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Everything posted by Seawolf

  1. The post your pic thread

    me at work
  2. Ranger, I was hyped up on SFP1 before release because I was under the misconception that it was a COMBAT FLIGHT SIM. It turned into nothing more than a testbed for Photoshop and 3DMax. You look through the forums at simhq about SF and see how many posts you get from people actually FLYING SF. Nothing but thread after thread of modding news and "How toos" of data editing. I do all my flying online so as of right now No I'm not happy with SF and it offers me nothing. It will be interesting to see what it turns into in another year or so, but right now there isnt enough there to keep me interested in it. Some of us arent into mods and editing, we just want to fly combat. :)
  3. Interesting that you use the term "Hackers" because thats exactly what I dont want to see happen. If you want 50 aircraft flyable then you have to settle for "arcade avionics and flight models" no thanks! I think they have just enough flyable aircraft in there now to still keep them realistic. Addons? sure would be cool, but I want them comming from the developers not Jo Shmo using 3dMax and no comprehension of realism. Last thing i want is a squadron of blimps attacking my airbase :roll: I like the way the IL2 guys approach addons. Build it, send it in to oleg, if it's good enough then Oleg puts it in a patch. Seems fair to me and a way to keep things honest. I would accept any addon Matt and his crew wanted to do whether it be a UK aircraft, US, Russian, etc. It would be nice if they were to add a Multirole plane and added A/G radar for all the guys whining about it. lol
  4. Flyable F/A-18....

    Well I'm sure this rumor will make its way to Matt soon enough and we will hear something about it in a journal entry or something. Personally I would trade a DC for a Hornet anyday as I feel dynamic campaigns are over rated (unlees its like EECH which was awsome), but none the less I think a hornet in Lock-On is highly unlikely right now.
  5. For those of us who dont have the talent or time to "mod" SF I think it's one of those sims you put on the backburner for about 6 months to a year and then see what happens. IMO the days of sims like F15, LB2,F18,F4 are gone. LOMAC might be the last of the true "Hardcore" sims and it may even fall short when comparing to older generation sims like I mentioned above. Like Fates I think SF can be considered a "Hardcore" sim, afterall it's much better than any arcadish Novalogic game, but it's problems hold it back right now. Maybe one day multiplayer will work without a hitch and we will have a viet nam campaign (in the works I believe) and carriers in which to launch and recover from.
  6. New Poll!!

