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Everything posted by Seawolf

  1. HOAX - A Salute to PW - HOAX

    It would make more sense to me to find out more info on him before approaching his family about anything. The last bit of info sounds strange. If all we know is "J" then we need to find out more. Sorry, it's just the ol investigator comming out of me again.
  2. I don't think Mudd was refering to Strike FIghters when he said that, but I will agree SF could have easily used another year of development and shouldn't have been released when it was. Its more like they arnt bound by a wrtten contract to release on a certain date as was SFP1 by WALMART they asked to change the release date and "Wally world" would not let them. sometimes a "Buggy" game is released due to a contract issue---sometime it take more integity to keep your word even if you were wrong to give it at the time? but hope all is well with this one as it looks full of potentional
  3. HOAX - A Salute to PW - HOAX

    Alpha Mike Foxtrot to our fallen brothers
  4. I suggest keeping the mipmap detail slider around 5 as its a big time FPS killer.
  5. Well it only has to fly 120ft so the flight model cant be that demanding.
  6. Lexicon, I wish I knew what to tell ya, but your going to have to tinker with your PC to find out whats up. The one thing I hate about upgrading is dealing with performance glitches like the one you are having. Sorry I was a bit harsh, but good luck just the same
  7. The Biohaz Store is now online!

    Dude, Im all about that Biohaz Hat. That thing looks slick.
  8. Yeah I think ol Lexicon there has some PC issues he needs to get figured out. I run FS2004 with just about everything on high and not only is it beautifull, but I average 30+fps. Athlon 2400 (2ghz) 1gb DDR PC2700 Radeon 9700 Pro You gotta be carefull making accusations about performance in general when there is a good chance its your own PC with the problem and not the software. In some cases it is the software, but in the case of FS2004 you dont see too many people complaining about performance. BTW- Comparing the performance of something like FS2004 to a sim like Lomac which isn't even released yet is not very smart.
  9. Yeah I saw that special as well Chief. Sounds like they had some chain of command issues as well which probably added to the time.lol Those planes were crushed under the moving ice for all those years its amazing they are still in the condition they were in. Didnt they have to melt all that ice away before they could get it out?
  10. Losing a good friend

    Sorry to hear about that Chief. I have a 5 year old cat I rescued from a dumpster and I cant imagine my life without him as well as my two dogs.
  11. I recently purchased an Xbox with the Live kit (multiplayer online) and although up until getting this Xbox all of my gaming has been done with my PC I must say I am amazed with this little black box and what it can do which got me to thinking about the future of PC gaming and flight sims in particular. This is strickly a "what if" thought, but hear me out. What about realistic flight sims like LOMAC on console systems like Xbox? Now before you start throwing oranges and calling me a trader, just listen for a second.lol What would you need to add to a console system to be able to fly a flight sim just like we do currently on our PCs? First thing we need is a joystick, and even better yet a HOTAS setup that just plugs into the built in USB ports just like they do on our PCs. IMO there is no reason why Saitek, CH, TM, and especially MS couldnt make thier sticks compatible with a system like the Xbox (MS especially). It's USB, just a different connector. Second is you would need Keyboard support (with a mouse) and a web browser so you can dabble with your web sites, download mods, etc. Xbox live already has a thing called Live content which allows you to download updates and extras for live games. Ok, so we have our HOTAS, Keyboard, Mouse, and our web surfing software ready to go, whats next? Ah of course we need a flight sim! Well there is LOMAC, and its been in development for a few years now specifically for the PC, but here is the beauty of Consoles. See I used to be hardcore PC and never thought of consoles as legit gaming platforms because I put so much money and time into my PC to make it run as fast as possible and handle any game I threw at it. Now I have changed my view. I think Consoles can be serious (hardcore) gaming setups with a few minor additions (like I mentioned above), but here is why having a hardcore flight sim on a console would actually be better than on your PC. 1st and biggest PRO is simple- 52inch HDTV phillips Plasma Screen. LOL Just imagine something like LOMAC on your big screen in your living room. :shock: Next is programming time and cost- Programmers who build games for Consoles dont have literally thousands of different hardware configurations to deal with when building a game. They know exactly what hardware combinations they are dealing with and can test the game on the same exact system you have in your living room. When you put that CD in you know it will work. No FPS issues, no stuttering, no lockups, no CTDs, no random reboots, no corrupted sound/video, etc. Am I saying Consoles are perfect? no, absolutely not and games do come out which are buggy, or that have certain issues, but it ends up being a "rushed out the door to meet the movie release" type of situation and not a hardware issue. 3rd is money and upgrades. How much money do we spend on our PCs to keep them in tip top shape and running at the fastest possible? a bunch right? Well I have forked out probably thousands of dollars over the years just upgrading my PC and 3 weeks ago I spent $200 on basically a computer system (Xbox) which leaves my top o the line PC in the dust. Basically with your console you know its not going to be old news 2 weeks after you buy it. You spend $200-$300 on a console and it will play every single game for 3+ years and never show signs of age. instead of $800 on PC upgrades you spend another $200 every 3 years or so on the next best box and your done for another 3 or 4 years until the next one comes out. I know this sounds like an add for consoles, but I truly believe Consoles could be a great platform for Flight Sims in the future if all the right perameters are met. Perhaps in the next few years we will see sims like LOMAC on systems like the Xbox and have an entire flight sim experience for under $300. Anyway, thats the end of my rant, sorry it took so long.lol Just something I was thinking about last night while playing Maddon.
  12. Hardcore Flight Sims on Consoles? am I nutz?

