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slick cowboy

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Everything posted by slick cowboy

  1. okido thanks for that but what if i go for DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=25 (without the start and end) will the game pick randomly 25 numbers of the 112 decals? or will it pick from the first 25? sorry if it's a stupid question :-)
  2. Actually, if I use this entry: DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=16 DecalNumberStart=0 DecalNumberEnd=112 Does this mean that from the 16 planes, the game will randomly pick from 0 to 112? What If I leave out the start and end? Trying to figure out how the stock game handles this...
  3. Sorry, this belongs in the SF2 section! Can anybody point out where I can find the skin for the ecm bits on the Mirage Factory F-4S? I can't locate it in the skins and there's no fake pilot in the data.ini referring to a separate object
  4. Never mind found it hidden away...
  5. RF-4B.....

    decalling the nose seems to be a bit beyond my skills and time i'll stick with what I have, that is VMPF-3 skins just need to do the lo-viz so far...
  6. RF-4B.....

    on the skin... didn't think of decals... is that possible?
  7. RF-4B.....

    i tried working on the antiglare, but somehow it's always splintering... drives me nuts I got it more or less on one side, but the other side keeps splintering... can't seem to get it right... it's continuous struggle... deleting, adding, reloading at least i got the nose right, but still... the nose seems to have a different gloss then the rest of the front fuselage...
  8. RA-5C Skinpack



    This package contains improved skins of the RA-5C Vigilante. - Thinner and less visible panel lines, different weathering than the original skins. - New squadrons with tail art and new decal tail numbering for each new squadron - Now you can match this bird with more USN tailcodes in the game Squadrons: RVAH-5 "Savage Sons" tailcode NE (was already present in the original) RVAH-6 "Fleurs" tailcode AJ RVAH-6 "Fleurs" tailcode NG RVAH-6 "Fleurs" tailcode NH RVAH-7 "Peacemakers of the Fleet" tailcode AE RVAH-11 "Checkertails" tailcode AA RVAH-12 "Speartips" tailcode AC RVAH-13 "Bats" tailcode NH The tail artwork is painted on, so no decalling. Unfortunately when decalling over the fold section of the tail, the upper part of the decal disappears. But I drew the art in 2048x2048, that way it still looks ok in the game. Installation: First install aircraft. You can find it here: http://combatace.com/files/file/9579-ra-5c-vigalante-sf2-v11 Then download this pack and from it, paste the "Objects" folder in your SF2 mod folder and overwrite. (The original RVAH5 folder won't be overwritten as I renamed my version RVAH5_NE) Credits Original credits: Model, Textures and Weapons: Julhelm FM: Fubar512 & Column5 Cockpit: Kesselbrut Avionics: Moonjumper & Julhelm V1.1 update by STORM Original templates by Julhelm
  9. File Name: RA-5C Skinpack File Submitter: slick cowboy File Submitted: 27 December 2014 File Category: A-5 This package contains improved skins of the RA-5C Vigilante. - Thinner and less visible panel lines, different weathering than the original skins. - New squadrons with tail art and new decal tail numbering for each new squadron - Now you can match this bird with more USN tailcodes in the game Squadrons: RVAH-5 "Savage Sons" tailcode NE (was already present in the original) RVAH-6 "Fleurs" tailcode AJ RVAH-6 "Fleurs" tailcode NG RVAH-6 "Fleurs" tailcode NH RVAH-7 "Peacemakers of the Fleet" tailcode AE RVAH-11 "Checkertails" tailcode AA RVAH-12 "Speartips" tailcode AC RVAH-13 "Bats" tailcode NH The tail artwork is painted on, so no decalling. Unfortunately when decalling over the fold section of the tail, the upper part of the decal disappears. But I drew the art in 2048x2048, that way it still looks ok in the game. Installation: First install aircraft. You can find it here: http://combatace.com/files/file/9579-ra-5c-vigalante-sf2-v11 Then download this pack and from it, paste the "Objects" folder in your SF2 mod folder and overwrite. (The original RVAH5 folder won't be overwritten as I renamed my version RVAH5_NE) Credits Original credits: Model, Textures and Weapons: Julhelm FM: Fubar512 & Column5 Cockpit: Kesselbrut Avionics: Moonjumper & Julhelm V1.1 update by STORM Original templates by Julhelm Click here to download this file
  10. VF-84 with tailcode AE, only skin I found was in 1024, so I remade it in 2048 i wish i knew how to decal this... i think you need to decal vertical stabilizer and rudder... anyway...
  11. S-3B skins improved

    the RA-5C is up next, with a bunch of brand new skins
  12. File Name: S-3B skins improved File Submitter: slick cowboy File Submitted: 23 December 2014 File Category: Other These are improved skins for the S-3B Viking. The improvements are especially thinner panel lines (I really hate those big ass blurs around the lines :-)) and I also added some rivets. I changed some decals as well. I corrected a few lines here and there based on actual walkaround pics (the pylons and engines for instance) I didn't redo all the the skins, but most of them. To make sure nothing gets lost I added all of the decals for each squadron. The included skins are for: VS-21, VS-22, VS-24, VS-27, VS-30, VS-32, VS-33 and VS-38. I found the VS-22 and VS-24 in the Black Sea Expansion pack and no credits to be found there for these. So if the real slim shady would stand up, then I can include him. I also included the template I made based on the original skins, in case anyone would want to use it for missing squadrons. Get the original aircraft here: http://combatace.com/files/file/12249-lockheed-s-3b-viking-by-foxmontor Original credits: FoxMonter for the aircraft; HrntFixer & Paul Nortness, "Fist of the Fleet" for skins and decals; TMF (me thinks!) for the USN series of sound files. Wrench for assembling the package, and all the editing work; Of course, TK and 3rdWire for the base games themselves!! Original skin credits: VS-21 Fighting Redtails + VS-27 Sea Wolves * VS-29 Dragonfires + VS-30 Diamondcutters + VS-30DS (Desert Storm) ? VS-32 Maulers ? VS-33 Screwbirds + VS-33lo Screwbirds (Lo-Viz) + VS-35 Blue Wolves * VS-38 Red Griffins + VX-1 Pioneers + The suffix symbols designate the artist that created the skins/decals. The Key is below: *=HrntFxr +=Paul Nortness ?=IDK Click here to download this file
  13. RF-4B.....

