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Everything posted by Seawolf

  1. Sorry to link SimHQ Mad, but I was proud of these shots. No I am not a patch tester so they are pre patch shots. http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...TML/002166.html
  2. Rgr Madjeff, I didnt know we could here. I'll remember that next time thanks. I kinda put it down until the patch myself, was just trying some new pic hosting. ;)
  3. It's either AAA or Star Wars technology. LOL
  4. Su-35

    I'm still not sold on this SU35. What good is supermanuverability if you get shot down 40 miles away from a enemy aircraft you cant see. ;) I'm sure it's fun to watch at airshows though. lol
  5. Well lets hope it can be added later after release in a patch. If they needed to cut it due to time constraints then I can understand, so seeing that they have put work into that aircraft It makes sense that once LOMAC is released they can just finish up the plane and add it through a patch later.
  6. Well, it will be a nice treat to have a Demo, but honestly It's probably gonna make things worse for me. Make me want the final release even more. LOL
  7. Well, It's not easy in hard mode. Keep trying bud, you will nail it .
  8. 2-3 nm is way to close. That is sidewinder range. Borsight locks at arounf 10 miles. Keep in mind to gain a good radar return on a contact with this radar system you must be in a pretty level attitude, nose level with the target. If you are below the target say cruising at 10k and your target is at 20k, its going to be hard to lock him up. Contact your FAC and get a vector and altitude of your target and match the same altitude then try to lock. Nose down will not work either, too much ground clutter. Nose high is difficult as well and most of my Sparrow misses come from a nose high attitude. Personally having real world experience with radar systems I think SF is very well down. Getting a good radar return and lock is not a automatic thing in the real world, and its not so either in SF. Use your FAC (AWAC) for info in conjunction with your radar. 9 times out of 10 you are better off using borsight anyway, but just keep in mind you dont have much time in borsight because of the closier rate. Your best bet for long range is 25nm setting and pointed dead at the contact.
  9. New Sqdn for EST in US?

    You guys wont be disappointed. Trust me. ;)
  10. Good Luck Dagger! The more Marine Squadrons the better. If you guys need any help with anything let me know, 531 has your back. ;) Semper Fi !!!!!!
  11. Since we have a thread for the F100, I wanted to start one for the A4. I wanted to express some problems I see with the A4 flight model. 1- Crispness- It just doesn't feel tight and crisp in it's response. The A4 is supposed to be quick and nimble, but it just doesn't feel this way to me in SF. Roll rate seems a bit slow, and its hard to stop rolling once you start. 2- Roll Rate- As i said above roll rate feels slower than what it should be and hard to snap to a stop like I have seen in footage of the A4. If you start rolling and snap the stick back to center the aircraft will continue to roll almost a complete roll past where you went back to stick center. This cant be right can it?? I always thought the A4 was very precise, very lightweight, agile, etc. Now having flown other civilian aircraft myself I realize that in a roll when you sna the stick back to center you will get a little continued roll, but not a complete revolution like you do in SF. The A4 should snap to a stop when your rolling I would think. 3- Energy Bleed Off- Here is a big problem for me. The A4 in SF seems to bleed off energy as if everytime you barely pull back on the stick you extend speed brakes. I can fly at 400kts, bank to the right or left, pull back on the stick and only pull 3Gs and literally bleed off all my airspeed in a mater of 2 or 3 seconds. Keep in mind I'm not talking about a High G load turn here where you try to kick the rear end around, I'm talking just a steady turn. Maybe I'm way off here, but I should have no problem out turning the F4 in MP. Should I?? Is it just me or does everyone else see the same things I do in the Flight Model?? If I'm wrong then fine i will go practice some more, but my gut tells me it should feel different than it does. I do remember Hornit at simhq mentioning the A4 and how he thought the A4 needed more work, and I believe he flew the TA4J when going through initial training. I jus hope these are legit complaints I have posted and we can get them fixed, because I want the scooter to be as nimble and manuverable as I am used to seeing in the movies and footage.
  12. Well, I think everyone is in agreement that the flight models still need some work. Even the real pilots have said this so lets give TK a chance to do some touch up work and see what happens. I'm sure he is aware of the issues and will tweak them up a bit.
  13. Is that flack Kris? Because i have yet to see flack in SF.
  14. Very nice Kris, you doing some great work, keep it up. :)
  15. New Sqdn for EST in US?

    Just let me know Dagger. We don't have a lot of guys in SF yet, most are still hooked on F18, but as SF matures and becomes fixed up I'm sure our guys will migrate over. As of now there are 4 or 5 of us Heavy into SF, but we are planning on our other guys getting onboard soon.
  16. I have no problem locking except when trying to lock targets at over 25nm. I feel this is pretty realistic since the further out you scan the more interference you get. Try setting to 25nm then select a target and then Aquire. A lot of people forget to hit aquire once they have a target slaved. Borsight slaves and aquires automatically, thats why it seems easy, but borsight has a limited range.
  17. Flybum, in your joystick settings for the game, where is says mouse look or pan view something like that. Click it with your mouse and move your hat. This should assign the hat for you pan around view. Keep in mind it pans a bit slower than the mouse look, but Prolly what your looking for. :)
  18. New Sqdn for EST in US?

    We don't normally recruit, but anytime you guys wanna fly just give us a shout.
  19. Welcome aboard Flybum. :) When flying with the flight model on hard, attempt a hard roll and then try to snap the roll to a stop. At least for me the AF scooter will continue to roll almost a complete revolution before I can get it to stop. This makes rocket runs a nightmare for me.
  20. Yeah, but i want to see it done right. Something like what DI did with thier Super Hornet sim. Yellow shirts, traffic on the deck, etc.
  21. lol Hollywood, Well I just hope thats on TK's list to be fixed.
  22. Thanks Birddog, I cant wait for the Scooter to be fixed. It's one of my favorites from that era.
  23. Dagger, your repeating what's been taught to fighter pilots sence WWI, but the problem right now in SF is we dont know the full limitations of our aircraft in SF. The Phantom and Starfighter are not as far off as say the Skyhawk and F100. I should be able to out turn a Phantom in a A4, but in SF I cant. I should be able to roll fast and crisper than the F4, but i cant in SF. I should be able to bleed less energy than the phantom, but I cant in SF. My point is, some of the flight model quirks have to be fixed before some of us can actually spend a lot of time learning different limitations. Frankly the A4 and F100 are so limited right now you can barely have a chance of survival in them, much less winning a fight.
  24. Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't the A4 have a better chance at a turning fight with a Mig17?? Although currently in SF the A4 stalls if you sneeze or bleeds off so much energy you cant stay in the fight, but from what I have seen from actual A4 footage I would like the A4 should be a lot more nimble and quicker than what is currently in SF. I get ticked off because I like flying the scooter and in MP dogfighting I dont stand a chance because the A4 cant maintain corner speed at least not like I think it should, plus will the roll being so wacked out, it doesn't feel as crisp as I think an A4 should. Do we have any real A4 pilots out there that can give us some feedback??

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