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Everything posted by amariani

  1. I'm using 7z and this is what I get...
  2. I can't open the downloaded file.
  3. Off the top of my head: B-17's, A-Team's P-38's, YAP's P-51B's & P-47 bubble tops.
  4. Well, I didn't know the 190A's came in two sizes! Can anyone tell me which ones have the slightly longer fuse? Again, I'm referring to the A's (maybe F's and G's?!).
  5. Try this, in the aircraft _data.ini look for the aircraft data section... [AircraftData] and add the following at the end... Component[0xx]=Move1 <-------------------- xx is the number sequence [Move1] ParentComponentName=fuselage ModelNodeName= <--------------- mesh name here DestroyedNodeName= <---------------- mesh name here DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE
  6. Same thing happens with the S-99/199. The pics below show what happens when you remove the ; comment from the _data.ini
  7. I have a bunch of skins that could use that treatment!
  8. Have you tried F1, F2 and F3?
  9. I know I've seen the answer somewhere but I couldn't find the thread. Anyways, can I "add" instant action mission to a mod?
  10. Just some generic looking 190
  11. Did a little experiment...old 190A painted according to Tamiya's Fw-190A3 instructions.
  12. Nice! Which 3d model is that? Is it for SF2?
  13. If we only had a 190 to go with it!
  14. View File Bf-109G-10 (S-99) from Thirdwire Hi all! This is a set of skins for Thirdwire's S-99 (DLC28 AI Plane Pack I available at https://store.thirdwire.com/store_dlc.htm). It is intended to be use with Wrench's Mod Pak, available here: https://combatace.com/files/file/14663-sf2-ww2-dlc-28-s-99-bf-109g-mod-pak/. This set includes 3 skins: LuftCamo1 Green/Grey LuftCamo2 Grey/Grey LuftCamo3 Green/Brown To install just drop in your mod folder (you should know how by now!) and add to your squadronlist.ini the following entries: [Squadron636] Name=JG1 DisplayName=JG 1 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron637] Name=JG2 DisplayName=JG 2 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron638] Name=JG3 DisplayName=JG 3 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron639] Name=JG4 DisplayName=JG 4 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron640] Name=JG5 DisplayName=JG 5 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron641] Name=JG6 DisplayName=JG 6 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron642] Name=JG7 DisplayName=JG 7 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron643] Name=JG11 DisplayName=JG 11 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron644] Name=JG26 DisplayName=JG 26 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron645] Name=JG27 DisplayName=JG 27 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron646] Name=JG51 DisplayName=JG 51 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron647] Name=JG52 DisplayName=JG 52 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron648] Name=JG53 DisplayName=JG 53 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron649] Name=JG54 DisplayName=JG 54 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron650] Name=JG77 DisplayName=JG 77 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron651] Name=JG300 DisplayName=JG 300 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron652] Name=JG301 DisplayName=JG 301 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron653] Name=KGJ6 DisplayName=KG(J) 6 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron654] Name=KGJ54 DisplayName=KG(J) 54 Nation=Nazi Germany If you need to adjust the number sequence to match your Squadronlist.ini, then remember to do same with the fuselage band decals found in the "FuseBands" folder so that the proper markings show up when you select a unit from the drop-down menu. Thanks to Wrench for the templates. Happy hunting! AMariani Submitter amariani Submitted 07/13/2018 Category BF-109  
  15. Bf-109G-10 (S-99) from Thirdwire

    Version 1.0.0


    Hi all! This is a set of skins for Thirdwire's S-99 (DLC28 AI Plane Pack I available at https://store.thirdwire.com/store_dlc.htm). It is intended to be use with Wrench's Mod Pak, available here: https://combatace.com/files/file/14663-sf2-ww2-dlc-28-s-99-bf-109g-mod-pak/. This set includes 3 skins: LuftCamo1 Green/Grey LuftCamo2 Grey/Grey LuftCamo3 Green/Brown To install just drop in your mod folder (you should know how by now!) and add to your squadronlist.ini the following entries: [Squadron636] Name=JG1 DisplayName=JG 1 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron637] Name=JG2 DisplayName=JG 2 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron638] Name=JG3 DisplayName=JG 3 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron639] Name=JG4 DisplayName=JG 4 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron640] Name=JG5 DisplayName=JG 5 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron641] Name=JG6 DisplayName=JG 6 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron642] Name=JG7 DisplayName=JG 7 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron643] Name=JG11 DisplayName=JG 11 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron644] Name=JG26 DisplayName=JG 26 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron645] Name=JG27 DisplayName=JG 27 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron646] Name=JG51 DisplayName=JG 51 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron647] Name=JG52 DisplayName=JG 52 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron648] Name=JG53 DisplayName=JG 53 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron649] Name=JG54 DisplayName=JG 54 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron650] Name=JG77 DisplayName=JG 77 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron651] Name=JG300 DisplayName=JG 300 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron652] Name=JG301 DisplayName=JG 301 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron653] Name=KGJ6 DisplayName=KG(J) 6 Nation=Nazi Germany [Squadron654] Name=KGJ54 DisplayName=KG(J) 54 Nation=Nazi Germany If you need to adjust the number sequence to match your Squadronlist.ini, then remember to do same with the fuselage band decals found in the "FuseBands" folder so that the proper markings show up when you select a unit from the drop-down menu. Thanks to Wrench for the templates. Happy hunting! AMariani

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