    actually i found this thread in the SF1 section, where the slimers were somehow taken off http://combatace.com/topic/49813-rf-4b-usmc/ same RF-4C model I think...
  14. RF-4B.....

    okido, will hold off for now have fun with the kids :-) (maybe i'll reskin the RF-8G meanwhile...)
  15. RF-4B.....

    been working on it, so far VMPF-3 and VMCJ-1 but I need to get rid of the slimers and I can't find them in the lights in the data.ini where do i look for them the RF-4B don't seem to have slimers
  16. time for a facelift on the S-3B...
  17. RF-4B.....

    searching for an RF-4B... but only found this thread did anything happen after this? nothing in the downloads except for the vietnam expansion pack... i'm wondering if Sundowner's F-4 template would fit this bird, at least to have hi-res skins instead of the current 512x512
  18. been checking this out and noticed that the fuselage is missing in the rear view mirror only the tail and wings show up... something's missing in the data.ini??
  19. I added the RA-5C to the stock V1 Campaign in SF2V. Three squadrons on three different carriers with corresponding carrier numbers and start dates. I tries different startnumbers, but that doesn't seem to solve anything... They always show up on Korat airfield but on their assigned carriers. I'm lost. I checked everything, (at least I think I did), but can't find anything. I increased the NumSquadron to 6 but no change. Am I missing something terribly obvious?? [AirUnit167] AircraftType=RA-5C UnitName=RVAH-1 Smokin' Tigers Squadron=RVAH1 ForceID=1 Nation=USN StartDate=5/1965 RetireDate=12/1965 DefaultTexture=RVAH1 StartNumber=0 BaseArea=Yankee Station CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierNumber=62 BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=12 StartAircraft=12 MaxPilots=13 StartPilots=13 Experience=100 Intelligence=0 Morale=100 Supply=100 MissionChance[sWEEP]=0 MissionChance[CAP]=0 MissionChance[iNTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=0 MissionChance=0 MissionChance[CAS]=0 MissionChance[sEAD]=0 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=100 UpgradeType=NEVER [AirUnit168] AircraftType=RA-5C UnitName=RVAH-7 Go Devils Squadron=RVAH7 ForceID=1 Nation=USN StartDate=4/1968 DefaultTexture=RVAH7 StartNumber=1 BaseArea=Yankee Station CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierNumber=66 BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=12 StartAircraft=12 MaxPilots=13 StartPilots=13 Experience=100 Intelligence=0 Morale=100 Supply=100 MissionChance[sWEEP]=0 MissionChance[CAP]=0 MissionChance[iNTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=0 MissionChance=0 MissionChance[CAS]=0 MissionChance[sEAD]=0 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=100 UpgradeType=NEVER [AirUnit169] AircraftType=RA-5C UnitName=RVAH-5 Savage Sons Squadron=RVAH5 ForceID=1 Nation=USN StartDate=12/1965 RetireDate=12/1967 DefaultTexture=RVAH5 StartNumber=1 BaseArea=Yankee Station CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierNumber=61 BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=12 StartAircraft=12 MaxPilots=13 StartPilots=13 Experience=100 Intelligence=0 Morale=100 Supply=100 MissionChance[sWEEP]=0 MissionChance[CAP]=0 MissionChance[iNTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=0 MissionChance=0 MissionChance[CAS]=0 MissionChance[sEAD]=0 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=100 UpgradeType=NEVER
  20. yup that must be it i grouped the RA-5C with the USN units and now it shows up correctly i didn't think that would matter, but apparently it's best to keep the blues and reds separated... at least for carrier units
  21. yup, even increased it to 8 i cleaned up the campaign and limited it to 1965 less carrier stations... let's see...
  22. nah... i have this: ServiceStartYear=1962 ServiceEndYear=1987 It's a mystery... but it's not linked to the aircraft. If I add an A-6A, it will also show up at Korat instead of its carrier station. I'm going to test some more...
  23. base size is medium for the aircraft's data.ini, and so is it in the carrier's data.ini and in the carrier station in the campaign's data.ini. the problem occurs when you fly the plane in the campaign when you fly another, the a-5 appears on the correct carrier so the mistake should be in campaign's ini file then... anyway, this is the entry in the CAMPAIGNV1.INI [uSNUnit058] ForceID=1 UnitID=167 AircraftType=RA-5C UnitName=RVAH-1 Smokin' Tigers Squadron=RVAH1 StartDate=5/1965 DescFile=wovRTStart.txt StartText=wovRTStart2.txt StartScreen=CampaignStart3.JPG CampaignBaseScreen=CampaignStart3.JPG UnitID corresponds to the one in the campaign's data.ini, so does the start date i also changed NumSquadron to 6 in the carrier station, i even added it in the target data.ini (i don't think it's necessary) this is the carrier station (CVA-59 is modded on the CVA-63, but even with CVA-63 the problem occurs) the route date also matches [CarrierUnit012] CarrierType=CVA-59 CarrierNumber=62 UnitName=USS Independence ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=6 BaseSize=MEDIUM Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=5/1965 Tour[01].End=12/1965 I can't find it... I tried replacing the A-5 with a stock A-6 and the problem remains, so it's not linked to the aircraft...

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