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Everything posted by ultramig688

  1. oh and no radar either can't get it to turn on
  2. got the textures back but now the HUD only has a circle with a dot no info.this plane is giving me fits if it isn't one thing its another.
  3. nevermind found the answer.thanks to all for their help and advice.
  4. That's good to know. So do I patch before or after the merge or does it matter?
  5. So unless I specify where to put it the installer will merge them automatically ?
  6. i just installed SF2 europe and need some advice.should i intall every patch from jun2009b up to the latest patch (nov2011 i think) before i start adding aircraft or try to mod the sim.
  7. Last Minute Reprieve

    we do not have to wait for heaven to be surrounded by hope,love and joyfulness it's here now and it has four legs.good luck with ozzy.
  8. i have a question that involves installing the mig-21 bis in fc2 for those of you that have used modman this is going to sound like a dumb question.i want to install the mig-21 for fc2.so i downloaded the mig-21 and unzipped it and put it on my desktop. and it says to use modman so i downloaded the latest version 7.3.so far so good.when i click modmans mod installer it gives me a screen that says no addons avalible and since i have never used modman i have no clue what to do.eveything i,ve read says modman is easy to use to install mod.well i havn't seen anything about it thats simple because it never works for me.so can someone tell me what to do.
  9. found the problem.i was trying to open the file after i unzipped the zip file.apparently modman uses the zip file (or RAR)file without unzipping it.works fine now
  10. is there a way to add chaff and flares to the instant action default F-4 phantom?
  11. thanks to everyone for their input and answers the information is very helpful.after sticking my foot in my mouth i researched the f-4 question and found out as some of you have said that some f-4's more over the airforce variant did not have chaff and flare dispencers( with some exceptions ) until the E model but the navy models did.so as fastcargo said it pays to do your homework.
  12. i would think any f-4 phantom should have chaff and flares no matter what model.
  13. how do you get the AIM-120 to appear in the load out for the F-16 BLK 15.i can get the AIM-7 to appear but not the 120.
  14. the end year of the block 15 f-16 is 1998 and the begin year of the aim-120A is 1991 so it must be the options.ini
  15. thats how i got the aim-7 to show by adding SAHM but it doesn't want to work when i add AHM with the aim-120 .could i have and service year conflict
  16. i must have done something BAD to my weapons editor .don't ask me what i did cause i dont even know, but when i open it no weapons appear in the list :suicide2:
  17. just browsing the web and found an old thread on erwin hans su-35.did he ever finish it?
  18. thanks i will look for it
  19. i just installed NF4 on SF2E june 2009b patch and did a single mission with the su-27 and flew on waypoint for quite a while and never did find any enemy aircraft.do i have a problem with dates of the missions.
  20. it was the date that was set in the drop down menu it was set to 1984 i dont think the su-27 was in service in 1984 but i could be mistaken
  21. has anyone had a problem with the cockpit on any aircraft oscilating up and down while flying.some might call it head bobbing.it only does it below mach 1,above mach 1 its nice and steady.
  22. is there a way to change the default aircraft when you chose the instant action gameplay?

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