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Posts posted by Seawolf

  1. I just purchased a XBOX a couple of weeks ago and I must say I am impressed with it. I realize its nothing more than a budget PC in a box, but the graphics, audio, controllers, and games are awsome. I'm looking forward to playing some football online soon as well.

  2. I'm gonna give it a couple of months and see what type of exclusive 2004 aircraft come out. There are a few 2002 planes like Dean Reimers F18 that are favorites of mine, but so far some of my favorites are having texture problems in 2004. It wont take long before we see 2004 aircraft all over the place.

  3. Jeff, ya went and did it. Ya put a big honkin pic of the S3B trapping up there and now Im about to lose my freakin mind!

    I'm sorry, but there is no stinkin way they put that much detail into that Hornet just to keep it AI, that sucker has got to be groomed for flyable, it just has to.


    I'm with Snapple, Matt if you have any shred of decency or sympathy please give us that Hornet with Carrier ops. :wink:

  4. I guess that gives a new meaning to "burry your head in the sand." lol


    Wonder why we are going through the trouble to dig these things up. Perhaps we keep one or two of them and restore them for training use? who knows.

  5. Chief there are some issues with some addon aircraft having certain parts of the aircraft not showing up. Not sure if this is a Gmax issue or what. Still trying to find that out. Right now transfering addons from 2002 into 2004 is a trial and error thing. Most work fine, some will be funky. No different than what we went through when switching from FS2000 to FS2002 a couple of years back.



    Jeff, I got your PM and sent a reply. Not sure if the reply went through, but I think we are good to go.

  6. Nope :lol:


    Sheesh! Some people need to nit-pick less on unimportant issues and just enjoy what they see. Honestly, it's like you were LOOKING for something to complain about. I'm not attacking you but I disagree with the things that people spend time picking over..  

    Keep it all in context. This is a FLight Sim, not a movie maker. Stuff will be flying past you at a great speed several hundred feet below your aircraft.  


    I made and obervation and posted my thougths.


    Your post was fair. You stated your points, and were mature about it.


    I respect that and thank you for your feedback. Please see my final comment on Lo-Mac. I ended it with a positive comment.



    I am sure you spent countless hours on your rebuttal Seawolf.


    LMAO- Whatever!   :roll:  


    See above about mature posts.

  7. Jeff, if you want me too I can. I used to write reviews for addon aircraft for simviation.com a long time ago, but have been working with MS sims since FS5.

    Do you want somethin long or just a "to the point" review? with a few screens thrown in? What format would you like? word, notepad,etc

    Let me know


    btw- I have been flying around in FS9 for over a week now and I think I've gotten my teeth sunk in to it.


    Oh one thing Beer, when doing multiplayer flights (you might already know this) make sure any addon aircraft is downloaded and used by both parties. If someone in your online flight doesnt have a specific addon that you do then that person will see you in a default C172. Basically if your flying a Hornet and the other guy doesnt have that plane then he will see you streak by at Mach1 in a C172. lol

  8. What needs to happen is a set of sequals based on the LOMAC engine to include in no specific order a Heloe sim, Tank sim, and then infantry sim (something along the lines of OFP) which will all be intergrated with each other online. Your buddy in California is leading a group of tanks, while another buddy in Ohio is flying in a group of apaches, and another buddy in Florida is leading a squad of troops on the ground, and your buddy in the UK is flying with his squadron of Mig29Ks to provide air cover. All in real time, perfectly synked, and working together.

    Impossible? who knows, but looking at the kind of detail that we are seeing this sim I cant help but wonder "What If". :idea::wink:


    Imagine being a ground troop (1st person perspective like in OFP) and walking around that landscape and how vast that would be. Would be awsome.lol

  9. Yeah I agree. Some like to come down on microsoft because its microsoft, but when they put out a nice product I will give them credit for doing so. They did a good job on this one IMO.


    The sunsets are just amazing. :D


    Here is a shot of my HU16 Albatross at sunset over San Francisco Bay



  10. How about a name for the forum like "Aviation History" or "Personal Pics"


    Or even better how about calling it "Photo Album" ??


    At any rate Since I have actually served at a few of the places Chief usually shows pics of its a nice little trip down memory lane for me.


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