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slick cowboy

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Everything posted by slick cowboy

  1. French F-100D hi-res skins



    This is just a small mod to enhance the already existing mod of the French F-100D Super Sabre. I used hgbn's template as a starting point to create 2048x2048 skins for this mod. The skins now also have French warning markings instead of the stock english ones. I didn't remake all of the skins, but most of them are there. Sorry, didn't do the shark teeth. I need to redraw them in Illustrator.. one day. Installation: Before you download this, you need this mod first: http://combatace.com/files/file/11566-f-100d-arm%C3%A9e-de-lair-complete/ Then you can replace the skins in the aircraft's respective skin folders. I used the same folder names of course. Credits: Paulopanz for the actual Armée De L'Air mod. hgbn for the F-100D template Sundowner for small weathering bits I recycled from I don't know where... (prob the F-4 ones) TW for the original 3D model of course.
  2. File Name: French F-100D hi-res skins File Submitter: slick cowboy File Submitted: 07 June 2015 File Category: F-100 This is just a small mod to enhance the already existing mod of the French F-100D Super Sabre. I used hgbn's template as a starting point to create 2048x2048 skins for this mod. The skins now also have French warning markings instead of the stock english ones. I didn't remake all of the skins, but most of them are there. Sorry, didn't do the shark teeth. I need to redraw them in Illustrator.. one day. Installation: Before you download this, you need this mod first: http://combatace.com/files/file/11566-f-100d-arm%C3%A9e-de-lair-complete/ Then you can replace the skins in the aircraft's respective skin folders. I used the same folder names of course. Credits: Paulopanz for the actual Armée De L'Air mod. hgbn for the F-100D template Sundowner for small weathering bits I recycled from I don't know where... (prob the F-4 ones) TW for the original 3D model of course. Click here to download this file
  3. Is there a still a new G91R3 in progress? This came up a while ago.... was the project abandoned? A new revamped Gina would be nice to see in the Germany campaigns.
  4. After download the Germany navy F-104G skins I noticed in the credits that they are based on Ravenclaw's template. Since the skins are 2048x2048, i guess these are hi-res ones. But they can't be found in the download section. Only the 1024 templates... Were these never released? It'd be great to make better generic camo skins for Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands... The stock ones are 512...
  5. Can anybody tell me what the text is in the second smaller rectangle? ... LA PORTE QUE POUR... is all I can see (I think) http://www.airliners.net/photo/France---Air/Dassault-Super-Mystere/0191594/L/
  6. thx for the "et en s'éncartant" didn't catch that one ok enough nerdiness... back to rivets :-)
  7. n'ouvrir que pour le... is def possible test.. not sure, but i can use it in game nobody's really that nerdy (right?)
  8. working on a hi-res super mystere template.. it'll take a while... i hope nobody is working on one?
  9. File Name: F-111_improvedskinpack File Submitter: slick cowboy File Submitted: 21 May 2014 File Category: F-111 Since I'm not a fan of too strong panel lines in the skins, I decided to redo the skins of the F-111. I redrew the lines, added rivets, also some stencil stuff and the squadron's patches. The squadrons are the ones of the original F-111 pack, which you need to download first to make these skins work of course. Find the pack here: http://combatace.com/files/file/10425-f-111-super-vark-pack-version-24/ and the FB111A here (unless it's already included in the above pack... don't remember) http://combatace.com/files/file/9192-sf2-f-111adef-ef-111a-and-fb-111a/ For the F-111D I created separate folders for the ones with classic insignia and 1984 versions referring to the more modern insignia. So I took the liberty to copy the star.tga included in the F-111A decal folders and added them to the F-111D decal folders. (you could easily do that yourself, but... what the heck) Also, I created a new aircraft folder for a 1986 version of the FB-111A to include the Dark Vark skin with slimers. I had change the data.ini file for that. So I went ahead and included that as well. Another extra is a fictional wrap-up desert skin for the D and E version and a desert skin with grey underside for the F-111F. Oh, I also made new Bump maps, because I thought the original ones were just too deep... They're in a separate folder. Anyway to install everything: 1. Install the add-on F-111 pack mentioned above. (And keep it aside in case you don't like this and want to go back to the original pack) 2. Paste the contents of the Objects folder into your Objects folder (in your mod folder). This includes F-111A/D/E/F and FB-111A and the new FB-111_86 folder. The Decals folder only contains the star.tga in the F-111D, so you can have the D version with classic stars. 