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Posts posted by plague

  1. One other question that maybe you would know. I am unable to access this site at all unless I turn off my WiFi. I downloaded a bunch of planes/terrains the other day then all of a sudden it stopped going to the site. I thought it was down for the past week only realizing to turn off WiFi today. Do they lock out your IP address after a certain amount of downloads?? Will this fix itself in like 30 days or so? Thanks again for all your help. I’m learning a lot about this game and hope to be a solid contributor one day 

  2. So I am playing WOE Iran/Iraq campaign and when I go on a mission to “destroy a warehouse” the warehouse isn’t there. The red square of where it should be is there but nothing but a vacant piece of land. I wind up bombing the heck out of the red square but it’s only when I ask my wingman to attack my target do I get the mission complete statement. 

    ive has this problem with ground objects missing before (SA-9, BRDM) type stuff but was able to find and replace them. Not sure where to look for “WAREHOUSE”.... any help would be greatly appreciated 

  3. I am able to manually put GBU 12 or 10 on RCFT or LCFT in single mission but it is the dummy version. Myself and wingmen all show it as default in the load out screen.


    The problem is when I play the Campaign the dummy version is not available in "item" list only the LGB version. I can manually install on my bird but my wingmen have nothing but sidewinders


    I have tried entering it in many different ways


    GBU-12B_AI is the dummy version (which will work in single mission player as default loadout but like I said it's not an available "item" in campaign play)


    I have tried GBU-12B_LGB and other variations but to no avail

  4. I am playing desert storm and using the f-15e. The load out for a strike campaign only has 4 sidewinders and 2 wing tanks. I changed to centerline tank and 4 agm-65d. I find it hard to believe I can't change sidewinders to sparrows either but when I play campaign not all weapons available in single mission are available in campaign mode.



    Also is there a way to make more "items" available? Only have a few sidewinders and I think I will need more over the course of the campaign


    LGB is already there. What I am looking for is the acronym (if you can call it that) to get it there


    Loadout[04].WeaponType=? Is what I am looking for.


    Currently it says GBU-12D_AI and that is not it. I am looking for the LGB version and how to enter it

  5. I think I may have figured this thing out, I believe that the weapons in the campaign data.ini




    Squadron=44th FS






    BaseArea=T13 Ching Chuan Kang AB

































    must match the aircraft loadout.

  6. What aircraft are you flying? how far out are you when you give the order to attack?


    It happens with all, usually I give the order as soon as they are within radar contact but I will give the order a bunch of times during the actual battle..I tell the wingman "Attack my target" and with no sidewinders but 4 sparrows he is trying to use his cannons. Like I said wingman ALWAYS comes home with all Sparrows and AMRAAM.


    I have been playing this game for a few years now and every now and then I will dust it off and play it for a couple of weeks. Dont understand the whole nodes thing which sucks cause I would like to make my own campaign but for now I have just been modifying already made campaigns (for my own personal use of course) and usually change out some aircraft and/or loadouts but always compatable with the originals.


    Some ground units that appear in user made campaigns dont show on the campaign_data.ini....so my question is where can I find these units so I can swap them out with another unit? For instance the MIM-23K Hawk Launcher that appears in game is not on the data .ini

  7. First off I would like to say hello to all and thanks to all those that have put so much time and effort into making this a great game


    My first question is why wont my wingman or members of the other formations use their say for instance AIM 120C AMRAAM but will use the Sidewinders and cannons? Wingman always comes back with as many as he left with. I have to him to attack my target but never uses those missles.


    Second question is I am playing the "Dragon" campaign for WOE and one of the ground objects is a MIM-23K Hawk Launcher. Now I have that file (with .lod and .jpg?) and it loads up nicely but NEVER has the Hawk missle that is supposed to be on it. I checked the weapondata.ini and it doesnt appear that I have the Hawk, or should it not be in the weapon.ini? So I tried changing the Hawk to a SA-3 in the Hawk.ini and Hawk_data.ini but still nothing? Is what I am doing even possible? I have searched for the Hawk file but have found nothing.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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