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slick cowboy

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Everything posted by slick cowboy

  1. Are these lights WIP for a specific carrier type? I'm kinda curious...
  2. I hate hashtags... that being said.. Has anyone tried making a RAF or Royal Navy pilot with a MK1 helmet? I gave it a shot, but it's just too damn hard photoshopping an existing pilot into something that actually looks like it... I guess it would also need a new 3d model to go with it... It's the one pilot that's missing in SF2... perfect for Hunters, Lightnings, early Phantoms, Buccaneers...
  3. File Name: M2000Ctemplate File Submitter: slick cowboy File Submitted: 02 November 2013 File Category: Skin Templates This layered Photoshop template I made for the Mirage 2000C. I redrew the panel lines and rivets. The template also includes some weathering. Feel free to make your own if you don't like mine of course. The original French skin and model is by Mirage Factory Click here to download this file
  4. I made a layered template for the Mirage Factory Mirage 2000C. I used it to make a Dhimari skin... I'm pretty satisfied with it, but before releasing this I assume I need permission from someone at Mirage Factory. How can I get in touch? Sorry if it's a stupid question :-)
  5. ok thanks it's up there http://combatace.com/files/file/14374-m2000ctemplate/
  6. Italian F-84F... 5th and 6th Aerobrigata...
  7. Been working on this baby... I got the trident, the tail and the ensign right, but I don't know anything about correct numbering... and placing decals before and after the roundel seems like one hell of a job... Anybody has more experience with this? We need Italian F-84F's :-)
  8. thanks, i'll check the airbrakes mesh when i muster the courage finding the right coordinates for the decals was already enough of a mess for now yeah i thought about amarillo usaf... it's not 100%, but it's close for now
  9. decal position is done... i can't put decals over the airbrake so it's roundel first and then stormo numbering i don't know what font to use though... anybody have an idea? and for serials it should be the US ones, so without the MM...
  10. Just to figure out strategic nodes work I wrote some for the Libya map. I understand the principle of connections, but in a campaign the friendlies achieve their goals after one mission. I want to add a ground war to the campaign... The friendly base is Tunis and Enemy base is Benghazi. This is how I connected things. Did I do something wrong? Maybe I got this completely wrong... [strategicNode001] Area=Tunis ConnectTo[001].Target=Sousse ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=154500,753047 [strategicNode002] Area=Sousse ConnectTo[001].Target=Tunis ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=133812,806313 ConnectTo[002].Target=Akarit ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=115171,646000 [strategicNode003] Area=Akarit ConnectTo[001].Target=Sousse ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=154500,753047 ConnectTo[002].Target=Gabes ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=131015,623172 [strategicNode004] Area=Gabes ConnectTo[001].Target=Akarit ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=115171,646000 ConnectTo[002].Target=Zuwarah ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=235500,566000 [strategicNode005] Area=Zuwarah ConnectTo[001].Target=Gabes ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=131015,623172 ConnectTo[002].Target=Yfren ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=241328,529079 [strategicNode006] Area=Yfren ConnectTo[001].Target=Zuwarah ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=235500,566000 ConnectTo[002].Target=Nalut ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=179000,498782 [strategicNode007] Area=Nalut ConnectTo[001].Target=Yfren ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=241328,529079 ConnectTo[002].Target=Mizdah ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=283328,485282 [strategicNode008] Area=Mizdah ConnectTo[001].Target=Nalut ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=179000,498782 ConnectTo[002].Target=Bani Walid ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=335406,482993 [strategicNode009] Area=Bani Walid ConnectTo[001].Target=Mizdah ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=283328,485282 ConnectTo[002].Target=Gharyan ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=293726,529282 [strategicNode010] Area=Gharyan ConnectTo[001].Target=Bani Walid ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=335406,482993 ConnectTo[002].Target=Tripoli ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=305437,555407 [strategicNode011] Area=Tripoli ConnectTo[001].Target=Gharyan ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=293726,529282 ConnectTo[002].Target=Al Khums ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=369156,557797 [strategicNode012] Area=Al Khums ConnectTo[001].Target=Tripoli ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=305437,555407 ConnectTo[002].Target=Misratah ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=424812,537500 [strategicNode013] Area=Misratah ConnectTo[001].Target=Al Khums ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=369156,557797 ConnectTo[002].Target=Al