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Posts posted by Seawolf

  1. Well its almost halftime and I just watched Chris Rix through his second INT which turned into a TD for Miami.

    Thanks Rix for being the Gawd Awfull QB you are and losing this game. :angry:


    oh and to the miami fan who blew the whistle in the first quarter which resulted in a rekick and block, I hope the Nole fans there find you and pack you into a ditch! :angry:

  2. Was just looking around and it looks like I am comming up on my 1 year mark as a member at biohaz. It's kind of cool thinking about sarting off close to when this site started off, but it has grown into something special. Great work Jeff you have a really nice piece of realistate here on the web and the sim community.

    I'm sure to some this thread is a typical "so what" scenerio, but it's just kinda neat to me starting off with a site from its begginings. :)

  3. I have a hard time feeling bad for TK when in the meantime instead of getting the patch out he has time to work on the wright flyer. The lack of communication really hurts things as well and if he would merely just give small updates things would go a lot smoother. I too can be a patient person, but SFP1 has turned from a flight sim to a novalty item in the past months and with no hope in site its easy to jump ship. SFP1 provides pleasure to a few people out there and I can respect that so I wont "Bash" it, but if TK plans on a sequal (I actually hope he does at some point) I suggest he use lessons learned on this sim.

  4. I've been out of town on vacation for the past week and had to watch the game in a hotel room in charlotte NC. At halftime I almost went to sleep and was confident that our D could surely hold a 21 point lead.

    Vandergeek should have never gotten a second chance at that kick. the penalty on Simeon Rice was BS! pure and simple. Even if your a Colts fan you cant be ignorant to that call. I am sick and tired of these Refs using thier influence to have an impact on the outcome of these games. The Refs gave the Colts the winning fieldgoal and it was BS!.

    Am I ticked off at the Bucs? Hell Yeah! they had a big lead, got cocky and played soft, and got beat. BUT! that doesnt mean the Refs should play a role in the win. If its a obvious call then make it, but keep your stinkin flags in your pocket unless its something that cant be ignored.


    For you Colts fans, dont get to excited. Remember there is a reason why you have dungy now. You will make the playoffs of course, but only to get schooled in the first or second round like last year.


    BTW- As a Bucs fan I can honestly say I didnt like Keyshon Johnson when we got him from the jets and I still dont like him today. He is a average reciever at best and every time he opens his mouth he gets fed a dish of cold crow. Keyshon, STFU and play football! Sapp, get your fat ars off the sideline and start playing all 4 downs instead of sitting on your ars waiting for 3rd down. I hope Sapp is released to free agency next year too, let someone else deal with his overated butt.

  5. Dear Sapp, I luv ya, but please take some dancing lessons before next season. :lol:


    A lot of people dont like Sapp because he is cocky and has a big mouth, but as long as you can back it up then go for it. he makes it interesting to say the least.lol


    We have a Bi this week so its going to be a long wait until our next game on Monday night. FSU plays Duke I believe so hopefully they wont think ahead and burry them quick without any injuries. Gotta beat Miami this year, the season rests on the Miami game.


    I wish college football had a playoff system, you lose one game and your season is over unless you care about conference championships. :roll:


    Man, me and Seawolf got all kinds of Football in common...


    Definatly GO BUCS!


    How bout that Warren Sapp TD... too bad he's a cane.... but the pass came from a nole :wink:

  6. I was sick to my stomach at the end of the Miami game last year, but to be honest I have gotten used to seeing "Wide Right". If what you say about Rix is true then that can be a problem since the Starting QB has to be a leader off the field as well as on the field and when he missed the bowl game last year because he overslept that really made him look bad. Bobby has a real eye for talent and I'm sure he sees a lot of talent in Rix, but Rix just needs to step up and be a leader.

    If I remember correctly before Rix came around Bobby had a "Charlie Ward" type of QB ready to start a couple of years ago then the kid backed out and chose baseball or something right before the season so Rix (a freshman at the time) was forced into action. Rix was a backup. The kid thats under Rix right now looks good and its a shame he doesnt get more playing time, but he is a Freshman I believe so even if Rix makes it through his Senior year that gives this kid 2 years to do something.

    Rix could be a very good QB, but he just needs to calm down and be less cocky and everything will be fine.

  7. Snapple I was lucky to play ball with a well known QB at FSU named Casey Weldon. Casey lived across the street from me when we played at NFC together. I transfered to Public school and got hurt and ended my football hopes, but I continued to watch some of the guys I played ball with go on to College and now the Pros.

    One thing about the game of football is its easy to second guess the guys on the field and call someone stupid or say they stink, but until you put on pads and play ball at that level you have no idea how hard it is.


    Rix is just young, like you snapple so he is going to make mistakes. Rix is not going to make or break that team, its a combined effort.


    I havent heard anything about the N word incident and I keep pretty current on things at FSU (my Dad still heads up telecommunications there) so if it did happen it must not have been too bad otherwise we would have seen it on ESPN, they love stories like that.


    This team is looking good right now and if they can keep the momentum going into the Miami game they have a real shot of beating them. Rix will have to play a mistake free game and the Defense will have to dominate.

    I hope they do it, I would love to see FSU take down Miami this year and quiet down all the FSU haters.


    Go noles.


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