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Posts posted by Seawolf

  1. Well, a few of us had a feeling something would happen last night so we stayed up and during one of many refresh clicks, sure enough there it was.

    So far the work is impressive and there are some really cool things that have been added. The snakeyes are cool, the Flack is cool, the new flight models are cool (the Phantom feels like a big lumbering beast of a jet now), the new graphics engine works really well and I can finally play SF on my Radeon and its really smooth, Multiplayer seems to be stable (no CTDs yet) but still some lag issues (might be user error as well).

    All in all the game killers have been squashed pretty much along with some cool new stuff added in. SF still needs a good mission builder IMO and the ability to use custom missions in multiplayer. Also the scenery could use a little more life to it, maybe some dynamic stuff like vehicles on the roads, boats in the water, city lights, maybe some clouds, etc but I guess thats easy stuff for the mod people to add

  2. Just picked up Top Spin for the Xbox. I dont know a thing about Tennis, but this game has me hooked. Its a lot of fun and probably the best animation I've seen in a sports game ever.

    Oh and did I mention it has Anna Kornakova in it? LOL ;)


    If your looking for a good sports game thats a little different give this one a try, its pretty cool.

    I bought it for the Mrs, but I find myself playing against her in this Tennis game more than I play my Football.lol

  3. Dont be surprised to see more games come out for Xbox only in the future. Its so much easier for the Dev teams to build a game for one specific hardware setup vs the nightmare that is PC.

    Other than flight sims most of my games I play are on Xbox now for the simple reason that when I buy a game I dont have to worry about minimum specs, updating drivers, tweaking windows,etc I just put the disc in and play away and the graphics,etc are just as good if not better than on the PC. With Xbox live games like Rainbow six3 and Ghost Recon really shine.

    I will probably always need my PC for flight sims and massive multiplayer games like BF1942, but the consoles are really starting to catch up to the PC.

  4. I think Realism and stable (feature rich) multiplayer have to be at the top. Too many times Multiplayer is the last to get worked on and gets little attention. Just once I would like to see equal time and money spent on multiplayer and singleplayer.


    oh yeah, online coop dynamic campaign that works. ;)

  5. I hear ya Jeff. If ya ever want to move up to something better get an Xbox. I have had one for about 4 months and I love it. Sooooo much better than the PS2.

    Plus Halo2 on Xbox Live comming in April, You guys might not see me for about a month when H2 gets released.LOL

  6. From Seawolf;
    Garbage Bag? Damn dude thats obvious- The AO


    Forgive him Santa Barbara,for the young lad knows not what he says. :D

    At least we AO's have a Patron Saint. And belive it, we need all the help we can get. :D :lol: :D

    Merry Xmas Seawolf.

    Amen brother, Merry Christmas to you and all my shipmates out there.

  7. Im finding that I am using 1024x768 as well lately. I love FSAA and this is the reason I switched from Nvidia to ATI. I cant stand to be without my FSAA, the Jaggies kill me so while I am able to run other games at higher res with FSAA I am forced to run Lomac at a lower res in order to keep my FSAA on.

    Things will get better as Lomac matures, you just have to be patient. No sim, I repeat no sim has ever just ran flawlesly out of the box and no sim ever will. These programs have to mature like fine wine because they are just complicated pieces of software.


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