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Everything posted by xclusiv8

  1. Lost the will to fly/play

    Lately i really haven't had any will to play any of my games. Its been going on for 2-3 months now. I just cant get myself to do it. Its like I've lost the interest. All i do is surf around the web, read stuff about random things. Mostly technology and aviation. At the same time i feel bored and don't know what to do. Have any of you experienced something similar? What did you do to get back into gaming.
  2. Islamic Troublemaker to be deported

    So you think being and army general is the same as being a Muslim? Is a work title the same as a faith? Ive read about this Westboro Church people. In not one article did anyone write Christians hate fags. Its a church but they did not target the group called Christians. Christian priests molest boys, did they write Christian troublemaker rapes kid? No they did not. Its a bad seed they say. And what are these people if not people? You are making the word Muslim and Islamic a bad thing by associating it to bad people. Creating even more fuzz around people that are already targeted. You do realize that not all Muslims live in the Arab countries right? Muslims all around the world take crap from people like you just for being Muslim. They do nothing to you. They pay their taxes, they go to work. But the big western man watch to much tv and has to stamp them all as terrorists. And as far as i know. In the western world we have a thing called freedom. They have the right to practice their religion. Marry how they want, live how they want and speak however they want. No law in the world can take that away from them. Respect goes both ways. If you cant respect their ways why should they respect yours? What some muslims in some part refuse...?? Allow me to laugh! HAHA. Are you telling me people in western societies dont assault police officers? Dont make trouble? Do follow these western "norms" and laws? Please spare me the mumbo jumbo. I bet you anything that we westerns do those things on a bigger scale than the so called trouble making Muslims you so want to put the blame on. I am not offended. I just dont like generalization that creates even more hate towards honest people that have nothing to do with this maniac. What i love most is that not even the majority of the terrorist acts around the world are made by fundamentalist Muslims. Only 0.4% of all terrorist acts in europe are done by extremis muslims. The rest is by other groups. 6% in america. The rest is other groups. So how is it that these people get so much crap? Because people watch to much tv and they "STAMP" everyone else. So yeah islamophobia is widespread. Dont belive me? Read the reports from europol. Reports.
  3. Islamic Troublemaker to be deported

    I dont see your point. The point i was trying to make was not to categorize all Muslims as being "troublemakers" The guys is a leader of a group that happens to be following their own view of Islam so that they can enforce their views upon others. The problem is that they might refer to the political group but using a stamp will create a certain mindset with the common man that stretches on to regular hard working Muslims around the world. Before 9/11 nobody could care less if you were a Muslim but today if you say you are a Muslim people look at you like you will blow up any second. In this case i find it that a nazi comparison does exactly that. In my view its no different than what the nazis did. They blamed a whole group of people. They stamped them and that stamp went on to be a common view of a man that happened to be of a Jewish heritage. I can bring up other similar situations. My old home country Bosnia. The serbs called the muslims turks. Why? To alienate them and to create a we and them mindset. If you try to fight islam you fight 1.2billion people. If you fight a certain political group in Israel well then you only fight those people.
  4. Islamic Troublemaker to be deported

    Why not just call him Sheik the Peacekeeper. It is the newspaper that bring in the religion. Religion is not a stamp. And the more you make it a stamp the more people treat it like that. Nothing good can come of it. Just look at WW2. When Jew was a stamp and only bad things were associated with them because of Nazi propaganda. "Jews destroyed the german economy, we are poor because of the jew" How is this any different? You view the sheik as a Muslim. Why not view him as a man with power. Because that is what he is, a man with power and an agenda. Using religion to make his agenda come true. So yes it is as bad because it does not portray one man it portrays a whole religion as troublemakers. Well that's how the common man views it. "Oh those muslims" people say. They dont say "oh that specific muslim troublemaker". Yes deal with the person, and the stupid idea but leave religion out of it. Militarism has nothing to do with Islam or any religion for that matter.
  5. Islamic Troublemaker to be deported

    I just love how he gets stamped as an "Islamic" troublemaker and not just troublemaker or racist. Way to go on creating even more tension and hate towards Muslims that have nothing to do with this. I wonder though. Had it been a Christian troublemaker would you and the news have written "Christian troublemaker gets deported" Somehow i doubt that.
  6. In Russia the girls download you!
  7. Lost the will to fly/play

    to late
  8. Lost the will to fly/play

    Maybe its a summer thing. Nice weather and lightly clothed girls. We should be out enjoying the views
  9. Lost the will to fly/play

    Real life is okay. A little bumpy with the GF but that is to expected sometimes Other than that its cool. Swordsman: Any tips on a good aviation movie or book? It seems though it happens to all of us. I guess you guys are right. It will come back to me. I think i need to get out more. Socialize a little. Probably been sitting around home to much lately and it all got boring.
  10. What terrain is that? Looks amazing!
  11. OT... Have you heard...

  12. Jesolo Air Extreme 2011 (with Thunderbirds!)

    Great shots! I find that the Frecce Tricolori always steal the show. Saw them here in Sweden last year and boy did they impress.
  13. TK should redesign the loadout section of the game. Instead of picking weapons from a pull down menu it should be that you see all the pylons and can add weapons individually on every rail. Kinda like lock on does it.
  14. Sweet!! Does it come with rear firing missiles
  15. Is it me or does it look like a totally different jet in those colors?
  16. High Res - Normal Res

    I only see a difference on the first one. The wings look a little sharper on the right one.
  17. Dont do that to us!!! Sure fooled me.
  18. LAST!!!??? What do you mean last? You wont post no more???
  19. You have to use the magic e key to target the primary target first. The red box should be on the target and then you get in range and all that and just release.
  20. Ops my misstake :) You are right sir.
  21. Could you describe in detail how far you are from the target when you release the bomb, what speed you have and at what angel you release it.
  22. Clouds killing FPS

    Yep, its the graphics card.

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