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slick cowboy

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Everything posted by slick cowboy

  1. I though I'd share my strategic nodes I made for the new Desert 4 terrain. They're merely a tool for the campaign builders, so I didn't think it made sense uploading it as a mod. So if anyone wants to try out different nodes, here are mine. They make the campaign's duration a bit longer... [strategicNode001] Area=Muthala ConnectTo[001].Target=Basari ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=265000,672000 ConnectTo[002].Target=Dhimaq ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=298000,688000 [strategicNode002] Area=Basari ConnectTo[001].Target=Muthala ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=255000,744000 ConnectTo[002].Target=Al'Megnah ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=286000,616000 [strategicNode003] Area=Dhimaq ConnectTo[001].Target=Muthala ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=272000,745000 ConnectTo[002].Target=Al'Mahraz ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=345000,597000 [strategicNode004] Area=Al'Megnah ConnectTo[001].Target=Basari ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=270000,651000 ConnectTo[002].Target=Al'Samir ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=332000,552000 [strategicNode005] Area=Al'Mahraz ConnectTo[001].Target=Dhimaq ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=310000,654000 ConnectTo[002].Target=Al'Duhok ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=390000,555000 [strategicNode006] Area=Al'Samir ConnectTo[001].Target=Al'Megnah ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=297000,592000 ConnectTo[002].Target=Mosak ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=447000,489000 ConnectTo[003].Target=Najahafi ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=358000,491000 [strategicNode007] Area=Al'Duhok ConnectTo[001].Target=Al'Mahraz ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=372000,578000 ConnectTo[002].Target=Mosak ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=450000,490000 ConnectTo[003].Target=Najahafi ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=373000,486000 [strategicNode008] Area=Mosak ConnectTo[001].Target=Al'Duhok ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=420943,522707 ConnectTo[002].Target=Al'Samir ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=356000,533000 ConnectTo[003].Target=Riqdur ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=473000,451000 [strategicNode009] Area=Riqdur ConnectTo[001].Target=Mosak ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=460000,468000 ConnectTo[002].Target=Montazah ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=505718,453813 ConnectTo[003].Target=Maqazad ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=427687,447344 ConnectTo[004].Target=Firebase Charlie ConnectTo[004].BasePoint=441710,474555 [strategicNode010] Area=Maqazad ConnectTo[001].Target=Riqdur ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=452750,454813 ConnectTo[002].Target=Mafrak ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=459250,420125 [strategicNode011] Area=Mafrak ConnectTo[001].Target=Maqazad ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=427687,447344 ConnectTo[002].Target=Riqdur ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=452750,454813 ConnectTo[003].Target=Tiran ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=452031,407688 [strategicNode012] Area=Montazah ConnectTo[001].Target=Riqdur ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=452750,454813 ConnectTo[002].Target=Mafrak ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=459250,420125 ConnectTo[003].Target=Malelouk ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=516312,416688 ConnectTo[004].Target=Izmat ConnectTo[004].BasePoint=540125,466125 [strategicNode013] Area=Tiran ConnectTo[001].Target=Mafrak ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=459250,420125 ConnectTo[002].Target=Malelouk ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=516312,416688 ConnectTo[003].Target=Montazah ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=505718,453813 [strategicNode014] Area=Malelouk ConnectTo[001].Target=Mafrak ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=459250,420125 ConnectTo[002].Target=Montazah ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=505718,453813 ConnectTo[003].Target=Dotan ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=552000,426000 [strategicNode015] Area=Dotan ConnectTo[001].Target=Malelouk ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=516312,416688 ConnectTo[002].Target=Montazah ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=505718,453813 ConnectTo[003].Target=Izmat ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=540125,466125 ConnectTo[004].Target=Jarimin ConnectTo[004].BasePoint=572687,398125 [strategicNode016] Area=Jarimin ConnectTo[001].Target=Dotan ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=552000,426000 ConnectTo[002].Target=Nasr ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=568000,360250 ConnectTo[003].Target=Masada ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=667562,390313 [strategicNode017] Area=Masada ConnectTo[001].Target=Jarimin ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=572687,398125 ConnectTo[002].Target=Ragnat ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=680531,408188 [strategicNode018] Area=Nasr ConnectTo[001].Target=Masada ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=667562,390313 ConnectTo[002].Target=Galzad ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=631468,330344 [strategicNode019] Area=Galzad ConnectTo[001].Target=Nasr ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=568000,360250 ConnectTo[002].Target=Masada ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=667562,390313 [strategicNode020] Area=Izmat ConnectTo[001].Target=Montazah ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=505718,453813 ConnectTo[002].Target=Dotan ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=552000,426000 ConnectTo[003].Target=Shandarmar ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=587062,472000 [strategicNode021] Area=Shandarmar ConnectTo[001].Target=Izmat ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=540125,466125 ConnectTo[002].Target=Dotan ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=552000,426000 ConnectTo[003].Target=Suran ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=614968,491438 [strategicNode022] Area=Suran ConnectTo[001].Target=Shandarmar ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=587062,472000 ConnectTo[002].Target=Dotan ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=552000,426000 ConnectTo[003].Target=Al'Salamlek ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=649281,506094 [strategicNode023] Area=Ragnat ConnectTo[001].Target=Jarimin ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=572687,398125 ConnectTo[002].Target=Asran ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=722437,396938 [strategicNode024] Area=Asran ConnectTo[001].Target=Ragnat ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=680531,408188 ConnectTo[002].Target=Seikel ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=719750,468188 [strategicNode025] Area=Al'Salamlek ConnectTo[001].Target=Suran ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=614968,491438 ConnectTo[002].Target=Ragnat ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=680531,408188 [strategicNode026] Area=Seikel ConnectTo[001].Target=Asran ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=722437,396938 ConnectTo[002].Target=Qazbak ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=746750,475938 ConnectTo[003].Target=Kurzah ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=713625,487375 [strategicNode027] Area=Qazbak ConnectTo[001].Target=Seikel ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=719750,468188 ConnectTo[002].Target=Kurzah ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=713625,487375 [strategicNode028] Area=Kurzah ConnectTo[001].Target=Seikel ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=719750,468188 [strategicNode029] Area=Maqazad ConnectTo[001].Target=Najahafi ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=372000,480000 ConnectTo[002].Target=Riqdur ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=471000,451000 [strategicNode030] Area=Najahafi ConnectTo[001].Target=Al'Samir ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=341000,533000 ConnectTo[002].Target=Al'Duhok ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=395000,541000 ConnectTo[003].Target=Maqazad ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=390000,445000 [strategicNode031] Area=Firebase Charlie ConnectTo[001].Target=Mosak ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=452250,477000 ConnectTo[002].Target=Al'Duhok ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=424250,518500
  2. Does the StartTime entry in a campaign's data.ini actually work? It seems to start at 06.00 even if I enter 02.00 at night... The exact start time doesn't seem to work...
  3. both for desert and europe probably the rest too, haven't tried... plane is for day and night, even tried setting it at night_only, but that doesn't change anything i guess the StartTime entry simply doesn't work, or maybe it used to... without the entry, the start time is random though
  4. Is there an entry in the data.ini or maybe cockpit.ini where you can change the order in which the weapons are released? I mean, for instance, when an AI Phantom has 6 CBU's on the inner pylons and 2 rocketpods on the outer pylons, the AI always fires the rockets first and then bombs. Is there a way to make sure the AI delivers the bombs first, to shed some weight?
  5. that's interesting... thanks another thing to experiment with :-)
  6. I'm referring to the AI, not to the player
  7. nobody else is having this? I get this too... uncanny waters... is there a fix for this... the same happens with the Libya map by the way
  8. Desert_Ravenclaw_F-4E

