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Everything posted by kreelin

  1. Agusta A109 Ejercito Argentino

    Simply cause I thought the missile threat was for me Believe me or not but I was once shot down at 15ft level by SU27 3000ft above me... Never understood how what happened
  2. Agusta A109 Ejercito Argentino

    LOL... Non sono realmente un pittore... I just "modified" your Argies skin to make a British captured A109A :)
  3. Agusta A109 Ejercito Argentino

    Un altro video di Hirundo nella WOE ;) http://www.dailymotion.com/_kreelin_/video/4923354
  4. Another goodie for the new Falklands map... Thanks to Erikgen, our Argies friends will be happy Argentina AGUSTA A-109A in Armed Recon mission
  5. Hidden Talents?

    Man... It seems that we have the same. I practice south Vietnamese Martial Art named "Bach Ho" (23 years of M.A practice now). Won some French masters (technics and fights) few years ago... I like cooking and eating too. I worked as an assistant-cook when I was a student...
  6. AFAIK you play with the "MaxLoadFactor" value on each gear...
  7. Unfotunately no until TK does some update in his game engine ;)
  8. Go for it Ed As I did it for AIRTEVRON guys (the first and the last FM makers team) I didn't write any docs on how to use it
  9. May 21th 82, Argies Skyhawks attacked British ships... Argentina A-4Ps
  10. Really great. The best SFP1 series video I've ever seen
  11. Interesting info... I figured it out on the Mig29 but didn't know for the 21 ;) Have you any infos why Mikoyan's engineer used this kind of kinetics ? I presume it reduces the drag but what about the momentum...
  12. Thanks alot for that... I really appreciate your (huge) work. It would be great if you also have on your todo list the Mig17 and 19
  13. Thanks... Still lot of things to do (planes, cockpits, campaign and a surprise). The release date was delaied
  14. No.... TK is lost in verdun I think we have to send some SAR. Guys, what about AD's Tornado for this mod ?
  15. Yeah... Good catch Allen. It's another model indeed (new 3D, skins and FM of course) ;) ErikGen is about to finish it (3 or 4 weeks).
  16. 1969 SEA, 6 UHs for 123D AVN BN in CAS near Da Nang
  17. After the Gina, Erikgen is about to finish the Dassault Super Mystere B2 ;) Israeli Air Force SMB2
  18. As I already said in another post and board, it's really great to have you around Doc ;) ... When you said: You know there is a "trick" to simulate TRIM. For those who flies in HARD mode maybe the Foxbat would be the first mod where you NEED to use the trim for more immersion ;) . .. In despite of that, It fully makes a sense to add Aerocoefficients on those big air intakes even if it's not very simple to estimate their values (a lot of trial and error would be needed ;) ). So if you want to "autotrim" the bird, your solution is not "exgeratted". Nevertheless, I think there is another way to take in account the air intake effect but without an hard calculation to estimate correctly the aerocoefficients values. In fact, you can consider the air intake area as a LEX for the wings. So you can you use (for a good approximation) the standard formulas to get the CLa of the "merged" wings. I used this method in the Mirage Factory's F-15A FM. Don't know which of both methods is the best but I just choose the one who saved me times :D OTW, I have another questions about engines. 1 - I'd like to know if there are some infos in the manual confirming this ThrustAngles=-2.00,-2.50,0.00 for each engines ? 2-And How did you estimate the extra thurst generated by the RAMJet part of the engine ?
  19. The coming new Falklands map will bring you a ravamped SHAR SeaHarrier FRS1 revamped
  20. Pics of what I do for a living


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