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Posts posted by Seawolf

  1. I had Maddon 2002 for the PC and I have played most of the maddons so far and I just think its a lot of hype. It is a very good football game, but EA has cornered the sports market for a long time and now are seeing some real competition. Competition is good :wink:


    Funny you mention John Maddan not shutting up because I cant stand to hear him on TV either. lol Nice thing about Xbox is I can throw in my favorite CDs and save all my music as MP3s on my Xbox harddrive and use that music in the game if I want to change it. Not to mention I really like the online play with Xbox a lot better than PS2. Since everyone on Xbox is Broadband you are almost guarrenteed no loag. Its nice. Until EA starts letting thier games be Xbox LIVE capable then I will stick with the Xbox titles that are.

  2. For you football fans this is why I got an Xbox. I always felt Maddon was over hyped because of EA's marketing and Im glad they have some competition now. This new 2K4 looks awsome and its fully LIVE capable and has a 1st person and 3rd person view. Check this out




    Hits stores tomorrow, if you have Xbox you have to get this one. The hell with Maddon its overhyped. :D

  3. I would like to get in on that too. I just want to find a server where people actually work together, dont plane camp, dont TK for vehicles, etc.

    We need a biohaz server or something. someone host and name it biohaz or something with a password posted here to get in so we can all hook up.

  4. Not sure I feel anything different between this and MOHA. It's obvious this was done by the same people, but I'm a little more anxious to see the pacific theatre comming up for MOHA.

    This call to duty does look good, but just feels like MOHA to me. not that thats a bad thing though.lol :wink:

  5. I can only speculate about this, but I think a lot of the folks over at the Lo-Mac forum are transplamts from other genres. Lets face it out of all the genres out there flight simming (although we do have our young crowd) is probably the most mature group out there and even our young ones show higher maturity levels than other genres. No offense to our younger guys, but I feel like the younger generation (Nintindo generation) acts a lot more spoiled and is a lot more impatient than other groups. Not all are like that, but I feel that most are. In all fairness we have some so called adults among us which need to grow up as well so I cant blame it all on young guys.


    You basically have a generation of kids who are growing up unsupervised and untrained in how to interact with people on a personal level because everything is internet these days and email which is impersonal. Never would 99% of the people online say what they say to another person if it was done face to face nor could they back it up, but on the internet its easy to be a billy badass and say whatever you want without any guilt or reprocussions from it. PCs and the internet are babysitting our kids these days while the parents work to just survive.


    Sorry for the rant, but I just think this is why people have no respect for each other on the net.

  6. Well in all fairness they arent lower class forums, but just infected with some lower class members.


    You ever get hit with Pepper Spray? One of the requirements in the academy was you got sprayed with it so you would know how it felt before using it on someone, but little did we know when you use it in the field 9 times out of ten you got more on you than on the bad guy. LOL

    That stuff could ruin your night, literally. lol Especially when you show up at the Jail with Orange dye all over your uniform.lol :wink: :D

  7. "Aviation Anti-Submarine Warfare Operator"






    (that was a long time ago though.lol)


    today since I work on aircraft I dont know how long I can make Aircraft Mechanic sound.lol


    "Aviation Mechanical service for pilot safety of flight"




    Grease Monkey aka- little black box swapper LOL :wink:

  8. ok first of all nobody said anything about the demo being released this week. You might have understood it that way, but thats not the case and you should be carefull to read carefully from now on.

    Until you get a finished store bought copy in your hand everything is "what if" and subject to change without notice. Carl and Matt have been very carefull not to set specific dates for this very reason, because many people like to take 1 sentence and turn it around in thier favor or use it as ammo later on that they have been decieved in some way. All the crying will die off in a couple of days, but the ones that really burn me up are those few that make it thier personal quest to be negative any chance they get in these forums. These are the people running around saying "See! I told ya so" all over the place. If you dont like this sim and you have no intention of supporting it then LEAVE! its as simple as that. Yes, everyone has a right to thier opinion, but some are clearly in it for the mere gratification of watching people get ticked off, basically trolling.


    Nobody is happy about what is going on and we all wanted this sim yesterday, but it's how we handle disappointment in times like this that reflect what kind of person we are. Are you a cry baby or are you going to stay positive? the choice is yours.


    (this is not geared toward anyone in particular, but at the community as a whole)


    Personally I will rely on guys like Jeff and MrMudd to keep putting out great stories and keeping the interest fresh. WTH its football season so at least there is something to watch on TV folks, its not the end of the world ya know.


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