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Everything posted by Seawolf

  1. Jeff, I posted a Bravo Zulu at SimHQ, but to quote a line in the Movie Apollo 13- "You are a steely eyed missle man my friend." Awsome Preview!!
  2. Screenshots

    two more just for Chief. HooYaa! and finally, my baby. Although not my squadron, but she is a beauty isn't she? ok it's in the eye of the beholder, but she looks good to me.lol The A7 and S3 are from Flight Deck II and are not completely compatible. The S3 is missing the rotating fan blades and the A7 intake is wacked, but I can still fly them around although the abacus flight models leave a little to be desired.
  3. Screenshots

    my contribution P3C-NAS Jacksonville (Beer might like this one)
  4. Pic for Chief

    Got this from the .gov web site, but thought it would bring back a memory or two. How many tiedown chains you think they got on those birds? 12? 16? 18? 20!!!!!!??? lol You know the Plain Captains are in the shop bitching about having to wash all those planes too. LMAO :)
  5. Pic for Chief

    Ranger, where can I find that aircrew pin? ah SAR school, I miss those 2 mile swims in the bay first thing in the morning.lol 40/40 30/30 20/20 10/10 JUMP!
  6. FS9 Screenshot of Navy C-9

    ok, where do I pick that one up at Chief? I cant wait for the first FS2004 original design F14, I hope someone does a nice one.
  7. A not-so-intelligent BAM..

    Too bad you dont have a photo of her because she is probably fugly anyway and a boob job would be a waist of money.lol
  8. New Air Force Uniform

    Personally I dont see what a computer weenie in the USAF needs with BDUs in the first place, but even when talking about ground crews, etc how about some decent looking coveralls. Something practical instead of always trying to make a fashion statement. Sorry, but I have to pick on the Air Force guys after all the flack we catch in the Navy from those Bell Bottoms,LOL (thank gawd for flight suits)
  9. It's a bird, it's a plane, it Dubya!

    I wonder if he has one of those action figures sitting on his desk in the oval office.lol
  10. If you are a member of an active virtual squadron please respond. I am looking for a list of USN and USMC virtual squadrons based on real squadrons which are currently active. While searching the net there are several virtual squadrons which are based on real world squadrons, but a large number of them are extinct. Eventually I would like to make a list of squadrons (USN,USMC,USAF) which are current so there is no confusion on which squadron name is taken or currently being used.
  11. Active squadron list, needed.

    Thanks for the replys guys and yes Foreign squads are fine as well. I am more interested in American squads, but it's nice to know what Foreign squads are out there. Some others I know are still active from JF18 are: VFA14 VMFA531 VFA195 VFA96 I imagine there will be an influx of new squads starting up the closer we get to the release of Lomac. Some will grow and some will fizzel out in a short time. This is a chance for you Squadron COs to stake your claim to a specific unit number and name. What I want to avoid is two people trying to use the same name and avoid confusion on which one is the "true" unit. A lot of it will rely on common courtasy between everyone starting or reactivating a squad.

    Damn! its a game? Whoa so I get even more for my money? Cool. LMAO
  13. Active squadron list, needed.

    k, thanks weasel

    Hey if the chicks look anything like the chicks in the volleyball game then Im all about ESPN football for Xbox. LMAO
  15. It's a bird, it's a plane, it Dubya!

    I like the action figure deal, but there is one fault if I may be picky. S3 crews do not wear G-Suits. The S3 can only sustain 4.5 Gs max so a G suit is not needed. Other than that it looks pretty good. The anti Bush crowd likes to talk about tax dollars for him to fly out on a publicity stunt and yes it was a publicity deal, but I have to believe he did it to inspire the troops most of all. Was Bill Clinton "on the clock" when he was being serviced by monica? Did I not pay tax dollars for that little date in the white house? Technically I did so if it's my money being spent I would much rather it be spent on the president being gung ho and landing on a carrier vs another president getting "a job" in the white house.
  16. NAS Cecil Field, FL "Gate Guard"

    Yeah my old Squadron VS27 was decommisioned in 1994 and then Cecil closed not long after that. I have seen all the static displays at NAS Jax last year when I attended my Dad's retirement cerimony and they looked nice. I recognized a couple from Cecil too. The VS31 bird looks new though, I dont remember that one from Cecil. The A4 and F8 I do remember though. Thanks for the picks Chief, I miss that base sometimes.lol

    or even if EA wanted to let Xbox players hook up to EA servers and pay thier fees the same as the PS2 guys Im sure that would work, but Microsoft wants to control anything to do with Xbox and thats to be expected. Console gaming is becomming such big business now these little tiffs between companies will become more frequent now. I like having a flat rate of 4 bucks a month and not paying per game, but as popular as Maddon is EA can pretty much do whatever it wants. I hope other games like the new ESPN and NFL2k4 give maddon more competition, but EA has marketed Maddon out the wazoo now. It will be tough.
  18. MrMudd

    "You ever fly iron hand?" "Yeah, see it's my thing." (flight of the intruder)
  19. as soon as patch#2 comes out and my radeon issues are fixed I will give it a whirl. :)

    Yeah, there is some pissing contest going on between EA and Microsoft about who gets the money for the Online stuff. EA wants to use its own servers and charge and extra fee and microsoft wants to put it on its "live" servers and have it covered under the $4.00 a month fee like the rest of its games (flat rate). From what I hear EA is going to start charging PS2 players a per month charge to play its games online starting next year. Microsoft already does this, but it's $4 a month and covers any game with Live. Who knows what will happen, but EA wants to get as much money as they can. Thats the business I guess.lol
  21. NAS Cecil Field, FL "Gate Guard"

    NICE! There was also a few static displays on the eastern most entrance as well. Are those still there Chief?
  22. Overkill does have a point. The Couger is an investment and not something you buy with the intention of throwing away in a year or two. Although I am unhappy with the stock feel it is the only Hotas completely modable by the owner. Mods range from $200 to $600 depending on what you want to do. These mods are all hand crafted and unique to each hotas. Stock out of the box it works great, but add one of these mods and your couger becomes personalized just for you. I am looking to get the Everstrain2 or (light) for around $200 pretty soon and that alone should keep my couger running for several years. To me that's worth the $200.
  23. Big Beer inside->

    Was going through the closet and found this. Thought you might like it. Oh and this one is for you and the Chief. Cold Beer, Pretty Girls, and a Free Cuzzi. It don't get no better than this.lol ok it could be better if the Beer was free, but I wasn't gonna push my luck.lol
  24. Big Beer inside->

    yes, and airplanes too! But we still needed crowd control. Nothing herds a crowd like rockets and a chain gun.lol
  25. Got it today!

    a few of my favs

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