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slick cowboy

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Everything posted by slick cowboy

  1. i see, thanks for that ok let's start editing...
  2. I'm enjoying TK's French Navy F-8, but it's kinda weird not to have chaffs or flares when flying in the late 70's. Is there a way to add these in the data.ini file??? I can't find any info on chaff dispensers of flares for late French F-8, but it's be weird if they were not equipped with it. I'm sure they must have undergone numerous improvements over the years no??
  3. Atually related to that... i was wondering if there's a way to change the ranks of the other pilots. It's kinda weird to have 2nd Lt... I always thought you came out as a 1st Lt when you finish officer training...
  4. It looks to me like TK's not replying to anything on this forum. Either he's on a sabatical or he went running like forrest gump... Either way, it's doesn't make any sense that Combatace offers faster and better customer support than the game's producers. I still like the game though (except for the AI sometimes), and I'll prob stick to it until I get bored...
  5. Since I have a slight suspicion that my post on the TW forum will probably remain unaswered (that site is pretty much dead...), I'll try my luck here.. So here goes nothing: I have a few modded campaigns. I've been playing them in SF2. I then transferred all of my mod files to SF2NA and continued there. For some reason, the A-10 wasn't showing up in my campaign (all ini entries are correct 100%, that's another mystery) I thought it might be related to the SF2NA.exe... So transferred everything back to SF2 and now somehow SF2 and SF2NA are linked. If I delete all of my campaigns in SF2NA, they don't show up in SF2. I tried by adding my campaigns one by one, but same result. If the campaigns are not both in the campaign folder of SF2NA and SF2, they don't show up. I'm lost on this one. Could it be that a few codes got messed up and that I need to reinstall the whole thing??? Does this look familiar to some of you? Any idea what could be causing this?
  6. okido, i'll do that when i get back after work although i don't see any mistakes... still doesn't explain why sf2 and sf2na would somehow be linked when it comes to campaigns...
  7. ok worked i made me a 68 with jam and chaff and 79 with jam, chaff and flares strangely though, you don't have to rename the skin files to F-8_FN_68 for instance... you need to keep the original file naming unlike the other aircraft. well anyway, it works thanks!
  8. sort of bringing this up... would be great if anyone could come up with skins specific for the squadrons.. just an idea ;-)
  9. I've just tried the AM-39 Exocet on the Super Etendard. I can launch it without any problem. But when I ask my wingman to attack the second ship, he just dives towards the ship but fails to launch and pulls up, and does the same thing over and over again... Does the Exocet only work the player?
  10. ok.. i'll try it out again from a bit futher then.. see if my wingman gets smarter :-)
  11. hmm downloading the avionics update seems to have solved the issue... weird
  12. sorry i meant the data.ini that came with the template (not the skins)...
  13. I've tried this out, but my wingman tends to lose speed very fast when turning sharply and then just loses altitude and crashes. This happens every time. CAS missions are typical. He attacks his first target, gains altitudes, turns and loses speed and crashes... I didn't change anything in the data.ini file. I did replace it with the one provided with the new skins. Any idea?
  14. I suppose nobody happens to have 1024 pixels Vampire 9 templates?
  15. So I've been working on some desert camo Dhimari F-100 and A-4's. I also changed the roundels as for some reason I didn't like the star in the middle... but anyway here are a few pics... It's still all work in progress though, but I'm happy with the result so far (next F-4, Hunters and Mirage 3)
  16. i'll go with the star again... but smaller
  17. ah shoot! hmm ok, i'll have to paint a black circle in the middle then to have the 3 colurs
  18. Are there like tips or tricks concerning making of templates? I'm working on one for the A-4. Separating the metal parts and red intakes are not a problem? I even redid the panel lines. But I'm struggling with using the original weathering as an overlay or other blending options. I'm also experimenting with a negative of the original as it highlights the panel lines and rivets, but I'm not getting any further... Any ideas?
  19. yes of course.. i thought of that just being curious...
  20. thx for the A-4F template... i've put it to good use :-) i'm just wondering how you figure out how to paint the camo, i mean to make sure it flows from wing to fuselage without interruption? is it just trial and error or do you have a trick for that? thx
  21. i'd be interested in that template, even if it were only to learn from it
  22. I've been messing about with the Mirage 3C templates and was pretty amazed at how easy it is to come up with a new skin (provided all the layers are there of course). It made me think of creating new skins for the Dhimari airforce, but for various planes... Still I'd need various templates of the sf2 planes. I checked on the TW site, but these are from "Wings Over... games" Are there templates available? I looked around here, but only found the Mirage 3 and 5... I would need templates for F-100, A-4, F-4, F-104, Hunter... Where do you guys get the templates from?
  23. the scale was a bit off indeed... ok got it now, thanks!
  24. on second thought it's prob related to squadron no's i'm flying the place with nation france because dhimar isn't flyable...

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