    No Multiplayer= already dead for me. Im not interested in a CFS type game with addons out the wazoo or painting planes, I just want to fly in combat online. Just my preference
  7. Can't really go in depth because it would take all day to write it down :) Just a few things for now: 1)A Mission Builder 2)Working multiplayer with way more options for the host including flying the campaign online or choosing individual missions created with the mission builder 3)Realistic Flight Models 4)Better dynamic environment (real war going on down on the ground) 5)TRUE dynamic campaign where outcome of missions effect outcome of war and front lines. maybe even a force on force campaign online like in EECH 6)Better AI 7)TREES (real canopy type forrests) 8)CLOUDS 9) Better terrain complete with ore mountains,etc 10)Cheat protection for MP these are just a few suggestions, but the list could go on and on.
  8. This is the whole reason I am holding off getting a 9700 pro. Perhaps i will just go for the GF FX now
  9. Tim, if that's your first movie (which I have yet to do) I can't wait to see your 4th or 5th movie. That was some awsome editing work. keep em comming.
  10. LMAO!!!!! :D Every damn person in this thread that has said they think LOMAC is crap and they wont buy it (yes you eagle) is full of s**tzu! You know damn well you will be down at EB the day it comes out, dont even try to convince anyone otherwise. LMAO Simple fact is you have nothing else to look towards as a new sim. Whether you guys want to admit it or not, it will probably be summer (LOMAC release) or even winter before SF is finally brought up to a "Gold" release status. No LOMAC will not be bug free, but i will put money on it that LOMAC is released at least in a better condition than SF was/is. I'm not basing this on some guess that it will be, I'm basing this on the simple fact that Matt Wagner worked on Janes F18 and it is one of the only sims to work as advertised out of the box with only a very few minor bugs. If you dont like LOMAC, then fine, but your a fool to judge something you have no personal knowledge of. Until you get a copy in hand you have no experience of LOMAC to say jack s**tzu. lol Eagle Oh and the comment about only having a few aircraft really tells me your idea of a true "hardcore" sim. I guess fighters anthology was "as real as it gets" (to take a Microsoft phrase) in your mind. LOL Get real dude, the more aircraft you try to add the more "non-realistic" the sim gets. For being a Russian sim built buy Russian programmers your lucky to even get an A10 and F15 in LOMAC, you can thank Matt Wagner for those two additions.
  11. Hey Dark knight, it seems all the flight models are screwy now. Is it just me??
  12. Before i get started let me say something about multiplayer in general in sims. The online crowd has always been treated like the bastard kids of flight sims. Multiplayer is always the last thing to be worked on in a sim when at the point where there is no more money or time left to complete multiplayer coding or add the features needed in multiplayer. If you are a single player only or a modder and dont care about multiplayer then fine, but there is a whole other community out there that does care about multiplayer and actually spend all of our simming online. AI will never substitute real human pilots, period! You will never get the sense of working as a team with AI either. The SP1 patch for SF did fix and add a lot of things, BUT it did nothing for multiplayer. There are still several features missing from multiplayer that absolutely need to be added and several issues that still need to be fixed. Below i will discuss a few of these issues and features needed: Stability! I can't stress this enough. Constant CTDs and lockups kill multiplayer. The SP1 patch did not correct this issue in multiplayer. Some are having some luck in Gamespy, but it's not the majority at this point. Since Hyperlobby is not an official hosting spot for SF we cant really expect HL to work or be fixed through TK. Jiri will have to get Hyperlobby updated. The problem with this is that most who fly online know to go to Hyperlobby and can't stand Gamespy (or as most call it "Lagspy). CTDs and Lockups are occuring when trying to launch a flight, when trying to use text chat in the waiting area or inflight, and as people enter and leave a game in progress. A missing feature that is desperately needed is a password protection so you can lock a game in progress if you are the host. I'm not talking about locking through gamespy or Hyperlobby. I'm talking about a lock game feature in the waiting area after the game has launched. Missions! A few features or changes are needed here. As the host you can only select deathmatch for dogfighting (basically air quake) where each person is the enemy and starts at a different spot on the map. If you manage to find one another (easily done by looking at the map instead of actually using the radar) you duke it out in a free for all. This needs to be changed to a mission in which both sides can start from a home base and have 4 or 6 people per side. The host could select and lock the loadouts for each team (to keep others from changing thier loadouts in order to cheat) and assign who will fly what type of aircraft. If one side wants to be Russian and fly Mig19s and the other side US and fly F4Bs then the host should be able to set that up. Also being able to setup up waypoints on the fly either in flight or before the mission launches is needed. Also needed is being able to land at a friendly airbase and refuel and rearm and repair damage. Aircraft respawn should be back at home base on the runway or in the air also selectable by the host. Each sides home base will be protected by AAA and SAMs to keep people from "Spawn killing". As far as Coop goes I happen to like the Force 1,2,3,4 layout, but what is needed here is a way to look through and select from a list of actual missions by the host. Either user created with a mission builder or predefined missions already in SF. Right now you can only choose what type of mission and then you are at the mercy of SF as to which exact mission you can fly. You can choose which aircraft and skin to fly, but have no control over loadouts for your aircraft, SF assigns the ordy needed for whatever misiion type you selected. This needs to be changed and a way to select loadouts right down to each pylon needs to be added. Each pilot should be able to load his own aircraft with what he wants or the host should be able to do it for the pilots. I vote for each pilot having that option himself in a coop. The ability to change waypoints on the fly while inflight on the map is needed as well. If missions are dynamic then the ability to adjust your tactics is needed as well. If the mission is user created through a mission builder then setting waypoints on the fly may not be needed as badly, but still would be a nice feature. Mission Builder! Gotta have one! It doesn't have to be as detailed as something you see in F18, but we need the ability to create our own missions for multiplayer use. I dont know of any sim that doesn't come with some sort of mission builder these days and SF shouldn't be any different. Some how, Some way we need a Mission Builder and a way to play these missions online and in single player. These are only a few of the suggestions I have right now and I am sure I will think of more. If you guys have anything else you can think of we need for multiplayer please post it. Keep in mind I am looking at features that are considered a "must have" at this point.
  13. Starting to have Falcon4 release flashbacks. lol Just hope it's in better shape than falcon4 was when it was released.
  14. I get the feeling we should let TK get SF up to speed before going hog wild on the mods. Everytime a patch comes out mod guys are going to have to go back and redo thier work to make it work again.
  15. Well get ready to wait even longer. The Multiplayer crowd is always the bastard kids of the sim community and in turn multiplayer is always the last to be worked on. Those who primarily play single player or do mods could care less about multiplayer so there is no big push to fix it. If it doesn't directly concern the single player crowd or Modders then they dont care if we are left out. Just the facts of sim life.
  16. Hyperlobby (although the better choice) seems to be hosed with the new patch. People having all kinds of problems joining games or launching games. Gamespy seems to work ok unfortunantly. My only problem with multiplayer is the lack of multiplayer options in the game right now. This sim needs a mission builder and a option to fly specific missions desperately! This dogfight deathmatch is for the birds :roll: Not being able to start from a runway,not being able to rearm or refuel at friendly airfields, no way to setup a head to head match with a certain distance between bases and starting at opposite bases, no way to setup or build your own coop strike missions, etc etc i could go on forever on this. I truly hope Multiplayer gets some serious attention pretty soon. Some of us want to do air combat not paint blimps with tiger stripes. :roll:
  17. So how do we know for sure that this date of the 21st isn't a hoax as well?? Who knows what to believe anymore. I will get home from work tonight and I bet the phantom patch will still be a ghost. If this SP1 doesn't go up for download in a few hours this whole community is gonna go nutz. I have gone from fustration to downright resentment toward this sim.
  18. And still a long way to go Dagger. This patch has not changed my mind about SF. I do appreciate the patch, but it is not the end all be all of patches. A few more are needed along with some features added to bring SF up to todays standards. A lot of which needs to be done in multiplayer.
  19. Jeager do some research buddy, "Hover" is not a tactic used by the Harrier. LOL The AV8B only has enough water onboard to cool the engine for 90 seconds while in a hover. You are very vulnerable in a hover just as Helos are. Jet engines use ram/bleed air through ducts between the outter casing and engine turbine for cooling air, when the Harrier is in a Hover the amount of ram/bleed air is reduced while engine temps are very high due to the amount of thrust being produced and with no forward movement the engine runs very hot. You may ask "well other jets dont use water to cool when they are stationary" well because they are at idle on the ground. Your talking about a jet engine running at 90% in a stationary position. The British have used thrust vectoring in Harriers during air combat, check out info on the fackland war. The thing about the Harrier is they have to get in close to be effective in a fight. They dont have the speed or avionics to fight a BVR fight.
  20. My first flight lesson

