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Everything posted by Seawolf

  1. Easy Cowboy. LOL when the President calls 911 the phone doesn't ring to the air force buddy, it rings to the closest carrier. First in, Last out. While the Air Force is still getting support in place and getting planes to the area, the navy is already launching sortes.
  2. Ranger, and yet USAF is still a "light" sim. BTW- your pics didnt show up, I'm sure they are early shots with F2.5 terrain anyway. I have tried USAF and it never could take me, just something about it. Could be the FM, could be the easy avionics, etc. Your not going to convince me that USAF is anywhere near the level of LOMAC (even at this point in development) F18, F15, or F4 SP3. A sim either has it or it doesn't and no amount of addons is not going to change that. Yes it might make it look better but whats under the hood is there and whats important. Again just my opinion. Fast eagle, I can understand wanting more aircraft, but considering they even stuck the F15 and A10 in a Russian sim is great news to me. Do you want something like fighters anthology?? lets not debate the fact that the more aircraft you have the less realistic they all are. It would take YEARS (more than 4) to build a sim with 15 or 20 aircraft at full realism. Everyone has thier own personal favorite (mine is the Tomcat) but you have to take what you can get and enjoy it for what it is. I love Tomcats, but i will be just as happy to fly that eagle around. I guess it's just all in how you look at it. :)
  3. I call that an addon campaign Ranger and not stock out of the box. I'm not asking you to win me over at this point, I will wait. Fast eagle, I understand completely what your saying and I agree for the most part about MP. The problem is with the CTDs MP is on hold as well at least for those of us who don't feel like restarting the game every 5 minutes or so. And your right, no sim has ever been released perfect and no sim ever will. No game ever will for that matter. SF could have at least been completed and maybe had a few bugs, instead of main features missing all together. I DO NOT blame TK for this and i continue to support him, I actually blame Stradegy First for thier idiotic business practices. I'm sure SF will end up finished and be a fun sim, but to tell people they have no right to say anything negative or voice thier displeasure is moronic. It's time we started expecting more from flight sim developers instead of walking on pins and needles for fear of losing sims altogether. Someone in another post mentioned that instead of simmers rolling over because they are afraid to hurt future sims being released, we should fight back against garbage and start expecting higher standards. If someone wants a sim to sell then they will make a very good sim, not rely on fear from the community to just put anything out there for a buck. Anyway, it doesn't matter. It's just an opinion and like A**holes, everyone has one. :D
  4. Oh yeah it looks just like USAF. :roll: http://www.lo-mac.com/screens.php?id=1204 http://www.lo-mac.com/screens.php?id=1181 http://www.lo-mac.com/screens.php?id=1021 http://www.lo-mac.com/screens.php?id=728
  5. "But I maintain that Strike Fighter will evolve into the best flight sim ever!" never happen my friend. Perhaps in your mind it will be, but i suggest you try a few others for a comparison. It's not the fact that SF is buggy, it's the simple fact that SF final release is worse than the Walmart Beta. I have kept track of SF and own 2 copies myself. I pimped SF like I were on the 3rd wire payroll, but i cant do it anymore. The campaign may be dynamic, but you are simply rotated between 4 or 5 missions and they get real old after a couple of weeks. No AAA & SAM threats makes for a very easy sorte. Don't think for 1 minute that the first patch will get SF to a finished state, it will take a few patches for that. Right now the only ones enjoying SF are the modders and not the simmers. If what you want is CFS with radar and jets then SF is perfect. Am I whining? nope. I am merely speaking from the other side of the fence and stating facts. If you like it now then great, I'm happy for ya, but some of us expected something a little more complete and are disappointed. So basically, I don't bitch and moan, I merely put it away until it is finished and then give it another try. BTW- Nobody ever got points for potential. Although SF has plenty of it, It's going to take more than potential for SF to survive as anything more than a testbed for 3d max. Sorry for being so negative, but that's just the way I feel at this point so if you feel the need to flame then go ahead, but understand I have supported SF since it was just an idea 2 years ago.
  6. Hey guys, I have an awsome F15 video called "When Eagles Fly" that was given to me by RCAF_Arrow through ICQ, but I dont have anyway to host it for download. Maddog, can you host it so everyone can download and watch it. It's around 40mb and its a mpeg file. Very high quality video and sound. You guys would love it!!!!! Gets me pumped up about LOMAC everytime I watch it. :D
  7. The one thing that amazes me is the detail of those 3d cockpits. they look better than FS2002 2d pits. truly amazing. Now if they would only make them clickable so those switch happy types would stop crying. lol;)
  8. Just showing off

    Just showing off and testing the new Signature and Avitar for our squadron (531st). Special thanks to Fates for his beautifull Signature backgrounds. BTW- Fates any chance of getting one with a 531 Phantom from SF for a signature background?? ;)
  9. A letter to the President...

