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Everything posted by ultramig688

  1. hey romflyer glad to see you comment on this thread.i did get the text pretty small by changing the small label font to 1 but that's as small as I could get it.if I tried to go smaller say 0.5 nothing would change I think 1 is as small as it can read(just guessing).the only way I got the labels to even show was to put the HUD on easy and them you have all the other stuff show up namely the waypoint text.if I go to normal hud waypoint text is gone but so are the labels and I still get those stupid mig targeted messages.the only way I could see that this would work would be to find the place with the label text itself and change the text to say a period instead of say mig-21J and just delete the distance text.then I think you would show just a dot where the plane would be. I will try to attach a copy of my huddata.ini for you to see what it looks like. [Debug] DisplayDebug=FALSE TextFontName=Arial TextSize=10 [smallLabelFont] TextFontName=Arial TextSize=1 [HUDLabels] EnableLabels=TRUE LabelFriendlyAir=FALSE LabelEnemyAir=TRUE LabelEnemyGround=FALSE [MapLabels] EnableLabels=FALSE LabelFriendlyAir=FALSE LabelFriendlyGround=TRUE LabelEnemyAir=TRUE LabelEnemyGround=TRUE [infoDisplay] BackgroundImage=TextBackground.tga BottomLeftPosition=0.01,0.985 //BottomRightPosition=0.99,0.985 DisplayWidth=0 VerticalBorder=0.0015 HorizontalBorder=0.008 EnemyTargetColor=0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 FriendlyTargetColor=0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0 UnknownTargetColor=0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 TextFile=HUDText.str NormalColor=1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 WarningColor1=1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0 WarningColor2=1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 AGLAltStart=609.6 AGLAltWarning=152.4 EnglishUnitUseMPH=FALSE ScaleTextToFit=TRUE [Map] MapDisplayLabels=FALSE [Messages] ShowMessages=FALSE SystemMessageOnly=TRUE [Display001] DisplayType=DIRECTOR ObjectType=TARGET_ENEMY ConeSize=0 BoxSize=2 BoxType=SQUARE BoxColor=0.0,0.0,0.0,0.75 //ConeModelName=redcone [Display002] DisplayType=DIRECTOR ObjectType=TARGET_FRIENDLY ConeSize=0 BoxSize=3 BoxType=SQUARE BoxColor=0.0,0.0,1.0,0.75 //ConeModelName=bluecone [Display003] DisplayType=DIRECTOR ObjectType=TARGET_UNKNOWN ConeSize=0 BoxSize=2 BoxType=SQUARE BoxColor=0.0,0.0,0.0,0.75 //ConeModelName=redcone [Display004] DisplayType=DIRECTOR ObjectType=RADAR_TARGET ConeSize=0 BoxSize=0 BoxType=DIAMOND //BoxColor=1.0,1.0,0.0,0.75 //ConeModelName=
  2. speech subtitles=0 is what it says.so I don't think that's the place.
  3. Thanks migbuster I will look there.
  4. Ok got pretty much everything the way I want but have another question.how do you get rid of specific messages?i will explain,when flying the f-4c I need the radar range settings displayed so I want that message.what I don't want is the message "mig-21targeted" or "mig-17 targeted" or whatever aircraft.how do I get rid of just this message.i am running my HUD on normal setting and yes I could put it on hard but then I lose the radar range message and the range knob is not in the cockpit that I can find.any advice would be appreciated.
  5. Ok ,will try the messagesystem .ini but I did kinda get it to work.if I put the HUD on easy and set the labels to false I still retain the black dot but I only have one small problem the waypoint numbers still show.not the cone mind you but the distance and waypoint number.i have messed with everything in the huddata pertaining to the waypoint but the numbers still appear.if I could get rid of the waypoint numbers it would be pretty good.oh and I still get the mission accomplished message too.i know if you set the HUD to normal theses things go away but so do the black dots.will keep messing with it.thanks for the help wrench.
  6. thanks for the reply wrench. I was trying not to remove the labels but make the text so small it would look like a dot so you could see other enemy aircraft not just the targeted one.malibu43 and romflyer talked about this awhile back but I never heard if they got it to work so I thought I would try my hand at it and see if I could really screw things up.
  7. EDIT: figured out the labels.set the hud to easy,DUH.still need to know color and where to edit the text in the huddata.
  8. Mobil version

    Thanks for the replies.that answered all my questions.i know I can't download things on my ipad but i like to look at what's new.
  9. Mobil version

    Is there a trick to using the mobile version i don't have a downloads button or a more button like the PC version to get to the downloads section unless I go to the downloads section with the PC version and then click mobile version at the bottom of the page.I am using my ipad 2.
  10. i posted a pic of the hud I'm changing the color on.as you can see everything changed to green except the roll indicator.anybody have any idea what i need to change to make the roll indicator green?
  11. that worked.thanks to ianh755 and the trooper for their help
  12. Ok that would explain it.i'll try it tomorrow.thanks for the help.
  13. I must not be doing something right I opened it up in paint.net and changed all the yellow colored tga's in the HUD folder and nothing changed.could their be others somewhere else I missed.?
  14. what happened to the PAK FA

    anyone know what happened to the pak fa that was supposed to be in the works for SF2?
  15. I have a question for all the knowledgable cockpit modders.how would I transfer the information displayed on the HUD from one aircraft to another aircraft HUD?i know I need to change some HUD files in the cockpit folder but which ones.what other things need changed.if there's already a article on this could someone please direct me to it.any help would be greatly appreciated.
  16. Here's what I would like to do.i have the su-30mk2 and would like to replace the HUD info with something a little more accurate in real life ie:range bars,missile launch range bars,launch authorization symbology ,nav info,etc.so if anyone has an idea of a good Russian HUD representation I could swap into the su-30 I would be a happy guy.(I'm kinda a stickler for detail when it comes to the HUD)
  17. I just installed EricJ superhornet 3.1 and the cockpit has no textures I have 3or 4 gauges and the lower lcd but everything else is black.i am running a merged install of SF2E and SF2I.what did I miss or do wrong.
  18. changed the avionics dll to avionics70dll and that fixed it everything works now. A big THANK YOU to everyone for their help
  19. thanks wrench,i think you're right because on the block 1 hornets one of the ini's(don't remember which one)has the 70dll and the other ini has the f-14dll.so I think thats why the block 1 hornets work and not the block 2(only the one ini on block 2 with f-14dll).so I think your suggested fix will work.i'll try it later this evening.
  20. Aircraft data ini on the block 2 shows AvionicsDLL=AvionicsF14A.dll.cockpit folder has a HUD folder and radar folder in it.but I found it strange that the block 1 f-18's have 2 .ini files one is spelled FA-18E _BlockI and the other is FA18E_BLKI and they both have different avionics dll's the block 2 only has one ini spelled FA-18E_BLK II.
  21. Ok logan4 I will check,but It will be later.spending time with the wife right now.thank you for your help.
  22. thanks for replying wrench.now it gets interesting.what is the avionics dll pointer?
  23. Super Hornet Package for SF2 v4.1

    No HUD symbology or working radar on the block 2 E and F models
  24. but only on the block 2 hornets.block one hornets work fine

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