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Everything posted by xclusiv8

  1. Where did you find that beauty? Is it compatible with sf2???
  2. Awesome! I have never seen this before. Didnt even know SF2 had this kind of damagemodel.
  3. I love your filters :) Looks really nice
  4. Hi guys! I just got myself a cheap copy of Lock On: Moder Air Combat and im in the process of making a profile for my X52. I was just wondering what the s**t, D-ZONE and CURV settings do ingame. Right now i have the line on the graph thingy set to resemble an S basicly. Can someone plz explaine to me what these things do?? Thank you.
  5. Games with dynamic campaigns

    Hii guys! Im lookng for games with dynamic campaigns. It can be games in any category. I know of 2 games that use a dynamic campaign system. Silent Hunter III and Falcon 4 AF. So please list all the games that you know of that use dynamic campaigns. Thank you.
  6. Thank you, he was a great man.
  7. I just lost my best pilot ever. After all those kills i started to get reckless. I got way to cocky. I was chasing a mig-23. I was out of missiles so i was going for a gun kill. Im on his six ready to pull the trigger when i suddenly see something to the right. What do you know his wingman is comming right at me with guns blazing. He hit me right in the cockpit. Instant death. R.I.P Mike Gibbson.
  8. It would be nice if TK put in Tankers in the game
  9. good to hear it fixed the stuttering for someone. i still have the problem :(
  10. Flight Sim"war"stories...

    The most memorable mission i had was in SF2E. Me and my wingman were flying A10s at the time. It was supposed to be an easy Armed Recon mission they said. Get in, take out the convoy and get out. Why doesnt it ever go as they say it will? We left the runway behind us and flew towards the target area. Everything went perfectly and 10 miles out from the target area i see the convoy in front of me. I select my mavericks and start targeting them one at a time. I got all of my missiles of the rails and they hit beautifuly in a perfect line. But there were more targets so we decided to strafe them. What we didnt know was that the nearby enemy airfield had scrambled 2 Mig-21s. Me and my wingman lined our selfs up for the strafing when i look to my left and i see a huge fireball. My nr 2 got hit and i immediatly hit the throttle to 100% and hit the deck. I started scanning the area and what do you know, a Mig in my six trying to line up for a shot. I put the throttle on 0% and kick in the airbrake. He overshoots me and i pull up and put my 2 sidewinders in his ass Best kill EVER! The remaining Mig tryed chasing me but i was flying so low that he got scared and bugged out.
  11. Games with dynamic campaigns

    Thank you :) I will look into it. I already have the CD so its only a matter of downloading the mods
  12. Another cool thing is if you have subtitles on you can see that the com is collor coded now. Red is directly for you, yellow for your wingman and blue is background chatter.
  13. Games with dynamic campaigns

    I havent tried EE2. I used to play Enemy Engaged back in the days but everyone tells me to stay off EE2. Whats so bad about it?
  14. That is true but that does not change that the game isnt optimized that good. Just try the new shaders and ull understand what i mean. Going from 30fps in Germany map to 120 shows that something was broken in the earlier installments.
  15. Games with dynamic campaigns

    Already own the whole SF2 series. GREAT games
  16. yes but i bet Dave will release an update aswell :yes:
  17. Does SH4 have a dynamic campaign like SH3?
  18. Yeah but i think TK worked on that in the new SF2I series cause there i easily get 60fps with verticalsync on. So whenever he releases the patch to upgrade all the older games we will all be happy
  19. I cant understand why the NF4+ mod takes so much resources from a high end PC.

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