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Everything posted by Seawolf

  1. Is this to be some sort of ladder Bard? if so then couldnt Inferno participate in 1v1 engagements? or are you only planning on 4v4 etc? The reason I ask is because joining a squad is not something you just do without really researching first and it takes time to find the right one for you. Some cant because of thier time restraints, but they should be able to participate as independents I would think.
  2. Well, what was it two weeks ago LOMAC was having Radeon issues and now its all fixed and ready for the radeon cards? A lot can happen to a sim in development in two weeks, two months, etc. This is why the only version that matters is the version in the box on release day. I have faith in ED that they will put out a good sim.
  3. Gee thanks Ranger, I bought fell out of my chair. That looked just like my X!

    Awsome! Bravo Zulu
  5. Was out today doing some advertising for LOMAC. :D http://oldsite.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/board...c;f=37;t=000984
  6. Hey Jeff, as long as UbiSoft doesn't release a beta version as a finished version at WalMart then everything is ok. lol Inferno, I understand wanting to stick up for bubba and I personally dont think it was a huge deal, but it was a misjudgement none the less and with LOMAC only a couple of months away (hopefully) I can see why Matt and Carl would be a little upset. If this "benchmark" had been done when Bubba originally got the beta copy I dont think it would have been an issue, but now its push time for LOMAC and the last thing you want is any bad press especially in the sim business. Its hard enough to sell copies with a good product and when bad press hits the streets (even misinterpereted) it does some damage. You and I know very well that we will probably be fine running LOMAC because we know it was a early Beta and not "cleaned up" yet, but you see how many newcommers show up to the Ubi Forum asking questions and some have never played a flight sim before. Most are there because its a new UbiSoft game comming out and they know UbiSoft from other titles. When they see a Benchmark with a 3.2Ghz CPU only running LOMAC at 17fps its an eyecatcher and they dont know or care that its an early beta. We know it doesnt matter, but those types think it does matter. All they see is 17FPS with a 3.2GHZ in big bold print. See what I'm saying? I think Bubba just made an honest mistake or maybe he didnt I Dont know, only Bubba knows that, but I also understand why Carl and Matt are a little upset about it. They put in a lot of time and energy into this and that benchmark Bubba put out was a unfair comparison. IMO Personally I have never heard of doing a benchmark on a new CPU using all older sims which have had several patches and Code enhancements and then throwing in a very early beta version of a sim like LOMAC that is leaps ahead of the other sims. LOMAC isnt finished and it was thrown in there with other sims which were not only finished but had years of tweaks and code enhancements. Thats the only thing I have a problem with. Personally I think Bubba was just trying to be the first to release something on LOMAC other than Screenshots and movies. It backfired. We have all seen videos of LOMAC running on systems just like most of us have right now and running quite well, so I am not going to worry about performance until I see a problem on my machine, but I doubt I will see any problems. The benchmark was supposed to test the Pent 3.2Ghz and instead all the attention got turned toward LOMAC, but what if the Pent 3.2Ghz chip is a piece of junk? LOL Im a Athlon user so Im biased anyway, nevermind. lol

    Y E S! I T L O O K S F I N E!

    Dear God Yes! How can I miss that big orange thing or is it red. No less YES WE SEE IIIIIITTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!
  9. Well Sith I have to agree with ya. Waiting to see if this second patch is going to be the breakthrough that turns SF into a well rounded simulator is getting long in the tooth. The Mods people seem to be doing pretty well and at least some are getting something out of it, but I have my doubts about this second patch being anything better than the first one. If the Radeon issues arent fixed then that will pretty much kill SF for me and I will have to look on to LOMAC. I just feel like I am playing a Xbox game instead of a PC simulator with SF and I hope this second patch corrects that.
  10. Hollywood showers

    Yeah, My cousin was a "nuke" on subs and he used to brag about how good they ate, of course once I asked if he was able to get a tan it got pretty quiet.lol He really enjoyed it though and from the pictures he has shown me from a couple of his cruises it looked like they had a pretty tight crew. I still prefer carrier life though, it's probably the best place to be if you have to go to sea. I used to watch those escort ships bounce around behind us and think "wow, that must suck.lol" Steak dinners are not all that uncommon on subs, but hollywood showers are. Hell, you'll have steak and eggs for breakfast more often than you will see vegetables, so protien up! ;) -Skater
  11. Hollywood showers