Qaryah ash Shaqiyah ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=361687,408375 [strategicNode014] Area=Al Qaryah ash Shaqiyah ConnectTo[001].Target=Misratah ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=424812,537500 ConnectTo[002].Target=Surt ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=529718,468282 [strategicNode015] Area=Surt ConnectTo[001].Target=Al Qaryah ash Shaqiyah ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=361687,408375 ConnectTo[002].Target=Marsa el Brega ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=680437,412375 [strategicNode016] Area=Marsa el Brega ConnectTo[001].Target=Surt ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=529718,468282 ConnectTo[002].Target=Jalu ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=839281,303157 [strategicNode017] Area=Jalu ConnectTo[001].Target=Marsa el Brega ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=680437,412375 ConnectTo[002].Target=Ajdabiya ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=732687,636625 [strategicNode018] Area=Ajdabiya ConnectTo[001].Target=Jalu ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=839281,303157 ConnectTo[002].Target=Qaminis ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=734437,486375 [strategicNode019] Area=Qaminis ConnectTo[001].Target=Ajdabiya ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=732687,636625 ConnectTo[002].Target=Benghazi ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=743937,513875 [strategicNode020] Area=Benghazi ConnectTo[001].Target=Qaminis ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=734437,486375
  11. While I'm pasting my data.ini I come across this as enemy base: Benhgazi... It should be be Benghazi of course... I'm three missions in and the campaign is still ongoing. I think I solved it. Sometimes you can go over something a 1000 times and not see it... Well anyway, the nodes are there. If anyone wants to try them out feel free.
  12. NEVER MIND I'm blind, stupid and Ignorant... feel free to delete this thread ;-) To be more precise... I built a campaign on the Libya map which works with stations, like SF2V. But when I start the campaign with a carrier based aircraft, I always end up in the lower left corner of the map and not on the carrier. The other units are on the carrier though. So it's related to being a player. I went over everything several times, compared it to the SF2V campaigns, but I don't think I missed something... For instance I have this for one of my carrier based units: [AirUnit022] AircraftType=FJ-3M Squadron=VF73 ForceID=1 Nation=USN CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierNumber=9 BaseMoveChance=0 DefaultTexture=VF73 StartNumber=0 BaseArea=Bravo Station RandomChance=100 MissionRate=1.0 MaxAircraft=20 StartAircraft=16 MaxPilots=22 StartPilots=16 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=80 etc... And on Bravo Station there's the carrier: [CarrierUnit002] CarrierType=SCB-125 CarrierNumber=9 UnitName=USS Essex ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Bravo Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=SMALL Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 I checked numbers in the Names.ini as well. It's correct. I'm a bit lost now... I must have missed something...
  13. Avast indeed... what the hell.. ok i hope the exclusion will avoid problems in the future
  14. now this is funny... did TK install a self-destruct mechanism :-) still waiting on a reply to mail to support
  15. strange indeed but now even my clean SF2 freezes when loading a mission, no mods left in the folder uninstall everything and then installing the mods one by one might be a good idea... at least i can clean up a few things :-) i sent a mail to thirdwire support, let's what they got to say
  16. Hehe, also 40%! That can't be a coincidence. My game became a a bit glitchy off late, sidewinders that changed colour, userlists not respected, i once even got an A-4 pit for an F-4... Maybe the writing was on the wall...
  17. part 2: I deleted the mod folder, start a single mission, get past the accept button, click Fly and then it loads up to 40% and it crashes. Is it safe to assume that I need to reinstall the damn thing?
  18. I noticed that the French BLG1000 is missing a bit of skin... Maybe I have an older skin?? I took it from NF5. There are no French LGB to be downloaded either, so I can't find anything to replace the skin. I think the skin that I have is the same one of the BLG400, which is smaller. Maybe that explains...
  19. Weapons seem to be missing...
  20. yup holes... I've just downloaded the Libya terrain, but I came across this. Is something missing?
  21. I guess this is not fixable either? The tarmac seems to be too high..
  22. yup, greek coast indeed
  23. okido too bad it's a nice terrain though, good to get some italian birds out there!
  24. I'd like to learn how to make strategic nodes and would like start from the Desert campaign. Only thing the planning map doesn't have the city names, so it's a bit hard to find where is what... I'd like to (try to) make a campaign on the Libya terrain, but since there are no nodes made, I guess it's about I learn something more :-) So how do you find the areas on the map? Or did I overlook something way too obvious?

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