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Everything posted by Seawolf

  1. Aircraft flyover, NAS Cecil Field, Florida

    Ya know, I have forgotten how big Cecil was. That's only like %25 of the base in that pic. Sadly it's the F18/A7 side and the S3 side is out of frame to the top left. But nice VS27 bird leading the pack in that photo. Thanks Chief. :D
  2. A new name for the pub

    Fine with me, keep um comming Chief. HooYaa
  3. Rascisits are so ignorant, you just have to laugh at them.

    LOL, that was great! "Just let your soul glow!" LMAO
  4. So what kind of shooter will this be? vast worlds like OFP or more scripted localized maps like GR? Will the vehicles be playable? whats the scoop? Massive multiplayer like BF1942?
  5. Bard, you need to relax. You freakin worry too much. Jeff, take your time. We arent going anywhere. lol
  6. Chief are you planning on giving LOMAC a go as well? Im interested, but waiting to see what happens with this Patch#2. Im skeptical at this point whether SF will finally work online.
  7. What if?

    my three way includes Lock-on Longbow2 Operation Flashpoint (a true massive multiplayer Air,Land,Sea simulator with the biggest theatres ever seen in a sim.)
  8. Whats yur favorite game intro movie?

    Yeah Splinter Cell and all the Rainbow 6 titles were awsome.
  9. USS Ronald Reagan's first trap

    Look how clean that deck looks.lol
  10. Holy crap, spits can go real low!

    LMAO! Outstanding!
  11. Jeff, Basically what I would like to hear from you (and I think you and I look for the same things in a sim) is how it makes you feel overall. Immersion is a huge part of a sim to me and I want to feel like I am strapped into the Jet screaming along at Mach1 , 200ft above the ground. Flight models are a big deal as well and how the planes "feel" and not just the numbers, but do the aircraft really "feel" as they should. third is sounds, sounds in any sim or game can make or break it and from all reports the sounds in LOMAC are great, but what about things like Wingman voices, ATC, or just chatter in a battle, etc. Fourth, User friendliness as far as the interface- such things as was the mission builder easy to navigate, was a quick mission easy to setup and fly right away, was the settings menue easy to understand and navigate as well. Also the view system like padlocking, panning, external views, etc and how they look and respond compared to what we have seen in the past. These are just a few areas that dont get a lot of attention and would be nice to hear about.IMO Thanks
  12. Jeff will you be doing a Preview article on this build? if so can we ask questions on specific areas such as Missions builder, AI, etc? We all know the graphics and flight models are awsome, but its the other things behind the scenes I would like to know about. Thanks bud
  13. Well the Navy started using FS98 (probably FS2002 now) for training raw recruits on the T34 Mentor back a couple of years ago after an ensign scored really high and explained how he practiced on his PC using MSFS. Now they have a Computer lab with PCs setup with MSFS and the T34 mentor addon and are using it for training and pilots are getting higher scores when flying the real deal now. For something like LOMAC to work Im sure the military would want it more specialized to the missions it wants to replicate, but I dont see why something like LOMAC couldn't be hooked up in a full motion simulator and used by the military. I would hope ED gets a nice fat chunk of profits from the Government for the use of the sim.lol
  14. So wait a minute! those are 3D pits? Your kidding? That's amazing they look better than FS2002 2D pits. Very cool. Gives you a real sense of depth. Thanks for the screenshot Jeff.
  15. NAS Cecil Field Florida, Remembered

    Wow Chief, I was stationed at Cecil for 3 years. I knew it got shut down, but its really wierd to see those pics and how run down it is. Do you have any others?
  16. Is this the greatest show or what!lol Lee Ermy is awsome and the live show he did from the Gulf was fantastic. If you have no seen "Mail Call" with the Gunny you are missing out. Send your emails and let the Gunny answer them on the air. I hope this show sticks around for a long time.
  17. If anything I might get this one for the visuals if I can run it.lol Probably would make a good video benchmark though.
  18. Good Point Fates and I meant no disrespect toward TK at all. I also agree it wasn't his fault, but truth is now he is stuck trying to fix it alone. I understand that he doesnt have a huge team working on this, but I would really like a little more communication from him every now and then. Nothing huge, just a "Hey, this is what's going on" type of thing.
  19. Calling all TM-Cougar Owners

    The only thing keeping me from getting one of these mods is simply price. Most are around the $400 range and I only paid $250 for the HOTAS in the first place. I have never liked the stiff feel and dead spots between axis points, but I cant afford to spend $400 for a custom machined mod when the HOTAS should have been designed better in the first place. It is a great HOTAS and very rugged but I just dont like how it feels and sort of wish I had gotten CH gear.
  20. Dagger, its been over a year since the Gold release, not just the walmart fiasco, but the final release. You cant honestly say these guys are looking for a "quick fix". Loyalty to TK and SF is one thing, but let's be honest here, the lack of communication and info on updates is turning even those who were hardcore towards SF away. If this keeps up you wont have anyone to say CYA to because nobody will be left. Call me a basher if you want its fine with me, but I still have SF on my HDD and cant play it because I own a radeon card so I patiently wait for this all wonderfull patch thats supposed to be released. A little communication about what is going on and some progress reports would help quite a bit and ease a lot of peoples minds out there. BTW- SF didnt just lose 1 or 2 modders, It lost two of the best ones out there. This is a serious issue and shouldn't be addressed with "CYA". :roll:
  21. WTF is an Air Force Ranger?

    Thier home base is Eglin I think. I know they are in the panhandle of Florida. If the crew of the Shuttle ever needed to abort and bail over the atlantic then PJs would HALO from a C130 with SAR equipment to thier location and standbay with the shuttle crew in the water until a USN or USCG ship could get there. BTW Snapple, Im from Tallahassee and went to FSU for a short while until I joined the Navy. My Dad still works for Telecommunications at FSU. I look forward to football season and seeing if Bobby can get the boys back in the hunt.
  22. WTF is an Air Force Ranger?

    PJs are no joke. Ran into a few of them at SERE school. Good guys and tuff as nails. Even the two SEAL guys in our class were impressed. When we went on SAR missions we always stayed close enough to the boat that we had that blanket of security, but those PJ guys just jump right into the soup without a second thought. Keep in mind the PJs also spend a lot of time doing civilian SAR missions as well. When the Coast Guard cant get to them, they send in ANG PJs.
  23. GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!

    It's actually pretty simple as for the reasons for the delay. Thats the way it is in the Software business, especially flight sims. ED went through some personell changes which helped cause the delays. It's in beta testing right now so it wont be too long. Be patient. You want a finished sim or another Strike Fighters?
  24. GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!

    Nice try, but there is no confirmed release date yet. When it goes gold then we can look at a release date.
  25. Whats yur favorite game intro movie?

    Thats awsome Fates. I really like AA a lot. I hope one day they make AA with huge worlds and operational vehicles like in OFP, that would be awsome. Even if they made AA with its realism into a type of BF1942 game where you can control everything would be really nice. heres to dreaming. All the Jane's titles had very nice intro movies and get my vote.

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