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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

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Everything posted by Seawolf

  1. More Naval Aviation Artwork

    Thats a nice poster
  2. The Israeli Pov

    My apologies Dutchy. I misunderstood :(
  3. My Old Squadron On Wings Channel Today

    Just south of the east gate we had a S3B do a hard roll over after a touch and go and crash near the east gate in the pine trees. Both pilot and Copilot punched out ok, but the pilot spent a few minutes hanging in a tree before the crash crew could get there with a bucket and get him down. Now that I think about it there were a few crashes while I was there, but when you fly that much crashes will happen.
  4. The Israeli Pov

    Nesher, I saw it and thought it was pretty good, but refrained from getting involved in a political thread. Dutchy, the little anti-american comment was out of line. I'm sure that poll was fair and unbiased. <_<
  5. World Record Water Depth For Drilling

    So whats the deepest water you have drilled in?? Do you stay in the Gulf or have you trecked out to the Atlantic at all?
  6. "I just wish I hadn't drank all that cough surrup this morning." "PULL!"
  7. My New Job With Homeland Security (pic)

    True, PRs and AOs were the coolest. PRs for packin the good chutes and AOs for all the good beer once we got home.lol ;) :D Ironically when I went for my Plain Captain quals during a couple of 2 week dets I would spend time helping the AOs hang MK82s and Sonobuoys on the S3. Those guys were a blast to work with and could play some mean spades!LOL :D
  8. World Record Water Depth For Drilling

    Every time I see the movie Armageddon and see Harry Stamper I am going to think of you Beer.LOL "It's ok Rockhound, I'm temporarily insane" :D "I promised 10,000ft and by God I will make 10,000ft" ;)
  9. Alien Vs Predator

    OMG! as if the game wasn't scary enough! They have to put Bill Paxton in it though.LOL "We're SCREWED man! We are so Screwed, they're everywhere man! We gotta get the F*** outta here man!" "Screw this man!" LMAO
  10. My New Job With Homeland Security (pic)

    lol, AWs used to get issued the MK12 slingshot. It was a slow loader but you could take out a buzzard at 20 yards.
  11. Getting New Computer...which Video Card?

    Damn Mudd I have a XP2400, are you saying I will need to upgrade too? :( The demo runs fine for me so I was hoping my XP2400 would do the job for now. This radeon 9700 Pro makes a big difference though, maybe that will be my saving grace.lol
  12. Go Seminoles! Go Vt!

    Seminoles spanked a bad ND team and now VT needs to spank Miami. Go VT!
  13. nice work, I took a couple of quick flights with it and it flies very well (not that I am an expert). My Dad worked on the A7 during the early 70s so its neat to fly the ol girl. Good job. we just need a mission builder and a Navy (carrier) and I will be somewhat happy.
  14. like pens, gerber tools, gameboys,walkmans. You know the usual.
  15. Go Seminoles! Go Vt!

    I was just watching ESPN Gameday (late) and ESPN is refusing to show FSU any love and its ticking me off. I wish Notre Dame would have been ranked because I think thats what hurt the most. Nobody cares if you shutout Notre Dame at home because everyone knows Duke could beat Notre Dame. I hope OU slips up in the next couple of weeks.
  16. Go Seminoles! Go Vt!

    Uh Oh! theres another Vic in the house. Miami is getting an old fashioned ars woopin. I love it! lol :D
  17. one thing nice about the Viking, being able to unstrap,safe the seat, and use the aft avionics tunnel to do our business.lol Just dont slip and wizz all over the acoustics computer and your ok.lol
  18. Vacation Pics- Uss Yorktown

    Its a nice place to go for the day. Not very expensive either.
  19. Been So Busy Lately....

    Chief when your in the loadout screen you will see your aircraft des number in the pull down window. Make sire to set each aircraft to the same skins etc that you have on your lead aircraft. Sometimes there are 8 aircraft in your flight that you have to change individually and it stinks doing each one, but there is no single selection for the whole flight, you have to change each plane in the pull down.
  20. Falcon 4 Gold Announced

    Well after reading the FAQ it says these aircraft will be added as well but it doesnt say whether they are flyable or not, but the A10 is supposed to be and its in the list. F4,F14,FA18,Mig29, and the A10. Hard to make out what they mean by added. I assume these are already in SP3.
  21. Quick Q For Mj....

    Definantly one of if not the best sim site on the web right now. The community here is a tight nit group and a pleasure to be around.
  22. cool! extra copy for someone else. :D It amazes me how some people think others give a damn when they proclaim to the world that they dont like something. "I want the world to know that I dont like this" ok? and now what? btw- Enjoy waiting for another sim, look forward to hearing your in depth evaluation on that one 5 to 8 years from now if at all. <_<
  23. A Sim I'd Like To See Developed

    if LOMAC -Lonbow2- and OFP could somehow mingle together to make one sim I would be a happy camper.
  24. The Four Most Dangerous Things In The Navy

    Yeah, #4 is usually a response to #1. LMAO
  25. A Navy Joke.....

    mmmm Navy chics. kinda like a moped- Fun to ride until your friends see ya.lol (yeah yeah its a fat chic joke, but it applies here to trust me.lol)

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