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Posts posted by Phantomworks

  1. Thanks all for your feedback and ideas.  I seemed to have fixed it in a roundabout way which I may have to revert as the game crashed when I was switching views between objects. First I tried to use the Super Tomcat Pack to replace the A and A+....that did not work. When I copied the ODS orgininals back in, overwriting the Super Pack Cats, it started working....now, just then I spotted something that I missed in the installation instructions, I did not use the optional SF2NA files to use the stock Tomcat data. So I did that too.

    It all looked like everything was solved, apart from the crash. Not sure if ODS is prone to occasional crashes?

    I may try to do a clean setup again. BTW I also added the latest Viper Team F16's as I felt that the included F16's were dated. To check, is there an official way to add more up to date aircraft to ODS, like the F16's for example.




  2. Hello,

    I just got Operation Desert Storm Redux up and running. Two questions at the moment, my Tomcat skins are only showing up black. I took a look at the Aircraft folder and I can see the skins there for the respective F14 folders. Any ideas?

    Also, I was wondering if there is an update for the aircraft carriers in terms that they have no other aircraft on decks it is completely empty. Anyway to spruce these up with more objects?

    Many thanks again,



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