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Everything posted by Seawolf

  1. Purchase of walmart copy- $45 Purchase of final gold copy- $48.99 Asperin for headache recieved from having a Radeon card and SF- $2.95 Finding out you bought two copies of a beta- Priceless!
  2. Well consider yourself lucky because most of us who own radeon cards are having this issue.
  3. LMAO, your buying a copy just like everyone else so stow it dave. :roll: You can mod till your blue in the face, but if there isnt anything solid to start with then its all mute anyway.
  4. Well the only thing I will say is: Strike Fighters is not worth $49.99 and if I am going to pay $80 for a sim it better blow my mind with its realism and graphics. The $50 mark is set by retailers not software companies. It's easier for stores to sell software if they are all sold at a standard price which is $50. MSFS has two versions and one of them is a $50 version. Instead of "being ok" with subpar sims we should expect nothing less than the next level everytime a new sim comes out. Problem is there arent that many to choose from so the chances of getting a crappy sim are far greater than getting a good one. We may spend 3 years buying crap sims just to get that one sim thats worth a damn. It's sad, but that's our Genre.
  5. Hornet 4.0 finnaly coming

    Well no real info in that interview other than the theatre they are gonna use. Personally I think they should name it Hornet 4.0 it seemed to work for Falcon 4.0 lol Problem is are we looking at a realistic Hornet sim here or a "Novalogic" type game? For a release date being so close (according to the dev) there sure is a lack of info on this thing which bothers me.
  6. A good yuk, yuk......

    With my luck the SOB would survive the fall and sue the crap out of me.lol :D
  7. finally figured it out...

    I thought NATO was supposed to be comprised of allied countries. Seems like a few combatant countries snuck in there too. Countries like France want to reap the benefits, but dont want to put forth the effort for it. Seems like NATO is a waiste of time these days.
  8. Saw X-2 Last night!

    You would think that X-Plane they were in would have at least some chaff or flares.lol Maybe a cloaking device.lol Was a pretty cool movie though, leaves plenty more for Xman3
  9. Hornet 4.0 finnaly coming

    Ok CowboyTodd, you gotta give us more info than that bud. What is this Hornet 4.0 and is it a rehashed Hornet Korea or a totally new sim? How about realism, can we expect something along the lines of Janes F18? What about Campaign, Flight models, Damage models, Multiplayer, Mission builder, yadda yadda. More Intel please
  10. Just curious what aircraft we would choose to add if LOMAC ever did an addon after release.
  11. A carrier pilot's view

    hmmm, Could be Chief. Good call.
  12. My son, pictures from Iraq...

    HooYaa Sailor!
  13. A carrier pilot's view

    Thats the view from the Co-Pilot seat of the S3-B. The windshield wipers gave it away. LOL
  14. Life in the Army...or, why I joined the Navy :0)

    Yeah those poor airborne guys got dropped right in the middle of a mud pit, poor guys.
  15. About this girl winning the CMH?

    Keep in mind that to be awarded the CMH you have to be recommended for it by commanding officers. Anytime a CMH is being recommended there is an investigation to see if the person actually deserves to get the CMH. We don't know the whole story yet, but perhaps she fought off Iraqi troops during the ambush, or gathered some kind of intel while being a POW, etc. I can tell you having been through SERE training myself and knowing what its like to be a POW (although in training, but very realalistic). It is hell on you mentally and physically. I couldn't imagine the pain she must have been in with the injuries she had and especially being a female not knowing whether you were going to be raped or sexually assaulted in some way. From what I have seen this girl is tiny physically and the fact that she was still alive when rescued is amazing in itself. She may not have been in a "Combat" unit, but she sure as hell performed as though she was and for that she is a Hero IMO. When your a POW your only goal is to stay alive by any means possible while still providing resistance to your captors, she did that. Does she deserve the CMH? I don't know, it depends on what the investigation of the events turns up and if it turns out she fought of the attack as well as surviving being a beat up POW then YES give her the CMH. My only fear is that the other male troops in that unit gave thier lives trying to protect those females in that unit, which is something they teach in SERE school and a reason commanders hesitate about women in combat. Men naturally take on a protective stance when women are involved, and I'm willing to guess that she is alive today because those guys tried to protect her in some way. I'm not against women in the military, but I'm just being realistic.
  16. New Iraqi town names.....

    OMG that hilarious!
  17. Iraqi's revolt in Baghdad

    well if any of you are old enough to remember the Berlin wall comming down and how big that was, this ranks up there IMO.
  18. So where's Baghdad Bob now? Hmmmmm?

    Dude! check it out. Iraqi citizens chased a group of Al Jazeerah reporters across the border into Kuwait because of the lies they have been telling on TV. How cool is that. lol
  19. An idea for a career change for Baghdad Bob.....

    Yeah I thought it was pretty funny when he said Americans were commiting suicide at the city limits of Baghdad. The American troops were two blocks away and when the reporter told the American Commander what the Info Officer said the Commander replied: " Well, I think we need to go across the street and introduce ourselves." LOL
  20. don't get to fired up...it ain't over yet

    well it is going to turn into a different kind of war now. Civil unrest. Now that there is no government the transition period will be dangerous. troops will turn from fighting a war to being peace keepers like in Bosnia and Somalia. I worry about the small groups of suicide bombers, many of which are not even Iraqi but Alcada or taliban who filtered in from Syria and Iran to take pot shots at our troops.
  21. Flyable F/A-18....

    Yeah but Terminator the whole problem is that the F18 would require A/G radar and a significant avionics upgrade from the SU33. Its not just the carrier ops, but actually adding A/G avionics to LOMAC for a Hornet.
  22. I posted this on another thread but later saw this one so here it goes. My experience with Helo sims comes mostly from LongBow2 and a little EECH. Will the realism of this Helo sim compare to either of those two? What types of missions can be flown and what types of Helo platforms can be used? IE- troop transport/SAR with a Blackhawk or maybe scouting with a Kiowa, or will this just be attack only with Commanches? What type of campign is being planned? Dynamic, force on force dynamic, scripted? and if so will the campaign be flyable online in coop. EECH has a awsome campaign but because of the instability online it is difficult to get running. Obviously realism will be scalable as most sims are now days, will Fair strike be for the rookies as well as scale up to the hardcore crowd? What kind of environment is planned? Will we have weather, wind, realistic terrain with trees, buildings, roads with traffic, etc etc? IMO- I would be very happy with a sim with the realism and immersion of LongBow2 but with updated graphics, Will FairStrike compare to this at all? Thanks

    Wow, this just popped up on the radar from nowhere, glad to see another Helo sim in the works. A few questions I have and hopefully they haven't been covered yet: 1) What kind of campaign will be planned? Dynamic, Static predesigned missions, etc? 2) What types of Helos and missions will be available ie Attack, Support, Recon, etc? (will it just be Commanches etc or will we have something along the lines of Blackhawks, etc for those of us who want to fly troops around, etc) 3) Multiplayer, will multiplayer options be planned and if so will we be able to fly the campaign online with our buddies either head to head or coop? Thanks and good luck
  24. Flyable F/A-18....

    Bold statement there, do you have confirmation of this and from who?

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