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About zcaa0g

  1. Reviewing the Logitech G940

    Thanks Fates, it's working now.
  2. Reviewing the Logitech G940

    Thanks JediMaster. That's bizarre. I see what my problem is though to a certain extent, I don't have the "Hardware Reviews" link under "Reviews", I just have "Game Reviews" and "Interviews". Oh well, I guess I have under-privileged access rights on the forum. :-) When I click on your link, I get the following: An Error Occurred Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. [#10342] We could not determine which forum this topic is in. Useful Links Forgotten Password Recovery Register a new account Our help documentation Contact the forums administrator
  3. Reviewing the Logitech G940

    How about a working link? :) Under "Reviews", there is "Game Reviews" and "Interviews'. Under "Hardware/Tech/Gadgets", there is "Hardware/Software Chat", "Game Controllers" and "Case Modding". I don't see anything referencing the G940 review even after doing a search. I even tried the search using all of Ruggbutt's posts from the past.

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