    Bravo Zulu Chief
  21. Quitting smoking!!

    Dagger, I have been a smoker since the Navy in 92 and I think about quitting everyday, but to this point I just haven't wanted to. My Dad quit smoking 20 years ago and he said he just woke up one morning and looked in the mirror and said "I'm gonna quit" He hasn't smoked since. He is now almost 54 and probably in better shape than i am at 32. My mom quit 6 months ago after being a smoker for almost 30 years and she is going strong. You give me hope brother! I know that one day I will wake up and decide that I have had enough and just quit. They may have to lock me up in a padded room for a few days, but from hearing your updates I know it can be done. Keep up the updates and I'm right behind ya. Bravo Zulu
  22. Notice they were quick to cover the radar antenna with a trash bag, probably for security reasons. Believe it or not , much of that aircraft can be salvaged for use as replacement parts. So its not a total loss. Why they didnt punch out when it started to go off the runway is a mystery to me, but like any pilot the first thing you think of doing is trying to save the plane. Everything probably happened so fast anyway. I'm glad those guys are ok, sounds like a hairy situation, but hey they walked away from it so it was a good landing right? lol ;)
  23. well, when the moderators have a vested interest in the sim it makes for a 1 sided opinion. The only thing I see at SimHQ (SFP1 Forum) is modders swapping projects. Nothing being discussed about fixing SF. If you do mention Fixing SF or what is going on with the status of SF you will surely be looked down on.

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