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Posts posted by ThePsy

  1. Posted on Thirdwire forums by TK


    First Eagles 2 is just a Vista/Win7 (DX10/11) version of the First Eagles, its based on Strike Fighters 2 code, nothing new will be inlcuded. It'll be out *soon* I hope (trust me, we want this out as much as you do icon_wink.gif ). If you don't have Vista/Win7, there should be no or little reasons to pick this up.


    Expansion packs are where you'll see new planes and maps, and next one is probably later next year.





    link => http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=7128&start=8

  2. [Texture052]




    SolidObjectTexture=terobject_buildings1.BMP <--

    AlphaObjectTexture=jungle.TGA <--


    This is done for all the tiles who use the trees I did.


    Also, at the top of data ini, you may need to UP the SolidObject and AlphaObjectIndexCount, depending on you video settings:












    AlphaObjectIndexCount=12288 <--


    and there is my data.ini entry














    What I realised is that the missing trees can be randomly assigned for a same tile, not always the same trees are missing. For exemple if I fly over two tiles who are the same, trees are not missing at the same places, but a part is missing on both. weird...this.gif

  3. Hello@all, I posted this problem in Thirdwire forum as well but as there is many terrain modding guru around, I post it here to.


    I have a stange problem with TE. I made a new tree object, the file contains 9 objects. i can place them to the tiles in TE (ex: 40 new trees and 15 new forest parts, total objects 55), I save, everything is ok. When I go to the game to see the results, many objects are missing (around 50%). Is it a TE bug or I do miss something?

  4. If ever at the end of your mission you get this type of Windows error "Faulting application wwi.exe, version, faulting module directsound.dll, version, fault address 0x000026c7".


    It's related to this mod Realistic gun sounds for FE. To correct the problem you need to either uninstall the mod or edit the "lewis.waw" file to encode it in 16bit. File is encoded in 32bit and FE only support 16bit sound.


    This manipulation stopped my CTD.

  5. With 64 view, you are the only one who answered and you get my gratitude for this... What I can see is that you must play this game for a longer time then I do but you didn't answered my question. So I will conclude that it's not possible to fly as a wingman. I hope that my English is correct.

  6. Hello@all


    I'm new in Thirdwire sim, so this is why my question will be maybe sound stupid for some... Is there anyway to fly in a campaign as a wingman and not immediatly as a leader? If it's possible, can the leader be assignated by is rank? I searched in the manual and in the forum but found nothing about it... I'm used to flightsim (from RED Baron to IL2), I'm also used to modding, so I'm not afraid to edit some files if it's needed. Thank's for your answers. And btw great forums and great addition to this sim.


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