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Everything posted by xclusiv8

  1. My DiD Ace pilot. I got shot down once but thank god i made it. A couple of months in the hospital and im out there killing Migs again, angryer than ever before.
  2. I just have to show this off. I am very proud of it. First time i lived this long in a DiD campaign. And im playing everything on hard. The F-15A sure has been good to me
  3. i downloaded the program but i still cant take a pic of the main screen ingame. All i get is a black picture what am i doing wrong?
  4. I'm in. Can you plz post the name of the program you spoke of that lets you take screenshots of the pilotstats screen. Print Screen doesnt seem to work.
  5. Ive kinda had alot of free time on my hands this weekend
  6. Edited out my stupid misstake. Sorry about that.
  7. i play everything on hard except for visual targeting and hud which are on normal. when i get my trackIR i plan on turning those to hard aswell :) thank you Edit: To my deffense i made those pics around 0400 in the morning and i do realise its supposed to be McDonnell Douglas, i just noticed it
  8. I just got shot down for the first time and my pilot made it. He got wounded and hospitilized. How do i handle that? I put wounded on his name but when can i use him again?
  9. I was sick this weekend:( So the weekend wasnt that good, but i did alot of flying :D there are 2 versions. One with the .pr0 file aswell. I downloaded that one and it works :) Hope you had a great weekend aswell :) Edit: There you go sir: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7941
  10. My first flight in SF2I. Of course it had to be the MirageIII. Its my favorite jet of all time.
  11. I purchased SF2I not so long ago and i must say i really really love it. The new shaders give such a huge FPS boost. I was thinking, is it possible to put the new shaders in a standalone install of SF2E with the N4+ mod. The mod takes so much juice with all its enhancements and i belive with the new shaders it would put me in the 50s when it comes to FPS. Are the new shaders hardcoded or are they accessible through a file in the SF2I install folder? Thank you.
  12. Ah that sucks. Thank you for you fast reply FC.
  13. check the download section. to be more exact, the sf1 section and joystick files.
  14. im guessing thats not the regular SF2I Mirage :P
  15. Nice pics! What kind of loadout does that mirage have?
  16. Ive been searching in the KB after some explinations but without any success. Can someone plz explaine to me what all the entries in the flightengine.ini do For example: The MaxTextureRes values uses to be: 128, 256, 512 and -1 on the unlimited. I set them all to 0 and i dont se a difference ingame but i gained around 10fps. Edit: I tried raising all of em to 1024 instead and it gave the same results. FPS boost. I find that weird since the lower stock settings give me much lower fps. [GraphicsSettings] ZBufferDepth=24 MaxVertexCount=16384 MaxIndexCount=32768 MaxTextureCount=8192 MaxModelType=2048 MaxMeshPerScene=4096 MaxModelPerScene=4096 MaxLightPerScene=256 AspectRatio=1.333333 MinPixelSize=0.0 [FarSceneClip] FarClipDistance=80000.0 NearClipDistance=3000.0 [NormalSceneClip] FarClipDistance=25000.0 NearClipDistance=249.9 [NearSceneClip] FarClipDistance=250.0 NearClipDistance=1.2 [LowDetailOption] HorizonDistance=45000.0 DetailMeshSize=3 DetailLevel=0 WaterEffect=0 NoiseTexture=0 MaxTextureRes=0 [MedDetailOption] HorizonDistance=50000.0 DetailMeshSize=4 DetailLevel=0 WaterEffect=1 NoiseTexture=0 MaxTextureRes=0 [HighDetailOption] HorizonDistance=60000.0 DetailMeshSize=5 DetailLevel=1 WaterEffect=2 NoiseTexture=1 MaxTextureRes=0 [unlimitedDetailOption] HorizonDistance=75000.0 DetailMeshSize=6 DetailLevel=1 WaterEffect=2 NoiseTexture=1 MaxTextureRes=0 Thank you
  17. Hii guys. I was just wondering if any of you know a website where i can read about what kind of bombs, missiles etc a Mirage IIICJ could carry. I tried searching for it but without any luck. Thank you.
  18. So ive been enjoying the SF2 series alot. Slowly but steadily ive got the money together and now i have the whole series I just have a tiny question about SF2I I read about not merging SF2I into my excisting install because it can cause problems. Is this still the case or have the problems been resolved? Thank you!
  19. SF2I

    that is true if you are running a single threaded game like sf2. But with a modern multi threaded game sound usually gets a core of its own so no cpu cycles are lost.

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