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Everything posted by Seawolf

  1. It's a big "IF" Jeff and it all depends on 2 things- Is LOMAC all its hyped to be and will LOMAC have good sales numbers. If those two things happen I think chances are good for a Hornet addon and hopefully a US carrier to go with it. That's why UbiSoft is waiting until release to make a decision, they want to see if it does well and makes them some money. Let's hope it does at least as well as IL2 and IL2FB.
  2. Falcon V?

    I look at how harsh the falconites are on LOMAC and cant even imagine how bad they would tear apart F5. F4SP has just been worked on for too long and nobody is going to be able to release a sim with as many bells and whistles as F4SP
  3. Tribute to the Troops (Video)

    I was sitting up late last night and started messing around with Windows Movie Maker and thought I would try and make a little something for Memorial day. It's my first attempt at making a short movie so my editing skills leave much to be desired, but I felt like doing something special. Make sure to right click and choose save as on the link, will help with bandwidth. Special thanks to 195th_Moses for hosting this vid for me. http://www.vfa105.com/seawolf/tributetoourmilitary.wmv
  4. Tribute to the Troops (Video)

    It's from the soundtrack to U571
  5. Now Showing...For a limited time:

    The next American Idol is?::::::::: BEER!
  6. I'll be more than happy flying SF online if it's working. I look forward to those 4 way battles in coop if it works out ok. A mission builder being added would be a God send IMO though.
  7. Tribute to the Troops (Video)

    Yeah it does Sith. It's a nice feeling when it's considered ok to be a patriot and love your country and it's military. Gone are the days of Spitting on troops comming home from pure hell and calling them baby killers, when all they did was what thier government asked them to do. God bless them all and they are not forgotten. Inferno, I think thats the version I have. Whatever version microsoft has on thier updates page is the one I downloaded. Glad you guys liked it. :D
  8. ATTN: MadJeff Ref: video upload

    MadJeff, I did up a little memorial day tribute to our troops video last night (my first attempt) and I am trying to upload it here at your site. It's 17mb so I dont know if that is too big of a file or if its ok. Will see.
  9. ATTN: MadJeff Ref: video upload

    Nevermind Jeff I saw it has to be below 3mb. I got 195th_Moses to host it for me. I started a new thread with a link. Hope you guys like it.
  10. To MadJeff and other Moderators

    Heya fellas, I just wanted to drop a little note to you guys and say Bravo Zulu! This web site has become one great place for the sim community. Back in the day CombatSim was the top dog for sim news,files,etc and then it turned to SimHQ, but IMO this site has everything you need and more when dealing with the sim community. Job well done guys and keep it up. Your soon to be the new king of sim websites if you keep this up.
  11. It looks good in those colors, of course anything looks good in those colors.
  12. Patch

    any patch is important.
  13. To MadJeff and other Moderators

    Well thats usually how a good name is found Jeff, it slaps ya in the face. :D
  14. Patch

    Carefull bernard, the last patch was labeled as the next best thing also.
  15. I'm just curious why she is on her knees? LOL is there something rigged up in her head as well? LMAO sorry couldnt resist.
  16. Band of Brothers

    Whoa, Whoa! Saving Private Ryan was AWSOME! Probably the most realistic WWII film ever done. Not to mention Band of Brothers was inspired by SPR and done by the same people namely Tom Hanks and Steven Spielburg. Granted different portions were done by different directors, etc but all produced by Spielburg and I believe Hanks directed one of the episodes himself.
  17. Dixie Chicks

    Yeah but it sure is sweet seeing one of those gals take out a SAM site or fly a crippled A10 home. The female pilots I have spoken to in the past although more low key than the males still have that gung ho streak in them and its neat to watch. Male or female it doesnt matter, they all want to fly and kill the badguy.
  18. To MadJeff and other Moderators

    Not to mention the layout is the best I've ever seen. Everything you need is right there on the front page. News, Files, etc just a click away. I do have a question though. How did you come up with the name Biohaz Central? what's the story behind the name if there is one?
  19. Old US Military films site

    Here, I'll go one better Chief for all the Propheads out there. http://www.zenoswarbirdvideos.com/main.html If you ever wanted to watch the same training films the pilots had to in WWII then this is the place. You will need real player to watch them, but they are pretty cool.
  20. Fair Strike Demo is out

    Looks very Commanche4 to me even in simulation mode. Guess we will never see another Longbow2/EECH type Helo sim again.
  21. yeah, tried the Cat 3.4 and no difference. A response from ATI on this issue through email told me to contact the games tech support. LOL problem is neither stradegy first nor 3rd wire returns email. Guess it will continue to be ignored. BTW- That whole statement about going out and getting a GeForce card just to play SF was pretty funny. That was a joke? right? If it wasn't, why would I want to spend $400 on a new card that is below the quality and speed of the one I have now?? After having two GeForce cards just stop working only 6 months after purchase it will be a long time before i go back to Nvidia, especially as long as ATI is putting out cards like this 9700 Pro. A $45 beta copy of a sim is not worth going out and spending another $400 on a new card especially when that one game is the only one with issues, everything else is beautifull.
  22. Is it a Saitek by any chance? If its the X45 or X36 the older software has a lot of issues with XP (if thats your OS). The new software is supposed to fix the connection issues so you might want to check it out. If it's not a saitek then I dont know. Have no idea what stick or system you have so no way to give advice.
  23. Well, unless lomac sells a lot of copies we wont really know how they will work addons. Lets just hope it lives up to the hype and turns a big profit. I think if it is as successfull as IL2 and FB then things should be pretty good for future addons. Just speculation though
  24. Knock yourself out cupcake. Oh, I'll buy a copy, and then I'll be on EVERY LOMAC forum reporting EVERY little niggle and problem I can see over and over and over and over and over again Seawolf, sound familiar? ;)

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