    I will say this: I support our Commander and Chief and there is nobody I would rather have as my President right now. I have to trust him if he feels this country is in danger and grant him the power to act. It's time we stop letting ourselves get run all over by these animals and take the fight to them. I don't care what other countries think or say, We have to take care of ourselves from now on. Being a Gulf War vet myself I to don't like the idea of sending our Men & Women off to combat, but that is what they train for and I know they are willing to do so if they are needed. To Ranger and other active duty military in here- I salute you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do. God Bless, Be safe, and Have a Merry Christmas.
  10. Birddog, I understand your fustration and I myself have put SF down for the moment until this patch is released. TK mentioned at one point that they would shoot for a Pre-Christmas release of the patch, but it's obvious that won't happen either. If things continue on the route it is we are looking at LOMAC getting here before SF is fixed. It's a real shame because it could be huge!, but it's just not working out that way. It appears to me to be built for the modders and not the simmers. Granted, I really like SF for what it can be, but until it is what was advertised there is not much point in beating a dead horse and asking for a patch. For those of us who primarily play online the wait has been the hardest to deal with. I would agree that instead of trying to fix everything with one patch which might take 6 months to impliment things would be much better if big issues were fixed then move onto little tweaks and additions. Anyway, Birddog i hear ya and I'm with ya. I only hope LOMAC makes it out in a few months and is not pushed back another freakin year. I dont think i could take it. LOL
  11. VMFA-232 has taken up station in SF!

