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Everything posted by Seawolf

  1. FSDS is not a format, its a group of plane builders if I'm not mistaken. They use 3dMax to do aircraft for FS2002 as well. I think they have thier hands full with FS2002 to be honest. They definantly have some talented guys in that group though.
  2. well it's just like politics. Stradegy First pushes SF out before its done because it wants money now instead of a quality product, but when it doesnt sell well because it's buggy or missing features they point the fingers at the Programmers, when its the publisher's fault all along. How come Quake fans don't have to deal with these types of issues???? Is it because they make so much money? or is it a different mindset? or is it that Sim fans are the basterd children of the gaming community??
  3. Rudel is here!

    "Holy *hit!, it's Rudel" "Yeah he is probably saying, Holy *hit it's Maverik and Goose" ;)
  4. I believe TK has said they are working on a mission Editor, just not sure how big of an editor they are working on. I hope its something like whats in F18, but anything is better than nothing.
  5. Exodus, i wont lie to ya here. SF is buggy, lacks features, and multiplayer some more work, BUT even so I still enjoy it and know it can only get better. The scenery is desert terrain (default) but it does have some mountains, populated ares, and a pretty big ocean. More terrain Im sure will be added in upcomming 3rd party addons. As far as realism, well if your trying to compare realism to the amount of systems you get to operate then no it is not as involved as Falcon4, but for obvious reasons. This is the 60s where aircraft are still analog and avionics was simple. The radar I fell represents what the radar back then looked like , so i fell in that respect it is realistic. The flight models are pretty good although some still need tweaking, they feel very believable and you get a since of flying a real fighter in the 60s. There are no training missions as of yet, but TK has already said they are working on a mission builder soon so you will be able to create your own training missions or download other user missions Im sure after the mission builder is released. Whether you should buy it or not is totally up to you. Personally I would (and have) for the simple fact that the sim has tons of potential and TK is providing support. If you want to wait until its patched up a bit then do that as well, but whether you do it now or later, you definantly should pick this one up at some point.
  6. should be: C:Program FilesStrategy FirstStrike FightersFlightSim.exe
  7. I have the beta and if Madjeff wants to host it for download I would be glad to send it to him.
  8. I have learned to just stick with WHQL drivers with Nvidia. Beta drivers are released so often its impossible to keep up and just sticking with WHQL seems safer. plus when Games are tested for patches etc, WHQL drivers are mostly used anyway.
  9. Just showing off

    You got it bud. Thanks
  10. USMC

    Hey gang, Go ahead and add our squadron, VMFA 531 Grey Ghost to your list. We have been around for a few years, but have spent the last two with Janes FA18. Now that SFP1 is here we feel it's time to get back to our roots. ;) We are also working closely with Skunkworks for SFP1 and plan on making an impact in the SF community. I am attaching our web address below so please feel free to add us to your squadron listing. http://www.geocities.com/vmfa_531gg/ Lt Col. L "Seawolf" Downing OpsO VMFA 531
  11. Well do share my good man. All of us Nvidia users are listening. :)
  12. I suggest staying away from Gamespy and go with hyperlobby http://hyperfighter.jinak.cz/phpbb/viewtop...c.php?p=884#884
  13. TK, That mission Builder is the Key to really unlocking the potential to SFP1. As soon as you can it would be nice to know your ideas on how involved the Mission Builder will be and how much control we will have while building missions.
  14. Well, not really sure what is being worked on for the first patch. Hope multiplayer fixes are in there, but there are things like AAA and SAMs that are priority. TK advised the patch is being tested and it could be released in a couple of days or a couple of weeks, just depends on how it tests out. Stay tuned and check the boards, could be out anytime.
  15. A Cuban Campaign is already in the works, Hopefully with the addition of F8 crusaders, etc this should put a new twist on the Missle Crisis. :)
  16. very nice thanks. Im waiting for someone to do a 531st skin for my squad, that should be cool
  17. Many radeon users have reported serious performance issues in SFP1 in the walmart version. I'm not sure if those same issues apply to the final version, but a radeon user over at SimHQ has posted a fix he found to make SFP1 run maxed out and smooth on his system. Basically he got a radeon tweaker called RivaTuner from www.rage3d.com and turned off HWT&L. In rivatuner under Direct3d T&L is called TCL Hardware. By disabling TCL he says his performance skyrocketed and now runs smooth at max settings. I plan to try this as soon as I get my radeon loaded back up, so try it out and post your results. I hope this helps. :D
  18. TK, most CTDs seam to occur when players enter and leave a game while in progress. Also you get a pregnant pause when sending a ingame chat messege.
  19. While we all plan our wish list for addons in SFP1 I would like to suggest a plane that has not been mentioned too much. The F111 Ardvark. IMO once the tandem cockpit situation is figured out I think the F111 would be a perfect fit for SFP1. I have a friend at work who was one of the last to work on the F111 before it was removed from service and he has been a wealth of knowledge for me personally. Things like the F111 carrying gun pods in the 60s, but because of the design of the main gear doors, the gun pods were taken off because of damage to the gear doors or the fact that the F111 had a top speed of Mach 2.5+ I had no idea the F111 was that fast, but he assures me it was. He was a ordinance guy so I am learning all the different weapons the F111 could carry in the 60s and before it left service. At any rate, I think the F111 deserves some attention when it comes time to start adding aircraft to SFP1. :)
  20. Latest Vidcard Driver Sources

    here is another must site for the nvidia people out there. www.guru3d.com
  21. Yeah! Swamped ringing up all those SFP1 sales! you better get your butt down there quick!!!!
  22. That's good news TK, thanks a bunch for the info. :)
  23. Wouldn't it be better to remove the gear and the geardoors insted? :roll: :shock: Yeah we could put perminant skids on it. lol :D
  24. Well Birddog, funny you should mention the S3. I was a Senso on the S3B from 90-94 in the Navy with VS27 and VS31. :) and yes I would love an S3 as well, but quite honestly the S2 Tracker was the ASW/Scout platform back in the 60s, the S3A didnt enter service until mid 70s. The S2 and S3 could attack shipping in SFP1, but quite honestly its missions are limited to Surface and Subsurface Sea Control. Like the A6 it has no defensive weapons, and in the case of the S3 it only has Chaff and Flare for defense.

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