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Everything posted by Seawolf

  1. GraphSim boxart

    I'm sure the Mech is thrilled about the pilot putting his foot and his body weight on that panel access door. LMAO I cant believe they used that photo. :D Ok, maybe its an illusion but still funny. LOL
  2. I've seen test footage of an F14A doing a type of cobra manuver. It wasnt quite as pronounced as what I have seen the Flanker do, but it definantly was a "cobra" manuver.
  3. I have searched high and low and cannot find a working download link for the Flanker 2.5 and 2.51 patches. I decided to fire up Flanker in order to get a feel for the Russian jets, but cant find the patches I need anywhere. Need some help guys. thanks
  4. Need help finding Flanker 2.5 and 2.51 patches

    Dueces, thats where I tried to DL them from and got broken links. Jeff, thanks and I appreciate you putting them up here for us.
  5. I decided to load up my X45 while I get some mods done to my Cougar and I also have a Nostromo gamepad hooked up as well. With the cougar hooked up along with the gamepad my Cougar would always stay in the priority slot in XP above the gamepad. Now the gamepad has taken the top slot and put the X45 at second and FB wont recognize the X45 unless I unplug the gamepad completely. I have tried to assign the X45 as priority in XP and it does show it as the primary controller, but FB will only recognize it with the gamepad disconnected. I typically use the gamepad for some command functions in my sims and while everything works fine for FS2002, CFS3, etc FB wont let me assign which controller to use so I can tell it to use the X45 and not the gamepad. Is there anyway I can tell FB to see the X45 first as primary and the gamepad as secondary?? It's not a huge deal since FB works fine with my X45 as long as the gamepad is unplugged, but I would like to use it if I could. Thanks
  6. Yeah, BF1942 doesnt see this X45 at all now so Im gonna have to figure out why WinXP wants to put the gamepad at the top of the list and not the X45.
  7. SIMHQ seems to be down for awhile

    Thanks for the update Andy. S
  8. And the first time you rolled in through the flack and SAMs you would wish you had Stealth and JDAMs too. Seriously though there is something about the old jets that just feels cool. It's kind of like older cars. If you had a choice between a 2004 Mustang and a 1969 Mach1 Fastback which one would you choose.lol It's a no brainer for me. :D I tend to like both eras for different reasons pure muscle vs technology, they are both interesting to me.
  9. Actor of JAG Trevor Goddard dies

    Well not to be disrespectfull because I did like the guys acting, but when I started seeing him do floor wax commercials I had a feeling he was hurting for work. Not saying that had anything to do with it, but messing around with drugs isn't the answer. sad news :(
  10. something to put a smile on your face..

    The funny thing is you know that's what he is thinking, but he cant say it. LMAO
  11. Yeah, the first thing I did was check the saitek site for new drivers so Im pretty sure I have the current version. I looked through the FB folder in the setup config files but the only thing I could find was axis ranges, but no line to assign a specific controller. Right now I just have to reach over and unplug the gamepad, but I always forget to plug it back in when I go to play BF1942 or something. lol :D
  12. SIMHQ seems to be down for awhile

    Glad you posted Ranger I was getting the same thing and I was hoping my ISP wasn't taking a dump. I hope they didnt get hit by these spammers that have been going around lately. I believe Frugal's and UbiSoft's boards have been hit already.
  13. Falcon V Alive and Well

  14. Yeah that's right. It's interesting because the A10 has the same TF34 engines that the S3 has, but it doesnt make the same Whoop sound as the S3. The S3 makes that Whoop sound because of the velocity of air on the 1st stage compressor blades- the fan blades. Each blade is mil spec differently or I should say individually. Here check this out: http://travel.howstuffworks.com/framed.htm...edu537/turbine/
  15. Falcon V Alive and Well

    Wait a minute! You mean the earth is round?!!!!!!!!!! Your Mad I tell ya, Mad!
  16. Falcon V Alive and Well

    Does this mean we can start comparing F5 to LOMAC? oh goody, pay back is sweet! :twisted: I hope there is a sequal to F4, but to be honest I doubt very seriously that it would live up to the F4 Community's expectations based on all the work done to F4SP. I think if they did a graphical upgrade to F4SP those guys would be happy, but I cant wait to hear them go at it when G2i announces that Falcon5 will be scalable in it's realism to accomodate new users or even worse no clickable cockpit. LOL
  17. Falcon V Alive and Well

