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Posts posted by deep

  1. That's exactly my problem--I hate flat expanses. I like a little rolling. When I lived in S Florida years ago, I was near a bike path that was built with small hills in it, so you had some elevation changes. I moved here and it's just boring. :grin:


    The west central part of the state gets surprisingly hilly - try San Antonio or St. Leo. Lots of good routes there.

  2. Is there any way to lower the volumes of all sounds when in the outside view? For me 'AirExplosion.wav' is way to loud and besides amplifying it with audacity I wonder if there's another way to lower the volume of all outside sounds.


    Excellent work, the campaign is a blast :)


    I happened to be looking around outside when the flak hit. It scared the **** out of me. Immersion is everything...


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