    Yeah I hear ya. My dad was like that when I was a kid he would come home from a deployment and I would see him snoozing on the couch with a pair of mouse ears from a cranial on his head.lol I guess I was lucky, I was a and always have been a heavy sleeper and although drills and so forth would wake me up I kind of got used to the noise from the arresting wires. It might be worse on the front with the thump of the sled, but in the back you get the thump of the plane to so they are both about the same. As far as sleeping on the ship in port, well I was an airdale so I always flew back with my crew (S3B) a couple of days before the ship pulled in. I would think you would want a hotel or something after being on that boat for so long.lol Unless you pulled duty or something I guess. Anyway, I do miss some things about being on the boat every now and then and although we used to complain like hell for having to go to the boat deep down thats why we joined in the first place. I was single at the time so I always looked forward to it, being married with kids changes that real quick. Every now and then at work (FBO here in Clearwater) a couple of T45s or a couple of FA18Cs will pull in for the weekend and I catch a whiff of JP8 and close my eyes and think about the boat. Sounds stupid, but certain smells, sounds, etc make me miss it sometimes.
  12. Hooah!

    So when do we get a Biohaz server for AA? Cmon all these guys here we could clean house. Cmon, I'll bring the MOABs.
  13. Hollywood showers

    Hell on a Sub that's almost as good as a steak dinner.
  14. Hollywood showers

    Yeah kind of embarressing walking through the hanger deck in your skivvies, flipflops, and a towel looking for a shower. LMAO I would imagine its even worse now with females on the ship. As far as the O-3 level goes, you nailed it! My first time on I was stupid enough to sleep on the top rack with all the pipes and electrical right over my head and the first time I tried to sleep it was quiet and then as I dosed off BAMM! SWOOSH! SQUEAL! and itwoke up hitting my head on the damn water pipe above my rack, and dont try to roll over during the night. Unless your very skinny once you get in your rack you have two ways to sleep- on your back or on your stomach and you have to get out of your rack to switch.lol Of course after a few days your so tired your forced to live with it and sleep anyway. Man those were good times.
  15. Just remember your roots Dice. lol
  16. Hollywood showers

    Chief, you left out one detail. How about the 2 inches of standing water on the floor of the head that was always there (at least in our berthing area). LMAO So much for Shower Shoes, you needed waders! When you had to go um #2 just remember not to drop your droors all the way to your ankles cause they will be soaked when you pulled them up. And the John Waine toilet paper was Priceless. Rough, Tough and dont take Sh** off of nobody. LMAO
  17. BattleField Vietnam Announced

    Is this an official EA release (Viet Nam) or is it another Mod? Eve of Destruction mod for BF1942 already models Viet Nam
  18. If you haven't already- Turn OFF fastwrites under smartgart and in your bios.
  19. Oh no sweat Jeff, you and I definantly agree. You just put it in less words than I did. LOL
  20. I dont know about it being a scripted AI, but the "Cobra" manuver in Flanker is scripted and probably the same in LOMAC. To perform a cobra in Flanker you merely press the K key. The fact that the cobra manuver is scripted probably makes the landing look funky like it does. People are already debating whether LOMAC will have a realistic flight model because of this video and how the plane seemed to do a "easy" landing. Personally I think the doubt about the flight model is hogwash, but I think the person who made the video used easy settings for the video. Maybe had invulnerable on, easy landing on, etc. Who knows. I dont think LOMAC's flight model is going to be "arcadish" as some like to claim because of what they saw in this vid.
  21. Can I ride around in my Pickup and scream "WOLVERINE!!!!!"
  22. Sounds about right. August is still summer 2003.
  23. That wasn't a "cobra" manuver. He was comming out of a loop too low to the ground and smacked his nozzles on the ground. I've seen the whole video. I've seen a Hornet do the exact same thing accept the plane actually smacked the ground and didnt go airborne again.
  24. I am a cougar owner and will honestly say if you have big hands and like a really stiff stick then go with Cougar. If you like a lighter feel then go for CH. The only complaint about the cougar I have is how the spring tension feels. It's very stiff and doesnt transition smoothly from axis to axis.

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