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Posts posted by Seawolf

  1. I heard about that, pretty amazing.


    As far as the F15 being carrier capable, I think it could be but it would take more than just changing the gear. Take for example making the gear stronger to absorb the shock, well with strength comes weight. adding more weight changes the dynamics of the aircraft, center of gravity, reduces mission range (added weight), uses more fuel, because of the added size of the gear and gear bay aircraft may carry less payload. There is also avionics- although the avionics on the F15 can operate under high G loads it is not designed to operate under the shock of a carrier landing.

    There are so many variables that go into making an aircraft carrier capable that changing the gear is only a drop in the bucket.

  2. Hey Seawolf,


    When Bush wins, it would be great to have a live video feed from Tim Robbins house, and Barbra Streisand's house...to see the horrified look on their faces when they realize the Republicans will remain in charge.  Heh, heh, heh....


    Navy Chief

    Hey Chief, werent there a few Hollywood types who were going to move out of the country if Bush got elected the first time?? Just funny how they speak but dont act, I was willing to donate funds for the Uhauls, but then I decided they made enough money by living the American dream they can pay for it themselves.LOL ;)

  3. it's nice of him to visit Iraq, but he only came for

    for two and a half hours....

    not so long in my opinion but it's a great move :)

    Well, I'm sure he would have loved to stay longer, but RPGs and Suicide bombers tend to be a party pooper.

  4. I think it's good he went to Iraq, but I think he really ought to be at the Military Funerals, or better yet, the Hospitals talking to the injured guys.

    Dude, Bush is going to be re-elected and its going to be cool watching the democrats squirm for another 4 years.LOL

  5. Sorry, but I had to say something based on the reports I am hearing from across the pond. I am pretty ticked off at the Brits right now for the way they have treated our President this past week. When Tony Blair comes to DC do we flood the streets and yell obscenities at him? No. We show him the utmost respect because he represents the British people. When Bush visits England he is cursed at, badgered,etc and shown nothing but disrespect. Some of the British citizens interviewed said they dont hate Americans in general, just our leader. Hmm, last I checked Bush was elected and is still supported by the majority of Americans and he represents the American People when he visits other countries like Britain. If you hate Bush then essentially you hate the rest of us Americans because we put him in that position and we support what he is doing as President. There is no comp out by seperating the two.

    The British are ticked off because they see Bush as the person who sent thier soldiers to die in Iraq, but what they fail to realize is the British and Americans are allies and back each other up in these situations. If something was to happen to Britain the Americans would be the first ones there. Im sick of this total disrespect for the United States and anti-american attitude in the UK.


    BTW- Saddam didnt have missles with the range to attack the US, but he did have the range to hit England. Instead of having this attitude of "If we leave them alone (terrorism) they will go away" we have the attitude like in WWII where we said "Lets root out the problem so it doesnt threaten us again."


    Sorry for my rant guys and I know its a bit political, but damnit I am pissed after seeing how my President (my representative) was treated by OUR allies this week. It really makes me angry that we try to do so much to make everyone happy but still get tomato thrown in our face. :(

    lol at the original post. Saddam has missiles with the range to hit us, eh? Were these the ones they found alongside the fissionable material from niger?


    As for the attitude that 'if we leave terrorism alone it will go away', Britain's involvement in Iraq has clearly made us more susceptible to terrorism, as the recent attack in Turkey showed. The rest of your post is so flawed Im not even going to bother.


    As for 'sprechen Sie Deutsch?'... lol. Guess who's speaking English right now? Thats right. You. Because of us.

    This is the kind of garbage I am talking about. :angry:

    You protest against hate and violence but in turn spread that same hate and violence in order to get your point across. Nothing but a simpler form of terrorism. :angry:

  6. There are training missions but they dont have voice overs so you will need to use the "S" key to pause the mission so you can read the text. As long as you understand the basic principles of flight (pitch,roll,yaw) and some basic manuvers you should be just fine. There is a steep learning curve to these sims but stick with it and you will be tearing up the skies in no time. remember- Always fly the aircraft, dont let it fly you. ;)

  7. hey at least the Brits helped and are still helping in Iraq our stupid Prime Minister wouldnt send any troops what so ever to help our allies......now she sends in engineers to help with rebuilding but still didnt even send in medics initially to help like we did in the first Gulf War  :angry:


  8. Justice may be blind, but she still has a bank account.lol


    Sad to say if he is guilty of being a little creep money will buy his freedom as with most on that side of the planet.lol


    of course this could all be some ploy to help sell his new cd also, who knows. Little freaks all over the world like his music so who knows.

  9. Dutchy, dont take it personally. I think he just feels a little unappreciated like the rest of us. I know its like anywhere else where one group does not represent the whole country, but it would be nice if that one negative group didnt seem to get all the press. Its always the haters you see on tv and not the quiet supporters. Of course the interviews that I saw came from the BBC so that says right there they are biased and from a liberal angle.lol

  10. guys, I asked a while back about stick settings in lomac when I had the demo. Now that I have the final release and trying to learn all over again I need some help. What I am finding is my Pitch and Roll is way to sensitive.I have tried to mess around with the input settings in the menu by adjusting the Shift,D-Zone,and Curve sliders for both my pitch and roll, but cant seem to find the right combination to give me an accurate feel.

    Has anyone experimented with this and got it setup to feel realistic?? If so could you share your settings for these 3 sliders?


  11. damn, sorry to hear that birddog. I am one of the lucky ones with no issues (yet) but it stinks to hear some of my friends not being able to enjoy it with me. I hope these glitches are resolved quickly. For what its worth all my years as a combat simmer (especially all those hours battleing online) are not helping me right now. Im a noob again.lol

  12. Yeah I saw that too Todd. Problem with those idiots in south florida is they have no clue what they are protesting, they just protest to do it like its some weekend club or something.

    Just like the idiots that protest for peace and end up setting cars a blaze and tearing up a city street. huh? Yeah that makes sense. Or like Greenpeace protesting oil wells while cruising around in thier diesel boats burning hundreds of gallons of diesel.

    These people are stupid to the core!!!!

  13. Sorry, but I had to say something based on the reports I am hearing from across the pond. I am pretty ticked off at the Brits right now for the way they have treated our President this past week. When Tony Blair comes to DC do we flood the streets and yell obscenities at him? No. We show him the utmost respect because he represents the British people. When Bush visits England he is cursed at, badgered,etc and shown nothing but disrespect. Some of the British citizens interviewed said they dont hate Americans in general, just our leader. Hmm, last I checked Bush was elected and is still supported by the majority of Americans and he represents the American People when he visits other countries like Britain. If you hate Bush then essentially you hate the rest of us Americans because we put him in that position and we support what he is doing as President. There is no comp out by seperating the two.

    The British are ticked off because they see Bush as the person who sent thier soldiers to die in Iraq, but what they fail to realize is the British and Americans are allies and back each other up in these situations. If something was to happen to Britain the Americans would be the first ones there. Im sick of this total disrespect for the United States and anti-american attitude in the UK.


    BTW- Saddam didnt have missles with the range to attack the US, but he did have the range to hit England. Instead of having this attitude of "If we leave them alone (terrorism) they will go away" we have the attitude like in WWII where we said "Lets root out the problem so it doesnt threaten us again."


    Sorry for my rant guys and I know its a bit political, but damnit I am pissed after seeing how my President (my representative) was treated by OUR allies this week. It really makes me angry that we try to do so much to make everyone happy but still get tomato thrown in our face. :(


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