    Comming in 2006 Falcon5! LOL At least this gives the F4 people something to talk about other than how LOMAC wont stack up to F4. :roll: It's good to see something else on the horizon though.
  18. Hey Chief, I don't think that C130 actually trapped. I think they just hit the brakes and prop reverse to stop. I'm not 100% sure but I dont think they had a hook on that sucker. Can you imagine being the guy selected to pull that one off? lol but he did, kudos to that guy.
  19. I thought they were called Hummers because the Hawkeyes parked on deck were where you could take a female sailor and............. um nevermind.
  20. Yeah they have to be real carefull to be on centerline when landing those Tomcats because of its wingspan. Even on centerline the wingtips ride the foul lines.
  21. -

    That last one was classic.
  22. Aircraft Technicians/Engineers Sound off

    I spent 5 years as a Anti-Submarine Warfare Operator (SENSO) so I was used to breaking equipment instead of fixing it, but after a Career in Law Enforcement and now at the age of 33 I decided it was time I got back inot my true love which is aviation. I am about a month away from finishing yet another school, but this one is for my FAA A&P license. I already have my Powerplant out of the way and hopefully in another month will have my Airframe as well. I'm hoping for a job with DynaCorps at PAX river, but Cessna out in Wichita Kansas is a option as well. Right now I work part time at St Petersburg/Clearwater Int airport with Southeast Airlines. Hopefully in a couple of years I will have some stories to tell. Fates I would love to get into GA, but just starting off I dont have the 3 or 4 years experience most require. Can you offer some advice for me as far as what to do to get into GA, or do I need to just get on with anyone and get some time under my belt first. I know at least here they dont spend a lot of time training. They like guys who have been in the field a while and can go right to work vs having to train them. I also plan on getting my pilots certification and I would like to at least get multiengine. Cessna actually pays for its mechanics to get certified as a pilot if they choose to and they have career paths for mechanics turned pilot. I actually would enjoy doing both in maybe a flight test program or some similar capacity.
  23. Apparently this FA18c addon is more of a realization than we thought. Carl has said at another forum that they are worrking on a Flyable FA18c complete with dare I say A/G radar. I'm not sure about a US Carrier yet, but I would hope that would be a no brainer. Carl has said that UbiSoft is willing to back the addon, but they want to wait until the release of LOMAC before making a decision. I would guess they want to see how well LOMAC does first. Carl has said even if UbiSoft decides not to back it that they have Ubi's blessing to go through an indipendent distributor. It sounds to me that Eagle Dynamics has already decided to do this FA18c addon, but its just a matter of seeing whether they will go through UbiSoft or another distributor. It's definantly good news for most of us. Of course there are those who want "thier" plane added and everyone cant be pleased, but overall I think the majority are happy about this news. I would like to get Carl in here on the subject so you can hear it from the man himself instead of hearsay from me. Here is the entire thread over at SimHQ if your interested. http://oldsite.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/board...c;f=37;t=000929 update: Carl did confirm they would add US Carrier ops to the current theatre for the F18 addon. Of course the current theatre is the Black Sea and US Carriers dont operate in the Black Sea, but a whole new theatre would only be possible with a whole new sim so they going to overlook that tidbit of realism to get a US Carrier in there. Personally it doesnt bother me if they put a Carrier in a lake as long as there is one. :D I should also make a correction. Carl mentioned they want to do this addon so I was premature saying they are working on it. I dont want Carl showing up and ringing my bell for any misquotes. lol
  24. Fates that is a brand new model (per Carl) and is not complete yet. I would guess if the other AI have Pilots then this one should as well. If you look close at the main gear check out the detail there the rest isnt finished yet.
  25. Ok, First let me say this: I WANT this sim so bad Second I have to know if the aircraft sounds in that video especially the flybys are game sounds or part of the music edited in? The sounds dont always match what is going on in the video so I assume they were edited in, but good lord if this thing sounds anything like that I will be in hog heaven.

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