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Everything posted by greyhawk

  1. sorry guys got it. wrong cat extractor
  2. Thanks everyone for your response, winrar seems to work good but will try the 7zfm also
  3. It just blips on and then off. It says 7-zip console
  4. I am getting a new toshipa p850 with 8g memory, Nvidia GT 630M 2GB dedicated graphics with Optimus i7 processor windows 8 I currently have a hp g series with a hd3000 graphic card. Do you think it will run better with this set up? I have the strike fighter 2 europe, vietnam and north atlantic. Currently after a couple of games I have to restart and use low resolution. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Thanks for the tip, when i arrives I will defintly do that with the gt630
  6. I know stupid question, I want to change the aircraft carrier on missions and campaings. What do i do to do this
  7. Ended up doing the same thing and works great. Thanks for the input
  8. Did the patch and tried to load all three of the games i have: sf2v, sf2e, and sf2na. start page starts and then blinks off. Had to redownload all three from thirdwird. Now the question is the download from 3rd wire! does this include the patch. Dont really want to go thru it again. I did back up the sfe and sfna so can still use them and I can use sf2v after downloading the program. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. Is there an alarm or light on like the f-15, f-16, or f-18 notifying you of incoming missiles from enemy aircraft. If so I dont see it.
  10. Hi all i have installed the new mission editor and it says it instals to program 86\thirdwire\strikefighter2 but every time i do it i still cant find it. Any help
  11. I was wondering if there is a way to start a mission on the tarmac, or in a hanger, taxi to runway and then take off? also land, taxi to hanger and shut engine off, open cockpit etc.
  12. being as blind as a bat is there a way to change color or display intensity of the HUD.
  13. That is sooooo cool, I can actually see. now here is the next question, can you define what each field of the hudcolor means so i can play with it?
  14. Ok guys and gals, I show an amraam on my weapon list. cant acquire target and file weapon yet it does show empty if i fire them all. Cant hit anything and dont know where they go. Any help would be appreciated. Just updated May update but havent played yet.
  15. Hi all, just bought sf2 NA, I am attaching my dxdiag sheet. It runs so slow I cant play it. Can someone help please. Presentation1.pdf
  16. SF2 NA

    Thanks guys, that worked, just lowered the graphics to medium instead of high. Seems fine.
  17. StrikeFighters2 "Operation Hydra"

    same here, corrupted exe file. I do have WOE and am trying to download the needed files from skunkworks but looks like they dont have downloads anymore. Can you help
  18. Hi all, me stupid, stupid, stupid, started TRYING to do some editing of the cat files. I got all of them extracted, they were put into folders in the drive i specified. Now the problem is where do I put them now. In the /thirdwire/strikefighters2vietnam/objects folder, and do I just dump all of the contents of the files created there or what? Also the .msn i see, in the missions, 2 folders, one is training missions, and the other Combat missions, then there area some .msn files in that folder also, but most are in the training and combat folders, Where should all the .msn files be located? Actually none of the carrier missions work but I might be able to work thru this. Probably dont have some files loaded or in the wrong place. Attached is my mission folder.
  19. Hey all, I hate to post stupid questions but I have one thru tons of posts, tried everything that I could possibly try but not a single plane starts on a carrier. Please tell me what I am doing wrong. I have looked at my mission folder and they are there, they point to the aircraft that they say they are supposed to go to. I look at the ground object and they are there. I'm at a loss.
  20. All you have been a great help, finally at least got out go the lights to work. You all have been great thx
  21. I am looking up water.bmp to insert into the ini file now. I put in the navalmap=true here, I hope it is in the correct place. Also I have looked for the mission extractor and cant find it anymore? do we just use notepad now. I looked under thirdwire and they dont have it anymore. I have changed the date to coinside with 1970 to 2005 TerrainFullName=Vietnam, Southeast Asia DataFile=VietnamSEA_data.INI TargetFile=VietnamSEA_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=VietnamSEA_types.INI MovementFile=VietnamSEA_movement.INI NationsFile=VietnamSEA_nations.INI LocationMap=VietnamSEA_Location.bmp WaterMap=VietnamSEA_Water.bmp BriefingText=VietnamSEA_briefing.INI DogfightFile=VietnamSEA_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE Longitude=106 Latitude=16 LimitedNations=TRUE GroundObjectTexture=green [Map] FilenameFormat=VietnamSEA_Map%d.bmp Width=1000000.0 Height=1000000.0 NumZoomLevels=3 NavalMap=TRUE [WeatherChance] ScatteredChance=20 BrokenChance=20 OvercastChance=20 InclementChance=20 [AllowedMissionTypes] FriendlyMissionTypes=SWEEP,CAP,ESCORT,STRIKE,CAS,SEAD,ARMED_RECON,RECON EnemyMissionTypes=SWEEP,CAP,ESCORT,INTERCEPT,STRIKE,CAS,SEAD,RECON
  22. where would I put the NavalMap=TRUE. What I have actually done is download the CVN OPS VIETNAM F-18 mission. It doesnt show up in the mission on the game. Also where would the correct_water.bmp be? with naval zones? I have only used the notepad for the editing of the mission files so far not the mission extract

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