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slick cowboy

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Everything posted by slick cowboy

  1. so i made some progress... i even made my own dhimari roundel (wasn't too keen on that star in the middle) but i can't get the numbering to work... I wrote this in the decal.ini [Decal012] MeshName=fuselage_front DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=ARABIC3BLACK Position=5.30,-0.250 Rotation=0.0 Scale=0.1 DecalMaxLOD=2 [Decal013] MeshName=fuselage_front DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=ARABIC3BLACK Position=5.30,-0.250 Rotation=0.0 Scale=0.1 DecalMaxLOD=2 But nothing appears... I don't have a number.lst as the numbering is the stock arabic one (it's been used in other dhimari skins...)
  2. solved it, i'm just blind, that's all... and i need a walk :-)
  3. i'm already on it... but i re-drew the lines in illustrator, then created two layers of darker grey over the lines and an extra cloud layer seems to work fine i'll try to make a template of the A-4 starting from the original bmp files
  4. thanks for the link, i'll check it out i figured out how to weather meanwhile... anybody has a template for the f-100 tanks? and perhaps a template for an A-4E? I can't find one anywhere... meanwhile, a desert hun in the making
  5. already working on a desert hun... at least trying to... weathering is going to be hard though...
  6. Sorry about the title, didn't really know how to describe this in a concise way. But i was wondering if there's a way to determine how many wingmen a flight gets for a specific mission. An example, in your campaign you set SurpriseAttack=TRUE, your carrier group is being attacked by as much as 10 bombers and escorts and to counter that the AI launches a flight of 2 interceptors... The outcome is pretty clear... So it's be great to set a minimum of 4 aircraft for intercept missions for instance... but maybe this is wishful thinking. It's be great though. Obviously if you're flying the mission, you can bring as many as you want. But if you're on bombing mission and the AI is left to counter the attack, then the carrier groups (or airbase) doesn't get much of a fighting chance.
  7. I'm wondering if anyone made Dhimar skins. It's be great to have some for the A-4's. Maybe a generic grey or desert camo... The navy grey with Dhimar decals feels kinda weird :-) I'm not much of a photoshop wizard i'm afraid...
  8. Dhimar skins

    yes thanks! found an a-4 and a mirage cool :-)
  9. I noticed that the Germany map was set to NavalMap=TRUE. It's the one with the modded tiles. Or maybe I put it to true out of curiosity and forgot about it. I'll put it back false... let's see if if any ships show up on land in the future but the transferring the mod folder to NA and play the game from there might be an option too
  10. Some time ago i added a C-119 just for some eye candy in the game... but somehow now and then i end up on the runway together with the C-119 and obviously with both blow up? Is there a limit to the amount of transport planes? Is there an INI file that needs editing to avoid this? I asked the questions on the TW forum, but no useful answer... Kinda frustrating to blow up right in the middle of a campaign. Thanks!
  11. hmm yeah that's what i had, but i still ended up twice on the runway with a C-119 maybe i need to change something the a/c's datafile... the C-119 seems to as secondary role as a bomber as well
  12. I created an alternative Burning Sands campaign to keep it a bit more in the era, meaning I don't get propelled to 1966 just in a few missions and I see Phantoms all over the place. So I started with this: StartDate=09/01/1959 StartDateDeviation=0 EndDate=23/06/1961 I kept the rest as is ForceWithInitiative=0 NavalCampaign=TRUE SurpriseAttack=FALSE MaxMissions=30 NormalMissionRate=180 NormalMissionRateDeviation=120 OffensiveMissionRate=15 OffensiveMissionRateDeviation=30 Still... I fly a few missions and I'm already in dec 1960. Time seems pass by quickly. Is there a way to make sure the 30 missions are spread over equally over a certain time period? What do I have to change in the mission rate entries? And do I also need to change the mission rates per aircraft? I looked around, but couldn't find a step-by-step explanation of the campaign data.ini file. Thanks!
  13. I'm desperately trying to relocate the D10 airfield on the desert map, but it's really hard to look at the planning map and pick a spot. So far I always end up in hilly terrain or with trees in the middle of the runway.... Is there a more efficient way to find a good spot?
  14. i tried the tool... but hell ansi, unicode... i think my brain is rebelling now i guess that's not for me then... i'll stick what i've got thx anyway ;-)
  15. I recently downloaded the Desert v3 mod. I really like it so far. It definitely adds a lot of extra dynamics to the game. But there a few glitches... First of all when fuel tanks at airports do this: Is this due to some setting on a my graphics card? I have a GTX550. I get the same lines when using the Italian F-104S mod: Anyone has an idea how to get rid of this or what's causing these lines to appear? many thanks!!
  16. by the way, also related to the desert 3 map, i get this as well, probably also a shadow problem pit1.ini shadow is set to FALSE... what could be causing this?
  17. I'm playing a campaign on your revamped desert map, but some objects don't appear as targets when I appear the target zone. It's usually when I fly SEAD missions and obviously I'm unable to complete the mission. Is there something i need to add to my campaign data ini file?
  18. I'm working on a campaign for SF2, set in 1959, including a naval campaign. I have two aircraft carriers (constellation and ark royal), but i don't want them to be attacked since their air defenses aren't were really up for it and the interceptors are not a match for the multitude of bombers and escorts. Out of curiosity I entered SurpriseAttack=TRUE in the data.ini file, but it was a disaster. Played out several times, but both carriers get sunk. So I went back to SurpriseAttack=FALSE and still the Parani forces attack the ships. I even put a "0" next to MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP] for each enemy aircraft. Needless to say, same result... I don't get it... Or is the ForceWithInitiative entry important here? It's set to '0'. Any idea?
  19. I wonder if this works in SF2 as well? http://combatace.com/files/file/8008-ejecting-pilots-mod-v10-update/ I noticed that it was installed in the NF5 mod, but it doesn't work... ejecting is as boring as ever. And I can't find updated for it, so I assume there isn't any. Or is there a way to make this work in SF2 as well?
  20. A-6 Superpack

    i have this cockpit http://combatace.com/files/file/12061-a-6e-cockpit/ but where can i find a cockpit.ini file to go with it? There's none in this mod...
  21. it's also in NF5, but it doesn't work there either...

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