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Everything posted by amariani

  1. Not really. I'm not an expert but I can get by with Gimp just fine. Also, the Lod viewer helps a lot!
  2. Escort mission over Europe
  3. The other Tulip (should be a K-4 but since we don't have one this one will have to do)...
  4. That natural metal skin looks sick!
  5. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    What are the units?
  6. Kiddos remember, when dog-fighting, use your flaps!
  7. Did the Mustang Mk. IV flew during D-day? I can't find a picture of a Mk. IV with D-day stripes.
  8. Some new, some from my backup
  9. Wanna know what it does? Delete it and run the game, see what happens! 😁
  10. Pretty sure this has been asked before but, I'm gonna ask again. What causes decal bleed? Does it has to do with the 3d model itself?
  11. Decals

    This is exactly what I was referring to.

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