Operation Frequent Wind" to evacuate personnel from South Vietnam. Operation Frequent Wind and Operation Counter Strike ended on the 30th of April 1975 after the fall of Saigon. Click here to download this file
  7. File Name: F-105G Nellis AFB skin (Low Res) File Submitter: Phantom59 File Submitted: 29 Mar 2005 File Updated: 6 Dec 2006 File Category: SF Century Series Skins F-100/F-101/F-102/F-104/F-105/F-106 Here is the Low Res version of the F-105G skin depicting an aircraft from the 4537th Fighter Weapons Sq at Nellis AFB. The skin may not be historically accurate, but it is as close as I could come with the pictures I could find. Thanks again to ArmourDave for the great F-105's! Enjoy. Phantom59 aka CowboyK Click here to download this file
  8. File Name: F-105G Nellis AFB Skin File Submitter: Phantom59 File Submitted: 28 Mar 2005 File Updated: 6 Dec 2006 File Category: SF Century Series Skins F-100/F-101/F-102/F-104/F-105/F-106 This skin depicts an F-105G of the 4537th Fighter Weapons Squadron from Nellis AFB. Although the skin may not be totally accurate, it's as close as I can come with the pictures I've been able to find. As always, thanks to ArmourDave for the great F-105's! Phantom59 aka CowboyK Click here to download this file
  9. File Name: F-105G Hi Res Tactical Grey skin File Submitter: Phantom59 File Submitted: 28 Mar 2005 File Updated: 6 Dec 2006 File Category: SF Century Series Skins F-100/F-101/F-102/F-104/F-105/F-106 Hi Res fictional Tactical Grey skin for the F-105G. Thanks again to ArmourDave for the great F-105's! Phantom59 aka CowboyK Click here to download this file
  10. File Name: F-105G Low Res Tactical Grey Skin File Submitter: Phantom59 File Submitted: 28 Mar 2005 File Updated: 6 Dec 2006 File Category: SF Century Series Skins F-100/F-101/F-102/F-104/F-105/F-106 Here is a fictional Tactical Grey paint scheme for the F-105G from the 116th TFW. This is the Low Res version, I'll be releasing the High Res shortly. Thanks again to ArmourDave for his great F-105's!!! Phantom59 aka CowboyK Click here to download this file
  11. File Name: F-18 Skin Pack Revision File Submitter: Phantom59 File Submitted: 25 Mar 2005 File Category: SF Object Mods Here is a low res modification of the awesome F-18 Skin pack released by USAFMTL and WPNSSGT. This should help with frame rates for those who have slower computers. Thanks again to Dave and Mike. Phantom59 aka CowboyK Click here to download this file
  12. Ferrit, I've modded your Macross F-14A Skin just for you. Do you want me to post it on Combatace, or would you prefer I email it to you first? Phantom59
  13. I was thinking the same thing, but I think that weather in a campaign is automatically set at random, just like the time of day. I was wondering if there were anyway to change this as well for my Operation Counter Strike Campaign. Phantom59 aka CowboyK
  14. Version


    Spectre USA requested this skin, so I thought I'd post it for everyone. It's my Low Vis F-105G skin without the sharks mouth. Hope you enjoy. Phantom59 aka CowboyK
  15. Version


    Operation Counter Strike (Modified MK2 Vietnam Tomcats campaign by CowboyK for use with SFP1 SP3) This campaign is a fictional event and the premise is as follows: Vietnam March 1975: After almost a 3 year lull in hostilities, North Vietnam has initiated an invasion of South Vietnam. South Vietnam's request for assistance is not denied by President Ford (as it was historically). Upon advisement from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, On March 5th the President launches "Operation Counter Strike". Carrier units stationed in the South China Sea and Air Force units from Korea, Okinawa, and Guam are deployed to assist the South Vietnamese in any way possible. Their primary mission is to maintain Air Superiority over South Vietnam and provide Close Air Support to South Vietnamese ground units near Hue and Da Nang. US Forces will also be used to effect the evacuation of US, South Vietnamese, and Third Country Nationals from South Vietnam. As in 1972, US Air Strikes are not enough to stop the advancement of North Vietnam. Before the fall of Saigon, the President initiates "Operation Frequent Wind" to evacuate personnel from South Vietnam. Operation Frequent Wind and Operation Counter Strike ended on the 30th of April 1975 after the fall of Saigon.

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