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Everything posted by amariani

  1. Are there any ETO, PTO-CBI, MEF(MTO) campaings for SF2 available?
  2. Don't worry my friend...that's just me messing around with stuff!
  3. 49th FG, 325th FG, and 31st FG's new ride!
  4. How can these be converted to other formats like .jpg or .bmp? Or the other way around?
  5. In some models (from different sources) when you add custom decals they seam to bleed thru (see pic below), any way to cure this?
  6. I'm currently using Gimp and I have the plug-in installed. Is there a tutorial somewhere?
  7. The pic above is the DAT Jug, but it also happens to other planes, especially Gen1 planes converted to Gen2. BTW, what's with SqTail.tga? What does it do?
  8. A playground for this baby!
  9. F2G Super Corsair...could be a "what if" for both WW2 and Korea.
  10. Take a look at the roundel...is there any way to fix this? Here's the entry in the decal.ini: [Decal005] MeshName=Fuselage_P DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=Spitfire_RAF_Early/RAF_Type_C1 Position=-2.99,0.05 Rotation=0.0 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=4
  11. Ok, last patch was June 2012. Will try again after updating during the weekend.
  12. Just checked other mods from ndicki and this is only happening to the MEF and NWE mods. No problems found on the Seafire MkIII, Spitfire Mk. Vb, VIIIc or PR Mk. XI as seen below. Also, already tried Wrench's suggestion and didn't work.
  13. That's ndicki's Spitfire F.MkIXc, early production, MEF mod for stock TW Spitfire Mk. IXc.
  14. As I understand it any YAP stuff is off limits right...unless you pay for it?
  15. Somewhere over the south pacific...
  16. TW P-51D

    No Wrench. For now the fuse insignia and the invasion stripes are a single decal.
  17. TW P-51D

    Still need to find the time to complete the correct s/n's.
  18. C'mon Mod Mafia be nice and share!

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