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Everything posted by Seawolf

  1. Mod Squads? Odd Squads? Your Squad?

    Of course VMFA 531 Grey Ghost plan on spending a lot of time with SFP1. How could we resist with the Grey ghost paint scheme being a default paint scheme. lol :D
  2. New here.

    Just wanted to stop in and say Hi. I'm new to this site and forum and so far it looks great. I haven't had near enough time to explore everything here, but so far I like the layout, the forum setup, and the amount of info on my favorite sims is great. :D
  3. New here.

    :D Thanks guys, looks like a nice place to hang.
  4. They also said Janes FA18 would be the last too. The flight sim community moves in cycles like waves. 2 years ago we were on the downslope, now we are moving on the upslope. After LOMAC things will settle down and then start to move back up again. I am a jet guy myself, but I hope the Helo guys get something soon, they have waited the longest. Im not talking Comanche 5 or another Gunship disaster, something hardcore and comparible to the realism in LB2 or EECH.
  5. Actually I am suprised nobody has mentioned the F111 Ardvark. I have a friend at work who was one of the last people to work on the F111 and he has been giving me a bunch of info on it. Some very interesting stuff too. I think once the tandem cockpit deal is worked out the F111 would be a great addon for SFP1
  6. Actually I am suprised nobody has mentioned the F111 Ardvark. I have a friend at work who was one of the last people to work on the F111 and he has been giving me a bunch of info on it. Some very interesting stuff too. I think once the tandem cockpit deal is worked out the F111 would be a great addon for SFP1

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