    Version 2.0


    These are what-if desert skins for Ravenclaw's F-4E. They don't work for the stock TW F-4E. There's also a wraparound skin for the '78 version by the way. Installation First Install Ravenclaw's F-4E. Find it here: http://combatace.com/files/file/13932-f-4e-usaf-pack/ Then paste the folders in your Aircraft mod folder. Credits: TK for the game obviously Ravenclaw for the aircraft and excellent templates.
  9. File Name: Desert_Ravenclaw_F-4E File Submitter: slick cowboy File Submitted: 08 February 2014 File Category: What If Skins These are what-if desert skins for Ravenclaw's F-4E. They don't work for the stock TW F-4E. There's also a wraparound skin for the '78 version by the way. Installation First Install Ravenclaw's F-4E. Find it here: http://combatace.com/files/file/13932-f-4e-usaf-pack/ Then paste the folders in your Aircraft mod folder. Credits: TK for the game obviously Ravenclaw for the aircraft and excellent templates. Click here to download this file
  10. sweet, looking forward will there be any templates?
  11. just out of curiosity, are you all adding sidewinder pylon on the outer wings? i think i read somewhere that the F-5E can also carry two extra AIM-9's next to the ones on the tips... would be a nice addition for air-to-air
  12. yup nice one! pit1 needs to replaced though, shadow problem i also some weird shadows over one of the cities, but wasn't able to take a screenshot...
  13. File Name: Jaguar A Template File Submitter: slick cowboy File Submitted: 18 January 2014 File Category: Skin Templates These are 1024 templates I made for the new French Jaguar A. I recycled a few bits from the GR1 one, which I thought were a bit better, for instance gear, nozzle... I included my skin layer of blue green camo, but it's a template so it's made to work with. I also added rivets which were missing in the original skin. Download the aircraft here: http://combatace.com/files/file/14511-jaguar-a/ And find all credits there as well :-) I'm sure someone will come up with 2048 templates one day, but for now i'm using these. Cheers Click here to download this file
  14. Jaguar A Template



    These are 1024 templates I made for the new French Jaguar A. I recycled a few bits from the GR1 one, which I thought were a bit better, for instance gear, nozzle... I included my skin layer of blue green camo, but it's a template so it's made to work with. I also added rivets which were missing in the original skin. Download the aircraft here: http://combatace.com/files/file/14511-jaguar-a/ And find all credits there as well :-) I'm sure someone will come up with 2048 templates one day, but for now i'm using these. Cheers
  15. 1024 someone will probably come up hi-res ones far more superior than mines but for now, these look fine when used in game
  16. templates are ready by the way just playing around with them before uploading
  17. Jaguar A

    never mind, i did something wrong when pasting the files all good
  18. no pun intended (i think) kinda wondering if anybody ever made a more detailed version of the french double ejector 2BR_FR the one i have is lacking in texture... doesn't look great on the french jaguar
  19. Jaguar A

    never mind... my bad, solved is it normal i don't have a hud display in the Jaguar A? there's just the glass...
  20. been working on the skin, went for a more blueish grey, layered templates done panel lines redone and added rivets... the gear needs a bit texture though where's the white bit on the tail in the skin? should that be white?
  21. SF-2 Future

    I'd be happy with a smarter AI AI evading attack when RTB or attack the aggressor when armed with AA missiles (and with enough fuel) and obviously AI capable to deliver laser guided weapons (even with Mavericks AI's tend to get stuck in a loop over the target). The promotions should go slower i think and it's a bit weird to see that many 2nd LT in a squadron... BUT, was this discussed with TK in advance? If not chances are that he's not going agree on this. Why would he be spend time on this while he could spend time on making actual money with mobile games?? I'd first check with him if he'd be interested in making these improvements to the game with financial support from the CA community. cheers
  22. working on a template right now adding rivets as well...
  23. yup templates would be nice, those panel lines are a bit "hard"

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