    Welcome aboard! (watch it weasel, your outnumbered bud, LOL) :D
  12. A Army General, Air Force General, Marine General, and a Navy Admiral are standing in a hanger after a cerimony and the discussion came up about which branch of the service is the most brave. Well of course the Army General pipes up and says "Here I will prove the Army is the bravest." he calls over a to one of his soldiers and says "Soldier, I want you to go and stand in front of that tank!" of course the soldier says "Yes Sir!" and gets run over by the tank and killed. The Marine General says "That's nothing, watch this." and tells one of his marines "Marine, I want you to go lay down on that grenade." the Marine says "HooRaa!" and goes and blows himself into little marine pieces. The Air Force General laughs and says "Ok, watch this." He tells his airman " Airman, I want you to go file those reports asap!" the Airman goes over and starts filing and dies from massive blood loss due to multiple paper cuts. The Admiral stands there in shock and says "well let's give this a shot." He turns to a seaman and says "Seaman, I want you to go clean that head with a toothbrush." The seaman stands there and without hesitation says "With all due respect, screw you sir!". The Generals couldn't believe it, while the Admiral just laughed. One of the Generals says "Well, guess you lose Admiral." The Admiral snickered and said "On the contrary fellas, it takes a man with balls of steal to tell an Admiral- screw you."
  13. "Navy carrier pilots to Air Force pilots: Flaring is like squatting to pee." This one is still my favorite. LOL :D
  14. well when push comes to shove i have to backup my jarheads and say "First in, last out." Aircraft Carrier + Force Recon = Americas 911
  15. Being an X Navy person myself I find your list pretty funny, but i will ad that all you need to do is fart in a balloon and paint it red and a Marine will love it. Here ya go, enjoy: Blue water Navy truism; There are more planes in the ocean than there are submarines in the sky. If the wings are traveling faster than the fuselage, it's probably a helicopter -- and therefore, unsafe. Navy carrier pilots to Air Force pilots: Flaring is like squatting to pee. When one engine fails on a twin-engine airplane you always have enough power left to get you to the scene of the crash. Without ammunition the USAF would be just another expensive flying club. What is the similarity between air traffic controllers and pilots? If a pilot screws up, the pilot dies; If ATC screws up, the pilot dies. Never trade luck for skill. The three most common expressions (or famous last words) in aviation are: "Why is it doing that?", "Where are we?" and "Oh S#!+!" Weather forecasts are horoscopes with numbers. Progress in airline flying; now a flight attendant can get a pilot pregnant. Airspeed, altitude or brains. Two are always needed to successfully complete the flight. A smooth landing is mostly luck; two in a row is all luck; three in a row is prevarication. I remember when sex was safe and flying was dangerous. Mankind has a perfect record in aviation; we never left one up there! Flashlights are tubular metal containers kept in a flight bag for the purpose of storing dead batteries. Flying the airplane is more important than radioing your plight to a person on the ground incapable of understanding it or doing anything about it. When a flight is proceeding incredibly well, something was forgotten. Just remember, if you crash because of weather, your funeral will be held on a sunny day. Advice given to RAF pilots during W.W.II. When a prang (crash) seems inevitable, endeavor to strike the softest, cheapest object in the vicinity as slowly and gently as possible. The Piper Cub is the safest airplane in the world; it can just barely kill you. (Attributed to Max Stanley, Northrop test pilot) A pilot who doesn't have any fear probably isn't flying his plane to its maximum. (Jon McBride, astronaut) If you're faced with a forced landing, fly the thing as far into the crash as possible. (Bob Hoover - renowned aerobatic and test pilot) If an airplane is still in one piece, don't cheat on it; ride the bastard down. (Ernest K. Gann, author & aviator) Though I Fly Through the Valley of Death I Shall Fear No Evil For I am at 80,000 Feet and Climbing. (sign over the entrance to the SR-71 operating location Kadena, Japan). You've never been lost until you've been lost at Mach 3. (Paul F. Crickmore - test pilot) Never fly in the same cockpit with someone braver than you. There is no reason to fly through a thunderstorm in peacetime. (Sign over squadron ops desk at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ, 1970). The three best things in life are a good landing, a good orgasm, and a good bowel movement. The night carrier landing is one of the few opportunities in life where you get to experience all three at the same time. (Author unknown, but someone who's been there) "Now I know what a dog feels like watching TV." (A DC-9 captain trainee attempting to check out on the 'glass cockpit' of an A-320). If something hasn't broken on your helicopter, it's about to. Basic Flying Rules Try to stay in the middle of the air. Do not go near the edges of it. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees and interstellar space. It is much more difficult to fly there. You know that your landing gear is up and locked when it takes full power to taxi to the terminal.
  16. See this post here: http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...TML/002409.html I did some low altitude speed tests on the aircraft in SF and was surprised what i found. None of them performed to the speed they are actually rated. The Mig21 is way too fast and the F104 is way to slow. Also notice the wepon drag comparisons and how the A4 gains no airspeed once ordy is dropped and plane is in clean config. F100, well lets just say it took a full tank of gas to find out the top speed, but that's after fighting to get it in the air. The F4 appears to be ok for the most part, except it's slow speed handling is a bit over done i think. Of course this is all my opinion and I am by no means an expert on these aircraft. I'm just basing my observations on feel and numbers. Perhaps now would be a good time to start working on a set standard for modified flight models so we all know what is acceptible in SF as far as being realistic.
  17. I think this is what he is looking for. RatBastid did one with this type of paint scheme, but no decals yet. another one and another
  18. Agreed Dagger, It's been my experience with new sim releases that you get a influx of negative posters and trolls. After a few months things settle down and the trolls get board or banned (LOL) and leave, we then are left with those that are serious about making the community better. I think some people assume because a certain sim doesn't contain the features they personally want then they get upset and start trolling. SFP1 does not have everything I would want in a sim, but it does have enough for me to really get into it and enjoy myself. I think the biggest thing that SF does for me is show right from the start it's longevity. I have a good feeling that we will be still playing around with SF 3 to 4 years from now. I really respect the people on this board so far because even those with complaints do it in a fashion that is not irritating to others and there seems to be a general respect for each other all the way around and that's great. Unlike SimHQ where Andy must lock thread after thread of trolls, we don't have that problem here and I hope it stays that way.
  19. BlackShadow Flight

    Welcome aboard guys.
  20. I'm really anxious to get going in multiplayer, but because everyone has CTD problems nobody is flying online. I hope this patch comes soon so we can finally start doing multiplayer again. I look forward to the mission builder as well.
  21. I think the airfields look pretty realistic from the air except for the lack of traffic in the pattern.
  22. For the F4 those numbers should be per engine, shouldnt they? F4 had way more thrust than that i think.
  23. I have noticed this too in SF. I figured it was turbulance or something being modelled, but it seems to occur whenever pulling high G in a turn. You get a little wing waggle as your speed drops and you enter that stall area. It's pretty cool. I only noticed it on the phantom so far though.
  24. That was a good scene for sure. I always felt ol Yeager got robbed on the Nasa deal. :x

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