3.To make the FB-111A_86 work. Copy everything from the original FB-111A aircraft folder and paste them in the new FB-111A_86 folder EXCEPT FOR the FB-111A.ini and the FB-111A_data.ini files (as I already made new ones for the FB-111A_86). This is important as the new data.ini contains everything to make the slimers work! Keep in mind that the FB-111A_86 refers to the FB-111A decal folder. There's no separate folder. 4. If you want the new bump maps, copy the three bmp's from the "new bump maps" folder and paste them in each aircraft folder of the different versions. Credits TW for the game. Fastcargo and everyone included in the credits of the original add-on aircraft (see above links) Yours truly for the skins ps: For those who want to improve the skins (and I'm sure there's much room for it) I also uploaded the layered template I made as a separate mod. Go look for it. ps: For those who want to improve the skins (and I'm sure there's much room for it) I also uploaded the layered template I made as a separate mod. Go look for it. Click here to download this file
  10. updated! I corrected the skin around the nose. Some parts of the camo kind of bled into the nose section.
  11. great looking plane, nice update! any plans for a template perhaps?
  12. I've just noticed that the pilot's legs are sticking out of the F-86F-40 mod. The FakePilot2 and the F-86Fence are both present in the Pilots folder. The entries in data.ini are: //fake-pilot for wingfences// [Fence1] SystemType=Pilot_Cockpit Position=0.0,0.0,0.0 PILOTMODELNAME=FakePilot2 SeatModelName=F-86Fence SeatPosition=-3.75,0.10,-0.410 SeatID=2 [Fence2] SystemType=Pilot_Cockpit Position=0.0,0.0,0.0 PILOTMODELNAME=FakePilot2 SeatModelName=F-86Fence SeatPosition=3.75,0.10,-0.410 SeatID=3 Am I missing something???
  13. Like this? [Fence1] SystemType=Pilot_Cockpit Position=0.0,0.0,0.0 PILOTMODELNAME=FakePilot SeatModelName=F-86Fence SeatPosition=-3.75,0.10,-0.410 SeatID=2 Mass=0
  14. So I made new nodes from scratch. Two routes, one from the east and one from the west. To the west I got to Pyongyang, then the blue ones invade Kosong to the east and objectives are achieved even if HQ is Chongjin... I checked the nodes very carefully, mapping them out on paper. I checked the targets.ini, but nothing there. I'm wondering if the culprit isn't the terrain. Maybe I need to take another try, but with navalmap set to false and with carrier stations... Anyway, it's weird..
  15. okido! i'll take out my box of pencils and draw a few ideas :-)
  16. The fan on my videocard is acting weird and noisy. I cleaned the fan, but it's still getting noisy when gaming. It's rattling noise... The card is getting old and replacing the fan is not worth it. It's an ASUS card with a Nvidia chip GTX550. I'd rather get a new instead of wasting time fixing this. Does anybody have recommendations? Good or bad experiences? Do I stick with Nvidia or is there better?
  17. I went for a GTX 960 in the end. That water cooling pic looks evil :-)
  18. yeah been thinking about the gtx980 or 970 but either way buying a new card will probably also mean buying a new psu :-( the older psu don't seem to cut it anymore with the newer cards my current one is max 300W
  19. i made new nodes, bit more complex, but just as i wanted to test them out, my processor fan started to give me the creeps so it'll have to wait till i figure this out :-(
  20. Maybe an alternative to the stock small airfield3 could be a nice thing to do as well. Just putting it out there... I'm no 3d wiz ;-)
  21. I'm making a pool of F-8 BuNos. For the C model I have 112 numbers. And the game has 50 USNfighternum. How can I make sure that every plane will randomly use the BuNos from the 112? Do the number of fighternums have to match the number of BuNos? If I say: DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=25 Will the game then only select BuNos from the first 25? I'm a bit confused about how the common pool works of BuNos, especially since there are more Bunos than fighternums...
  22. mmmmkay But if you look at the texture.ini of a lot stock planes you'll find DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE and DecalNumberBlockSize=25 and neither start nor end. It would be weird if TK went through all the trouble of making 100 decals and then limit the planes to using only the first 25. The stock USN F-4 has 100 bunos, so that doesn't make much sense. I'm wondering if the game simply randomizes from the 100 bunos in blocks of 25 in this case.

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