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slick cowboy

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Everything posted by slick cowboy

  1. yup, super weird but it also happens when any USN aircraft doing an armed recon on the iceland terrain usaf works with armed recon though... i'm not sure if it's related to the F-4N, but i noticed it right after I installed the DLC... i checked the stock Iceland ini file and armed recon is not in the allowed missions... so perhaps that has something to do with it
  2. small bug... when I load an AGM-88 HARM i get a black pylon... something's missing... or am i missing an update?
  3. it's not about not getting the mission, it's about getting to fly an E-2C when selecting an armed record on a USN aircraft
  4. and USAF do get armed recon missions... something must define this, right? Can't find anything in the terrain ini file though
  5. hmm update, tried it with the stock desert terrain 256 tiles, but crashed when i hit Esc. version is 0,85 edit and downloaded 0,87, now.... it works
  6. I'm trying this out and I already managed to edit a few things, but when i hit esc to save, it crashes... every time and all is lost i read that it doesn't like 1024 tiles... could that be it?
  7. I installed this again in a separate mod folder. I wanted to try it out again as last time it had a few glitches... But still... when I do a CAS mission there are no tanks to blow up and the landing route to D10 (or was it D9) sent my wingmen straight into a mountain. And when I want to fly a campaign on it, the game crashes... Maybe the strategic nodes don't fit the new terrain? I dunno...
  8. I did a search on the forum but couldn't find a topic that explains what defines an airfield as small, medium or large is it the number of squadrons or are there other factors? I tried landing an f-18 which is set to medium on the small Ísafjörður Airport in SF2NA and it crashed on touchdown. No problem on the two others though... Is there a rule? I also have custom campaigns for the desert map. I wondering if I didn't misplace a few aircraft...
  9. base sizes

    ok thx, that's what i was looking for
  10. base sizes

    nah landing is set to normal but even with the AI the F-18 crashes landing on Ísafjörður Airport. An A-4 and an F-16 (both with minbasesize=small) don't crash F-18 has minbasesize set to medium
  11. Does anybody know where I can extract the planning map from for Iceland? Can't find in the terrain folder... or is it locked? sorry posted in SF1 again... can't delete the post either...
  12. ah crap... ok sorry feel free to delete this post, never mind lol
  13. I've been flying the Fj Fury on all terrains and only on Germany and Iceland I get this shadow that goes all the way down. I don't it's related to the Pit1 file. To be sure I pasted it in both terrains, but no change... Any idea?
  14. i like this terrain a lot... it made me re-appreciate sf2na again :-) hell, i'm going to make myself a couple of new campaigns..
  15. nice... looking forward to the end result :-)
  16. yes i am... but the sidewinder didn't show up at first it's prob me.... too bad about the shadow though, i'll have to set it to false i also noticed that the F-9J Cougar has no landing speed in the data.ini... this might that explain why the AI doesn't land the ac on the carrier properly. I inserted 50 and it worked...
  17. hmm i don't know what i did, but it works now... but just out of curiosity, do the statiogroup id's correspond to something?
  18. the sidewinder thing might be a StationGroupID thing... both sidewinderstations are on StationGroupID2. I changed them to ID3, just like I found in the F-86 data.ini file, but no joy but am i on the right track... could it be the ID thing?? There are also no sidewinders in the weapon list to the left...
  19. it's be nice to have them up to scratch, they're a nice addition :-) especially in a campaign set around 56, 57.. it's also missing a hook, but the AI lands the plane the f-9 cougar on the other hand has a hook, but the AI misses a carrier landing... maybe something missing in the data file? oh.. and i can't add sidewinders even though weapon stations 5 and 6 have rails in the data.ini, yet the stations don't appear in the loadout when starting a missing....
  20. I'm looking for some fighters to launch from carriers in a 56-59 desert campaign. I only have A-4's and A-1's... I found some Fury skins in the download section of SF1... can these be used for F-86? To what aircraft to they correspond? F-9 Cougar would fit here as well, but they're not around in mods as far i know... any help would be appreciated, thx!
  21. Fj-3/4 Fury

    yes sorry... found them meanwhile i must have missed the fury while browsing
  22. Fj-3/4 Fury

    sorry this was supposed to be posted in the SF2 thread... So I'd like to use the Fury in SF2 actually.... feel free to move the post
  23. This might be a dumb question, but I can't seem to find a thread where this is explained... 50 as supply... how do interpret this? In some campaigns it's set at 80 or even 100 [AirUnit005] AircraftType=F-105D Squadron=36TFS ForceID=1 Nation=USAF RetireDate=8/1965 DefaultTexture=USAFSilver1 BaseArea=Takhli RTAFB BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=16 StartAircraft=16 MaxPilots=16 StartPilots=16 Experience=100 Intelligence=40 Morale=100 Supply=50 ???????????????

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