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Posts posted by Av8er

  1. Hi guys this is the prologue of a story that I am writing based on missions that I have flown in OFF a well as RB3D. With some extra stuff I added in here and there of course. Tell me what you think. I am open to sugestions if you want to give them.




    Life as a World War One Pilot


    As I flew over the front I looked down through the cables of my right wing scanning for enemy planes. I saw the French and Germen lines below me, they are quiet now for it is still early in the morning. I look to the left and see my flight leader Hauptman Strugg in his Fokker E.III She has a tan colored canvas with the solid red line of Jasta 11 in front of the black cross. The Fokker E.III is a monoplane fighter which is ether painted green for the eastern front or this tan color for the western front. It is not a very maneuverable plane compared to the Nieuport 11 Bebe of the French but it is the only one we have right now. The Nieuport 11 on the other hand was the newest of the French arsenal. It had white canvas with a Indian head on the left side and a marking of choice on the right side. It is a biplane and has good power and maneuverability.

    I look behind me again scanning for enemy planes, you always have to be causes when over the front for the enemy could be anywhere. I didn't see any to my left behind me or my right. I then realize that I am flying alone. Looking around franticly for my flight leader but don't see him. All of a sudden I feel thudding all over my plane, behind me is a Nieuport 11 which had just emptied it's whole drum all over my poor E.III now I know why I couldn't find my leader he had seen the Englishman and ditched.

    The Englishman was now standing up reloading his Lewis gun. I took this chance to quickly check over my plane and finding it would be able to dog fight brought it into the tight left bank keeping my eye on the Nieuport the whole time. As I banked around I glance left then right trying to find the rest of the Nieuport's squadron. Not seeing them I find my adversary again. He had now finish loading his gun and started a left bank as well. It was now a test of endurance and skill and he had plenty of it. As we turned I studied him looking for a flaw in his flying. Noticing that he dipped down every so often I made sure that I wasn't which made me slowly move in onto his six. After about three or four revolutions I was close to firing distance two seconds later my nose was even with him and I pulled the trigger. The Spandau on my planes cowl burst to life hurling lead into the Nieuport's tail, a rookie mistake, you should always lead the enemy a little to make sure you get a nice clear shot. I then noticed that the Nieuport was not flying as smoothly as it did before. Looking more closely I noticed that the rudder was ripped to shreds and that half the plane's horizontal stab was missing. The Nieuport was now helpless. I easily pulled ahead of the plane this time making sure I lead him, squeezing the trigger and heard a scream. I had hit the pilot.

    The Nieuport pulled up stalled, nosed over going into a spin. The top wing broke off and the plane hit the ground after a long spiral. Feeling pleased with myself I turned and started my flight home. It was a peaceful flight all the way back to the airbase in Douai, there were no planes in the sky. When I spotted my airbase I saw that Hauptman Strugg's plane was just landing. I came in behind him landing smoothly bringing my plane to a halt beside him. His plane was in even worst shape then mine. It was full of holes from the cowl to the tail. I walked over and offered my help.

    Sir I looked around and you weren't there” I said.

    Offizierstellvertreter Heinrich good to see you made it back safely. Judging by your plane in better shape then I. Did you get any?” He replied.

    Yes I did sir, I sent a Nieuport 11 into the ground after you disappeared. What happened sir?”

    Well Heinrich we got jumped by three Nieuports up there. I got two to follow me down to the ground leaving one for you to take care of which you did. I will file a report for you so that you will have your first kill. Good work Heinrich keep it up and you will have a shiny metal in no time.”

    Thank you sir.”

    By the way take your plane down to the hanger to get it fixed. If you do it now it should be done by tomorrow.”

    I will sir.”








  2. lol..well,,,no,,i didnt know Grayam lee,,,but i googled it,,and i do now!!...


    So,,you are building a Nieuport??????? COOL!



    Ya I am building the nieuport 11. I have over 100 Pieces to it now, including the rudder, part of the Horazontal stablizers and a whole buanch of joining pieces. I am kind of at a standstill right now because I have run out of funds for the project. I don't have a job yet so it might be a while before I can start it up again. Anyways it is fun and a good thing to do with my dad.

  3. Hey SD

    you must be making a lot of cookie dough.





    What is with the cookie dough comments? Anyways thanks for the great game I finally got a crack at a Gotha he didn't shoot at me though. Axe or Sitting duck did you happen to see any of my kills?

  4. lol oh, I usaly fly any of the Albatros planes. Mostly the D.II and D.III though for I can never make far enough to fly the DV models. I Like the Nieuports a lot and I need to get used to there handling anyway because I am building one by Grayam Lee. You know? I don't like the Camels & Fokker DR.1's thought for when you pull up on your Joystick. (I have an Logitech) the nose shoots up way to fast for my liking. Probably could get used to it if I flew the planes a lot but whatever. Haha I have given you more info then you needed but I beleave that answered you question.







  5. Alright I finally have it all set up to flying in sunday dogfights. I know that I am to late for this sunday but next sunday should be good. Could some one tell me what time you go up at, it says 2:00pm edt but what would that be Pacific Time?




    Thanks, Av8er



    Edit: I live near Vancouver BC


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