    A harrier sim would have been cool. I really hope we see one added to Lomac someday.

    I think ever since seeing Red Dawn back in the 80s who can say they havent wondered "what if" we were ever invaded. With all the rednecks and weapons we have a country would be nutz ro try and invade us.lol I like the theme of this game though and it looks like it will be fun on my Xbox, not sure about PC though. I tend to do FSP and Flight Sims on my PC and everything else on my Console. Wonder if EA will allow this game to be LIVE enabled for Xbox? Prolly not.
  14. Hardcore Flight Sims on Consoles? am I nutz?

    Very true Mudd and I debated purchasing our Xbox because we already had two gaming PCs which I continuously upgrade. At first I thought the Xbox would just be like buying another PC, but then I looked at the features and what it offered vs the PS2 and Im glad I got the Xbox. The Digital 5.1ch DTS is flat out amazing, the graphics are far better than PS2, and the online multiplayer is blows away anything Sony has right now. No lag, no warping, etc because its all Broadband only so no longer am I forced to play in games with people using 28.8 modems, etc I just think a good test would be for Microsoft to release a Xbox version of FS2006 (looking ahead here, by that time Xbox2 will be out Im sure) and they could have an adapter to either hook up your keyboards, mouse, and Hotas or use some Xbox incarnation and let that be a trial run. All Xbox needs is a web browser and peripherals. But PC will continue to be the sole Simulator format I think until consoles expand.
  15. Good Enough, thanks for the confirm Jeff and Cadet
  16. This Link is Awesome!

    That is awsome! LOL
  17. Hardcore Flight Sims on Consoles? am I nutz?

    Yeah but think about how easy it would be for the programmers only having to deal with one specific hardware setup. That would probably be the biggest benefit to having flight sims on consoles.
  18. FS2004 Plane textures

    It's called OceanFX2 and it makes a big difference in how the water looks. Do a search for it at www.avsim.com or www.flightsim.com
  19. Hardcore Flight Sims on Consoles? am I nutz?

    well it was just a thought. I honestly believe Consoles will overtake PC gaming in the next few years and Consoles like Xbox and PS will end up being complete entertainment systems.
  20. Im sure they throw in a cobra move for ya, they really like that move over there.lol
  21. Screenshots

    Hey Ranger, the guy wasn't thinking when he wrote those stats buddy. LMAO he has it rated at 3.2 mach, but the engines are listed as "High Bypass" LOL I dont think he knows what High Bypass means. There is no such thing as a Mach 1 TurboFan (high bypass) engine, much less mach3.2 LOL But hey it is a fictional plane so anything is possible right? lol When you look at that plane you can definantly see the Russians comming up with a design like that, but there aren't enought canards on it to be believable as a Russian jet. Those frisky Russians love Canards.lol
  22. Screenshots

    yeah, we go through these growing pains with MSFS every 2 years it seems like.lol Eventually the compatibility issues will get ironed out and we will have a big selection to choose from. We went through this with FS2000, FS2002, and now with FS2004 so if history stays true then in a couple of months everything will get hashed out.
  23. Nice Addon

    yeah I can only activate two effects at a time because its only a demo (payware registration required for full program) When I get crash damage the flight resets anyway so I dont get that much of an effect. :(
  24. FS9 Screenshot of Navy C-9

    HeHe mine is slower
  25. Very nice Work De Janitor, very nice. Can I nitpick a couple of things?? The A10 in that video didnt sound like an A10 to me. The TF34 turbofans put out a distinctive "whine" and in the video they sounded like general turbojet engines, maybe its me. Second is the bitchin betty in the A10. It sounds like the same bitchin betty from the russian aircraft as well. Do all the aircraft have the same betty sounds? I didnt think the A10 had a detailed Betty like that heard in the F16 and F15, or even the russian aircraft. Is it one of those little details generalized to save money and time in development? On a positive note the HUD footage looked like real footage to me and was flat out awsome! The comms sounded very real as well up until the wingman said "bailout" instead of eject.lol I dont think you have heard any pilot who rides an ejection seat say anything other than eject. Bailout sounds too WWII to me.lol Dont take my nitpicking the wrong way because I know its a beta, but its just a few little details that caught my eye and ear.

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